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Here I am, thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, watch as I- A: make my whole race terrified of me B: overthrow a changeling god! C: die, a lot. D: all of the above.

What do you think?

.....wait a minute.

(Open for new cover art)

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Twirek

After a brief fling, Tirek tires of Twilight and moves on to bigger and better alicorns: Princess Luna, princess of the night.

Trigger warning: Oh God, why?

Audio reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)

Maggie Wilson (26), on a smoke break from her dead end convenience store job in the California mountains, encounters the divine god-princess of a dead world. The princess asks for her help. Mag says yes.

So how do you resurrect a dead world?

Featured on EQD.
Edited by Arcanist Ascendant.

Chapters (26)

Video games are my passion. When I was offered a chance to test out some new "Chess Game" virtual reality simulator during its beta stages, how could I refuse? Go on adventures, explore new worlds and troll NPC's programmed with the most advanced AI available. It sounded like a dream come true.

Too bad I didn't read the fine print.

Chess Game of the Gods fic
Approved by Troutking
Contains a healthy amount of swearing and violence.

Chapters (36)

Celestia and Luna have ruled in Equestria for over a thousand years. Their age along with the unbelievable power that they wield to move the sun and moon has caused most ponies to see them as gods.

But as powerful as they are, gods they are not. For the being that has arrived in Equestria has powers that can rival and surpass their own. He is a deity millennia of years old, a deity who commands the thunder and lightning with an incredible might and a hammer that can shatter the sun and moon.

And Celestia and Luna will learn that they are not all powerful. That they are not as mighty as they believed. They are not gods.

They are not Thor.

Chapters (36)

When the aspects joined forces to obliterate their once brother, a small fragment of uncorrupted essence remained. Merely a fraction of a percent of what was once strong enough to destroy worlds, it is banished to give both Azeroth and their brother a second chance at life. In Equestria, in the body of a whelp, the ex-aspect Neltharion is truly awake for the first time in thousands of years, realizing just how far you can fall before hitting bottom, and how hard the climb back up will be.

Chapters (6)

I know what your expecting. Your expecting me to say that I was a normal guy, living out my life with no worries, until one day, I met the merchant and my life changed. And you would be right.

But, worry free, would just be a lie. I was knee deep in hell. Screwed every which way but Sunday. At least, from what was left of my memory's, showed that much. I guess that's what lead me to joining my friends to that trip to the convention. A small escape from the stress.

You know the drill from their.

I thought it was a joke. Someone playing pretend. It made me laugh. That was probably the only reason I went near that booth. I cracked a few jokes, he cracked a few of his own. It was like talking to a normal person.

Then I saw it. A medallion shaped in the likeness of Godzilla. I couldn't help myself. I wanted that stupid thing. And I got my wish.

From their, it was all down hill.

I lost more then just my old life. I lost myself.

Compassion... Empathy... Sympathy... Mercy. I have lost the right to feel these emotions, to understand them now is alien to me. Theirs only three things I understand now.

Anger... Madness... Sorrow. That's all that remains. Remnants of what used to be a normal, everyday, teen.

My anger, endless.

My sorrow, bottomless.

My madness, never ending.

I'm stuck in a never ending nightmare.

And its only a matter of time... Before.


... Snap.

Godzilla/mlp crossover.
I don't own either Godzilla or mlp, they belong to their respectful owners.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has a talk with her newest student.

A parody of iwoaforever's The God Empress of Ponykind

Chapters (1)

Damien Law was once part of one of the biggest villain groups in the USA. Key word on was. The first member went missing, now presumed dead. The second got stabbed while on his way to the store, and bleed to death.

It’s been five years since then. Damien has moved on. From all of the ‘work’ he did he has enough money to survive on till he dies.

So he decided to go to a convention dressed as a hero from Japan. What could go wrong?

Chapters (6)

Like most, I used to be a regular guy going about day-to-day life. Now? I'm stuck in a world of anthropomorphic ponies, deemed the most dangerous thing to ever grace the lands alongside a mismatched trickster, dark magic emo twat, lying (though admittedly sexy and hot) bug queen and a power stealing hybrid cunt.

Worst part though? I've been turned into a Nuckelavee from RWBY.


So yeah, I've decided to do a displaced story where a guy gets turned into a grimm from RWBY, specifically the Nuckelavee. Maybe within the first five chapters I'll get some crossovers with other stories/writers going, who knows.

Any who, this has been Redsummer, and I hope you enjoy.

P.s: this is inspired by Equestria's White Fang by Garnet Naturea

P.p.s: I do not own either MLP, RWBY nor the cover art. So do not assume I do.

Chapters (4)