• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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Downtown Canterlot, the largest entertainment center in all of Equestria. The large neon lights that lit up its streets were something that you had always dreamed of seeing as a little colt. Now, yout dream has come true! However, how will you make a living in such a place as a musician from Ponyville? A chance encounter with a fellow musician may give you your answer!

Looking for proofreaders!

Chapters (1)

What should I start this with? Like ‘Dear diary!’ or what? Not sure if this sort of stuff is something for me… but ok, Octy said it would help me decrease my ‘anger’ how she called it, so let’s try this, at least for a few days. Do I have to introduce myself? I mean, hopefully I’m the only one who reads this, and I’m pretty sure I know my name. But I also like to see it written somewhere, so screw it.
I’m Vinyl Scratch aka DJ P0n-3, Equestria’s most awesome DJ ever.

Chapters (12)

Another successful gig, another wild after party. Vinyl is absolutely trashed while on her way home from the Nightclub she should have left hours ago. One drunken idea and a crash landing later, our one and only Dj Pon3 finds herself face to starry face with a creature from beyond her world.

With the creature near death and begging for help, the mare agrees a bit too quickly to lend a hoof by any means necessary. Hopefully she doesn't regret this decision when she wakes up the next morning with a new tenant living in her noggin. One Vinyl and two minds, what could possibly go wrong?

AN: The cover art is by Johnjoseco. He's awesome and on Deviantart so go tell him hes cool and stuff. The picture was modified by my friend Flying Wingnut, and so is not the original.

Special Thanks: Thanks to all my friends on Skype that preread and supported my work, you all know who you are! And a super special thanks to my editor Onetrickpon3.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (6)

When ED-E's circuits burned in the fires of the Divide, there was one small part that held on until the end. It was the fragment that held the Old World memories and the words of his creator in his last moments. At lest that would've happen if a weird man didn't pluck ED-E out of Earth and drop him in the middle of a strange place for some bizarre reason.

Rated Everyone (yes a Fallout crossover that's rated everyone). This is just a silly little idea in my head. Hopefully y'all will enjoy it. Also thanks for HeavyMetalCommunist for proofreading.

Chapters (8)

If there ever was a city that seemed to be against musicians, it was Canterlot. Ironic, considering most of the gigs available for a classical musician such as Octavia would be located there. Unfortunately, for one wanting to practice, or better yet, compose in peace, the city of noise, hustle and bustle was not the place to be.

Fortunately, only a short thirty minute train-ride away is the quaint, small town of Ponyville, a perfect place for Octavia to work on her art in peace... if not for the first five ponies she meets bothering her constantly. However, when demons of song steals the town's voices, their leader being the mysterious 'Phantom of the Opera', what could be considered a blessing to her soon becomes a responsibility.

Can she give Ponyville back their song, or will the Phantom make her his sole angel of music?

Chapters (1)

When you were a foal you ended up with front row seats to a momentous event. Unfortunately that same event caused you brain damage enough that to this day you can't keep both your eyes open for long and the one eye that can see perfectly fine is unable to process color anymore.

Freshly broken up with yet another mare you return to the place that cost you your sight with little going for you other than being a weather Pegasus. Your boss as it turns out would be the last pony anypony would expect you to get along with at first. But since she doesn't know and you long since forgave her it should be fine... at least until she decides you're her newest prank victim.

(AN: I'm considering putting Derpy in here but not sure yet. Also after the first few chapters updates will be PAINFULLY slow, at least while I'm working on my other stories. Fav at your own risk)

Chapters (13)

[2nd Person POV]
You have been successful in life, yes. A well-known pianist and living a fine life in the social world of Canterlot. Still, you feel as if you're missing something...Something more than just musical notes and melodies and the piano. It's a feeling you've wanted to feel in a very long time...

And this is where she comes in...

Chapters (1)

Hey guys, the story is back on. Progress is halted, though. Go read the blog post.

The Ponyville Mayoral Election is coming up, and Twilight is excited to root for Mayor Mare alongside her friends. That is, until she discovers that in Ponyville stallions are not allowed to vote. Twilight quickly gets mixed up with the Ponyville civil rights movement, but when the time comes, will she stand against her friends?

Chapters (17)

Seeking passage to Avalon, Alan Ryves finds the spell he used (written by no less than Merlin, himself!) takes him instead to Equestria.

Vinyl Scratch, DJ and perpetual party fixture, was just on the cusp of creating a new spell to enhance the acoustics of her infamous WUBS, only to have it backfire and create a crater where her house once was.

A friendship between the two grows quickly, and perhaps becomes even more.

Chapters (9)

Octavia is sick of playing under-appreciated classical music to crowds of only a few dozen, so she switches up her format to become a top-40 pop musician and appeal to the masses.

Chapters (1)