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This story is a sequel to A broken Sun

It’s been three months, dear sister, three months since you left. Where could you be? I know you’re out there, I know it. Your most loyal guard and his armies have been scouring Equestria, looking for you, sister. Please, return and we can repair what has been broken and start over. Every night is a nightmare since you left. This wasn’t supposed to happen like this, please, if you can do one last thing, come back. But we will find you, Celestia, and we will mend our relationships. I’ll see to it that you are retrieved, dear sister. Mark. My. Words.

Edited by: Razalon the Lizardman
Collab with Pvt Caboose

Chapters (3)

After Pinkie's new cake test run goes awry, the Cakes are left with a hole in the wall. Mister Cake goes to the hardware store to pick up supplies to fix it, with the help of his kids.

Too bad he forgot just how much a cart full of building supplies weighs.

Brasta Septim

Picture from Apertureindigo

Chapters (1)

After getting filthy looks all morning, I asked my friends what everypony's problem was — and they told me that a rumour was circulating about me, claiming I was bedding every stallion I could get my hooves on.

Incensed by this, I protested my innocence and demanded to know where my friends heard the rumour. They were quick to tell me — and then they came along for the ride as I attempted to discover the source of the slander, going from pony to pony as I followed the trail of lies back to the source.

A source which, as it turned out, was not what I expected...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written in first person from a pony's point of view. Cover art is 50% unrelated to the story (the Foal Free Press doesn't play a part in it, but Rarity's facial expression does).

Chapters (1)

Rarity believes she has lost what could very well be a winning lottery ticket.

Pinkie Pie offers to help her find it.

This can only end well.

Chapters (1)

Anon likes his life to be simple. He wakes up, goes to work and sometimes gets himself a good book to read while he is home. It's a routine that he likes to follow, it makes him feel like he has a bit of normality with his life in Equestria. The fact that having Celestia come crashing into his home as part of his routine should prove that his life is anything but normal.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)

Chapters (16)

(A PoE story.) Additional Tags: (Slice Of Life)
All Twilight wanted was to give Spike a special gift for his birthday. Yes, it was a book, but it was a very special book. An Enchanted Book like that Power Ponies comic they had recently experienced.
Things went wrong when Spike startled Twilight as she was working the spell for his (secret) gift. Needless to say, startling Twilight while she's in the middle of a spell can be a bad idea - as certain frogs can tell you.
Twilight has every reason to believe that she is now trapped in a closed reality bubble fabricated out of her own magic, with no way out. She's lost in some made-up universe reflecting some random story line.
Mike, of course, has a different opinion about the matter.

WARNING: Both Twilight and Mike love talking technical and explaining things to each other.

Twilight's World now has an audio reading by No One and Nobody. Listen HERE.

This most excellent cover art was provided by Void Heart

Chapters (25)

A lonely tree, a windswept hill, and a glowing night's sky.

All her life, Fluttershy has had this one reoccurring dream, and now it's up to Princess Luna to help her find out why.

Special Thanks to nerevars

Chapters (1)

After the rousing success of her first party, bringing joy to her parents and sisters, Pinkie Pie left her home to teach that joy to others. On her first day in Ponyville she stumbles across a struggling Sugarcube Corner, and resolves to help out the business.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie doesn't mind being scared; she has laughter on her side, after all. But, when she comes across the Pumpkin King one fateful night, her giggly nature is put to the test by the master of fright himself.

But, oddly enough, they end up bonding.

Chapters (1)

They say that Equestria was a paradise. I don’t know if that’s true, but I wanna believe it. There sure ain’t one in this piece of the ‘Verse. Maybe we coulda built one if it weren’t for the damned Confederation. Those bastards wanted every planet in the system under their hoof and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The outer planets fought ’em, and we lost.

It’s tough to get by these days with Confederation lawkeepers looking for an excuse to crack down, bandits and thieves crawling everywhere the Confederation’s not, and the Jesters prowling around the edges of civilized space. Honest work’s hard to come by, and honest folk are twice as rare. Still, a mare has to make a livin’ somehow. So that’s what I do.

Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying.
– Rainbow Dash, Captain of Tranquility

Chapters (7)