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Fights between siblings are a part of life. Being the father that has to comfort a crying filly, is also a part of life.

A quick little look into being the parent of an introvert. Fluffy.

Chapters (1)

Jake the Clydesdale, a full grown horse that lives in the lap of luxury. Everyday he gets all the apples he could ever want and gets to run as far as his heart needs. All the humans ask is that he pulls a wagon in front of a camera during a sports game once a year. Deep down, he know's that this life isn't enough...he wants to work, to actually feel useful and even find the mare of his dreams.

Today he finally made a statement.

He let the humans know he was unhappy. Now he sits in his stall tied to the post and awaiting judgment...just before he drifts to sleep, he looks out at the night sky, finding the brightest star and praying to whatever deity could save him from the nightmare of his stale life.

He never guessed someone would hear him...

(Art by Marik Azemus)

Chapters (9)

Princess Celestia has met many individuals whom she could call friends during her life. But given the fact she does not age like they do, she cannot bring herself to be there when they pass on. Still grieving after being forced to banish her own sister to the moon, she cannot face the prospect of losing those close to her.

Anthony, however, is the last human in Equestria; he is also the next to go. Now Celestia is determined to face her fears so she can be with him at the end.

Chapters (1)

Derpy Hooves. Loveable goofball, caring mother, dedicated mailpony.

Of course, few ponies know what she really does for a living.

Now available in Czech translation!

Chapters (1)

Geo and Twilight Sparkle: Husband and wife. Father and mother. Prince and Princess.

They have been through so much in their time together, and their love has never been stronger. So what is the best gift they can get each other when it comes to Hearts and Hooves Day, especially when they both agree that having each other is good enough?

Twilight thinks she has the answer — a spell that will allow the couple to swap bodies for a day. After all, nothing says "I love you" like seeing the world from your partner's point of view.


Based on an idea left on my profile by Angels.

For the purposes of this fic, pretend that Equestria Girls never happened.

Chapters (1)

Prince Geo has been dispatched to the Gryphon lands on royal business while his wife, Princess Twilight Sparkle, has been left behind in Canterlot. Also going with the Prince are Spike, who will be the couple's primary source of communication and Geo's friend John, who is only going along for a change of scenery.

While Geo is attending to his duty, a letter from Twilight arrives — which explains in clear detail what she is going to expect from her husband when he gets home. Spike and John, seizing the chance to have some fun, decide to write a letter back to the desperate mare... which results in all three males getting a surprise.


Reading the other stories in the 'Geoverse' is NOT required to understand and/or enjoy this one!

Many, many thanks to Mikazuchi for the idea!

Chapters (2)

[Eventually will be rebooted in a new story]

Rated [Teen] for F. Violence & Strong Language.

It's been ten years since she's been crowned princess, and during that time she's been rather... busy. Among moments of solving friendship problems and saving Equestria multiple times, she has destroyed the covenant, saved the Mushroom Kingdom and its princess, destroyed all the colossi in the Forbidden Land by the order of a sealed god, escaped Black Mesa, and many more heroic deeds. Yes, Twilight Sparkle can call herself a video game master of many genres. However, she never once touched the aspects of virtual reality MMO’s. That is until she started playing Equestrian Earth. With a whole digital world before her, Twilight felt that her adventures in the MMO would be her greatest adventure yet.
However, this adventure may prove to be the most dangerous as a powerful entity and its legion of hackers have taken over the world. Twilight Sparkle must unite with her fellow gamer friends if she is to prevent herself from getting a game over not just in the virtual world, but the real world. Adventure awaits in a land filled with monsters, allies, quests, rivals, imagination, friendship, and magic.

This is Equestrian Earth, let the games begin.

Story Description Credits to Rated Ponystar [an immense help!]
↓If you haven't, read Author Notes down below↓

Author Notes:
Ω Editors: ugugg93
∞ Edited chapters will be marked by a certain number of *s, indicating how many editors got to it
Ω Proof/Pre-readers: RemareShadows and Apuppy120, ultra1437, Genghis, and Willow the Pegasus
A World Map of Equestrian Earth (and Equestria)
∞ (Password is mlp.)
Ω Also as a side note: I came up with the idea in the shower.
Past Cover Arts
1st Cover Art: The Great Six by Boxanor
2nd Cover Art: My Little Skyrim by Atrixy
3rd Cover Art: The Bannermares (and dragon) by latecustomer
Official Equestrian Earth Cover Art #1 [Landscape] by Midnight Sonare
Current Cover Art:
Official Equestrian Earth Cover Art #2 [Portrait] by Midnight Sonare

Fic's Group
Equestrian Earth Hubnet

SLthethird's review

Chapters (21)

Nearly 3 years after being married, Sweetie Belle is almost ready to give birth to her and Button Mash's first child. Just how will the new-born parents handle their new challenge of life, being parents.

Chapters (4)

Pixel Fantasy and Sweet Tale are BFFs who are finally getting a house together, but a mix-up at the keycutters results in only one key being made. Now they must take the time to decide which one of them will be the primary keyholder.

Or, they can chase each other across Ponyville. It's entirely up to them.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle uses a teleport spell and goes into the future. It works.

Coverart by: 2snacks

Now has a dramatic reading by Goombasa
Also exists IN SPANISH now thanks to SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)