• Member Since 15th Mar, 2023

Prism Shadow

"The world used to be a bigger place." No, the world's still the same. There's just. . . less in it.

Over 20 000! 198 stories
  • Over 20 000! 198 stories Long stories that deserve the time of day to be read, but will take many days to enjoy.
    Created by Prism Shadow
    - December, 2023


  • Favourites 40 stories

  • Muffins 349 stories Feel good stories like fresh muffins

  • 20% Cooler 140 stories Cool stories that are just, like, super duper cool

  • Acceptance 120 stories Sometimes it's okay, to not be okay

  • The Library of Life 82 stories It evokes an emotion, and leaves a memory.

  • Nightmare Night 18 stories Spooky, scary stories send shivers down your spine!

  • Whaa... 53 stories Stories that are actually good, but just make no sense...

  • Over 20 000! 198 stories Long stories that deserve the time of day to be read, but will take many days to enjoy.

  • Over 5 000! 410 stories Just what it says

  • The continuity records 13 stories Singular stories with connected storylines that need to be read and appreciated


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twilight Sparkle makes her maiden voyage to the human world! During her adventure, she meets a group of girls who inspire the same magic of friendship Twilight found long ago back home. In particular, she finds a familiar friend in one girl calling herself "Rainbow Dash."

But this Rainbow Dash has more than just friendship to offer the otherworldly princess. She also has her own outlook on life, and insights into her pony counterpart that Twilight would never have guessed... and will never forget.

Editing by nanashi_jones. Cover art by CViperfan.
A deluxe-sized, from-scratch re-exploration of a previous concept.

Chapters (8)

Princess Celestia has hosted the Grand Galloping Gala for hundreds of years, the grandest party in all of Equestria and said to be without peer—and has hated every year of it. Now that her sister has returned to her, she hopes to share this painful royal duty. Shame for her that Princess Luna wants nothing to do with the Gala, or any of the other princesses for that matter. Luna is going to have to use all her wits and skills to stay one step ahead of her sister and be anywhere but the Gala.

A stand-alone Winningverse story.

Chapters (4)

Talent is a lot like ice cream. On the surface, it's hard to tell how long it'll be before it'll all melt and dribble all over your hand, but the part that sinks to the bottom of the cone is still-

Wait, wrong metaphor. Whatever.

Sonata Dusk has talents of her own, things Aria and Adagio couldn't do to save their lives, and she's going to prove it! With a brilliant plan backed up by her special skills, her old enemies won't know what hit them!

Chapters (9)

Sunset Shimmer has made many mistakes. She's been rude to others. She's been completely oblivious to the power that friendship has. And she's turned into a massive, flaming demon of rage and attempted to enslave a small group of teenage students.

Sunset's had plenty of time to learn from her mistakes in the human world, but home is where the heart is, and Sunset Shimmer is ready to see it again.

Now with a Sequel!

Rated T for mild profanity.

Chapters (16)

A songless siren is a miserable thing. Not only was singing their weapon and their means of control, it was the sirens' preferred means of expression, recreation, and a part of their identities. As such, to say they've all been a little depressed since the Battle of the Bands would be a considerable understatement. Imagine their surprise when that which was taken from them is offered back on one very simple condition!

One very simple, somewhat embarrassing condition that involves cheering for their former enemies and waving pom-poms around. At least the outfits are cute, right?

AU of Friendship Games, centered around the events of the movie.

Chapters (14)

Once upon a time, there were two friends who ran a farrier shop in Canterlot. The oldest fed the forge and used his earth pony magic to produce strong steel shoes, which the younger enchanted with his powerful unicorn magic. They worked together in harmony, creating beautiful shoes for all who visited until one day they met a young mare in their local bar. She was a mysterious creature, overstressed by her job in the palace and needing the company of two friends far more than she realized.

Until one night, when her sister returned during the Summer Sun Festival…

Created as a Collaborative work between Georg and Tek, who made all the good parts.
Editor: Snaproll

Cover art Horseshoe and Rose by public domain clipart, edited in Paint3D
Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (12)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

After some time of turning over a new leaf, Sunset was happy with her life. She gained new friends, slowly winning over the students at CHS and became the protector of the human world alongside her friends against any rouge magic and creatures. She wanted to give back to everyone by becoming the head director of the Christmas party and Toys for Kids Festival at the school on Christmas Eve.

But when the events of the party and festival went wrong due to her past, Sunset was down on her dumps after she was blamed for the disaster and felt like she had ruined her friends lives because of her. Just when she was about to give up on everything, a mysterious teenaged girl, who claimed to be her guardian angel, showed Sunset what the world and her friends would be like without her.

This is an Equestria Girls take of an ever so beloved classic Christmas film, It's a Wonderful Life!

FEATURED: 3/20/20 - Wow! Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

This story now has a Spanish translation by Arthor2017 :raritystarry:

And on a Tv Tropes page! :scootangel:

Chapters (16)

After telling Pinkie that she doesn't believe in the "Hearths Warming Pixie", mysterious objects start to turn up in Twilight's castle. Is this the work of her friends, or something far more sinister? And what in the world is she to do with all these birds and pear trees?

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Trial

A week after Sunset's Trial ends and the day after the Battle of the Bands (Rainbow Rocks) Sunset now has new trials to face. Now she has friends she can count on both here and in Equestria. Or does she? Also new threats are on the horizon and old ones will come back to haunt her.

Chapters (17)

Princess Celestia lies unconscious without explanation… And the sun refuses to rise. Desperate, Luna calls upon her Sister’s faithful student for help in an effort to enter the Princess of the Sun’s mind through a dreamscape to find the cause of her mysterious coma.

But once they enter, finding themselves in a place of magic itself, a place where a pony’s fears, dreams and histories manifest themselves as worlds of epic proportions, are the two mares ready for what they find inside?

An action fantasy novella.
Featured on EqD!

Chapters (6)