• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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The moon may be a lonely, desolate place, but there, two ponies can meet, spend years together, and learn to love and understand one another. One might be a goddess, powerful and strong-willed, and the other a mere earth pony, with little gift other than music, but after looking deeper, they might find more in common than they once thought.

Blatant Nightmare Moon x Octavia ship inbound!
A Fanfic Jointly written by Belgerum and Flutter Bully

Chapters (3)

Most changelings only want to feed on love and serve their queen, defending her with their lives. But Scales the changeling has never seen eye-to-eye with the others. All he wanted to do was cook. He leaves the hive and finds himself in Ponyville as a baker. He finds peace, but will that peace stay?

((Being rewritten starting from chapter twelve))

Chapters (12)

Octavia's new to Ponyville, and she just bought a used couch. As it turns out, she has to move the heavy thing clear across town on her lonesome. That isn't the problem. The problem is these damn crazy ponies who won't stop pestering her.

Cover Art by faloxx

Chapters (1)

The magic of friendship flows through every creature, big and small. They just need a little push in the right direction. Tired of living under their masters' neglect, insanity or just plain monotony, the pets all desire (in one way or another) to take life in a new, more exciting direction.

When a mysterious curse is laid on the Elements of Harmony, turning the bearers into pets and their pets into ponies, the misfits embark on a dangerous trek to break it. What was originally meant to be a quick trip around Equestria turns into a harrowing journey that expands from the comfy suburbs of Ponyville to the forgotten ruins of an underground kingdom to the biting tundra of the north, all filled with odd characters, laughter and an evil that has lasted for generations as the pets each embrace their inner hero. Because as we all know: the greatest of legends always start with the smallest beginnings.

Story Theme: Matthew Perryman Jones - Swallow the Sea (Pt. 2)

*Guys, I appreciate every bit of feedback I get, but can you do your best to be constructive? I'd like to know what I did right, what I did wrong, and where I can improve so that this story could be at its best.
Thanks go to the beautiful MrJoshy, Rainbow Bob, Vexy, Astrocity, Skeeter the Lurker, and funkyferret for editing and reviewing.

Credit for image and title go to Shawnyall and Equestria-Prevails

Chapters (2)

One cold autumn night, Twilight Sparkle lets in a pale and weary traveler into her home. When she accidentally discovers his dark secret, she is assaulted by him, and is left to die... When she woke up, she finds that she has been turned into a Vampire, an ancient enemy of Equestria last seen during Nightmare Moon's Rebellion. She now walks the thin line between life and death, sustained only by the blood of others.

Her friends now race against time to find a cure for this ancient curse, and stop the Vampire who infected Twilight, before he can create a new army of Vampires to conquer Equestria. Otherwise, Twilight will join the forces of evil and darkness, as the Bride for the Lord of Vampires. They have to work quickly, as every day passes, Twilight's thirst for her friends' blood increases...

Chapters (13)

Expand for links to readings, fan stuff, the tumblr, and more!

When Twilight Sparkle slipped beneath the covers last night, everything had been fine. She had friends whom she loved, a teacher she adored, and a bright future ahead of her. But when she woke up, her blankets and quilts had been replaced by hospital gowns and padded restraints.

Everything is wrong and nothing makes sense; even her friends have changed. The doctors keep telling her that she is sick, that none of it was real and that it was all in her head. Yet she remembers a life far beyond the hospital walls. She couldn't have made it all up on her own. They must be lying… right?


Ask Asylum Twilight - Still updating regularly!
Equestria Daily
Asylum Fan Group
The Tartarus Project
Russian Translation
The Asylum 20,000 View Spectacular Stage Show!

Fan Works

May contain spoilers!

Asylum Cover by conicer
Twilight and Twilight Smiles by dreamingnoctis
Mirror Twilight and Plague Doctor by Jaestring / BloodGoldWings
Twilight Smiles and Doctor AJ by conicer
Nurse Ratchet and Silas and What's in the mirror? by Archonix
Doctor AJ Sketch by Archonix | Colored and vectored version by ReFro82
Twilight's Asylum by Khan the Cake Lover
Smilight by HappySwitch
Twilight Waking Up by Dombrus
Fan Art by toxicdemon10
Asylum Twilight by Madness-With-Reason
Asylum Fluttershy and Asylum Ch 26 by Downburst-Backspace
Twilight and her Twin by v747
Birdgirl by sirValter

Readings and Videos:
Asylum Animated Trailer Video by formuladash
Reading by Gammarobot (SugarCubeRadio): All Chapters Here
Reading by Ender Brony: All Chapters Here
Reading by VisualPony: All Chapters Here
Reading by MelancholyIguana: All Chapters Here
Fan Trailer by Kaidan: Asylum FanFic Trailer Cuckoo's Nest

Related and Inspired Works

Sanctuary by Kaidan
Broadhoof Files: Dr. Humors by TypewriterError
Broadhoof Files: Corporal Phalanx Spear (Ret.) by Phalanx Spear
A Hearth's Warming Tragedy by Seven Fates

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Breath of Plagues, Rex Ivan,
ChudoJogurt, Cynewulf, Death the Kid, Selbi, PrinceDolph, Blahman2816, Queue, and Gage!

Guest OCs

Axan Zenith - Dr. Dreamer
Dratini4 - Way Finder
psychicscubadiver - Bright Mind
Velkaden - Dream Chaser
Reese - Silver Glow
Viola Heartstrings - Clover
Archonix - Spinney Whiteacre

Chapters (27)

Undergoing rewrite number two. This time instead of a cleanup I will rewrite the entire story from scratch.

To check rewrite progress, go here: Bone and Steel Rewrite

When Twilight woke up one fateful day, she found herself to be changing. Changing into a mare of metal and flesh, a mare that has two personalities, and a mare that has no idea how to fix what has been done.


INSPIRED BY THIS IMAGE: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/drawfriend-stuff-234_03.html (a.k.a. the image of this story)

Chapters (4)

Sometimes, hardship might throw some light on what's really important, and it won't always be what you expect.

Indirect sequel to Melodious Desideratum.

Chapters (4)

Co-authored with Gideon020 Big thanks for his help with this story!

Buried in the stone beneath Canterlot, an ancient secret is about to be uncovered. One that will forever change Equestrias view on the places beyond the stars

Going far from the Galaxy we call home.
A faint gleam of hope and a promise of knowledge.
Farewell, Equestria, farewell, beloved ones
Bearing the fate of the Elements.
These ponies fight and the romance burns high
Somepony has got to do this
If we are the ponies they count on...
Going far from the Galaxy to space unknown.
A faint gleam of hope
The Space Battleship Yamato

Cover art made with love by Daniel DiCenso
Brutally edited by Metallusionsiamagic

Chapters (19)

Four years ago Vinyl and Octavia broke up. It was messy, painful and left scars on both of them. Four years on, now one of the most successful DJs in Equestria’s history, Vinyl receives news that Octavia has been in a terrible accident. The doctors say she may never recover from her coma, but Vinyl refuses to believe them. There are all sorts of stories about coma patients who are brought back by the voice of someone they care about, right? No matter what anypony else says, offers or threatens, and no matter what it costs her personally or professionally, she is determined to stay by Octavia’s side and do all she can to wake her.

But four years is a long time, and no matter how many fairytales end with the princess waking up, real life owes no-one a happy ending.

Featured on EQD - 3rd August 2013

Now with a fabulous dramatic reading by the even more fabulous Goombasa!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapters (13)