• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012

Silver the Sojourner

Two years of hiatus and whatnot. The sojourn finally comes to a halt.

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Windfall takes place seven years after FiM's main timeline. The Elements of Harmony have gone their separate ways, but are still close, and all the girls come running to be there on the eve of Fluttershy bringing her first foal with Big Macintosh into the world.

If you enjoyed this story and this fanfiction future extrapolation, please consider reading the sequel Earth & Sky

Chapters (4)

The first episode of The Gems Trilogy.

Sweetie Belle attempts to deal with the realization that she's developed a crush on Spike. Meanwhile, Spike's own feelings are in flux.

Chapters (12)

"Look, spells can’t show you everything. I can show you awesome things your magic can never bring to your library!" Truer words have never been spoken in this tale about a Unicorn and a Pegasus, whose connection runs deeper than either of them could have imagined.

Remember the three R's - Read, Rate, Respectfully Criticize.

My current editor is my sister Val. I want to give a big shout out to Furor for his patient and selfless contributions to helping me get on my feet as a writer for this site!

For those who follow this story, I changed the image because I noticed just exactly how popular the image was as a cover art for twidash stories.

Chapters (8)

Growing up is never easy, especially when you're a dragon among ponies and the closest thing you've ever had to a parent is a slightly scatterbrained young unicorn. When tempers boil over, can this makeshift family pull itself back together?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been in a rut, and when she finds herself dragged in to a new night club by her friend named Vinyl Scratch, she finds herself being more social than ever with her new best friend.... But is there more than friendship between the two? What of Pinkie and her new, more often visits?
This is my first fic, so tips will be appreciated. I'm hoping that this story can somewhat weather all the criticism I'm sure I'll get. Feel free to tell me what I can improve on, and anything else you guys need!

Twinyl with one sided Twipie (could change)

Image is from *Don-Ko on deviantart, check him out! (Thanks Photo Journal, for finding it for me!)

Chapters (9)

"I've missed you around here, Twilight."

Chapters (2)

After the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Candace, Princess Luna tries to decide how to tell Twilight Sparkle about her feelings for her, but things quickly take a different, but interesting turn...

Cover done by me.

Chapters (1)

Twilight travels to Canterlot to comfort Princess Luna. Thus she spends much time with the royal alicorn -- but not only in the living realm of Equestria. Strange dreams of the regal mare start to overtake her sleep, and soon Twilight realizes that the Princess is triggering feelings she has never felt before.

Can Twilight admit her emotions to Luna? If so, how? And then why is Luna turning into Nightmare Moon again?

Read and find out.

A/N: Fic is going to be a TwiLuna shipping (no clopfic).

Plus, the story may get dark/adventurous or sad, I'll add the categories when there is actually a part of that category in the actual story.

Chapters (5)

When Rarity's latest dress design is inspired by Pinkie Pie, she invites her to her boutique for a private fitting. But whatever is to be done with Pinkie's sneaking of cakes from her deliveries?

Image by the awesome ChibiQueen-Anna.

Chapters (1)

The Sangheili are a saurian species of fierce, proud, strong, agile, intelligent warriors and skilled combat tacticians. They are named after their home planet, Sanghelios, and are known to Humans as Elites, due to their adeptness and skill in combat. The Sangheili formed the military backbone of the Covenant for almost the entirety of its existence, they fear very little, and take great pride in an ancient, honor-laden code.

However, this group of Spec Ops Elites, Grunt, and Kig-Yar have crashed landed in Equestria by way of a slipspace drive being detonated in the middle of the ship they were heading to, the 'Glory Upon Salvation'.

Now they have to find a way off the planet and back into space so they can continue their journey to the Blessed Path... by dropping hot plasma on human worlds.
But will they want to, when something they revere tells them otherwise?

Recently tagged as Teen for implied violence, and (maybe) minor gore in future chapters.

Chapters (10)