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This story is a sequel to The Golden Armor

It's more of a continuation than a sequel, but whatever.

Comet is the leader of Princess Celestia's personal guard. Angel is the leader of Princess Luna's.

Comet is awake during the day. Angel stays up all night.

Comet likes using a halberd. Angel excels at using claws.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, they take on all the twists and turns life hands them. However, things don't always go as planned.

Cover art by Equestria Prevails.
Proofread by jmartkdr and Feather Scratch

Chapters (3)

Eleven months for a baby foal to be born. Eleven months of walking around with some pony growing inside you. Eleven months of waiting.

Love Tap and her family are eagerly awaiting a new addition to their family. It should be any day now…

Cover art used with permission from RenateThePony

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Origin Of Sunbutt

Twilight Sparkle now knows how Celestia got the nickname 'Sunbutt', thanks to Luna — but when Celestia finds out, she decides to even the score.

After all, she isn't the only one with an embarrassing nickname and a story to tell, even if both were borne of tragedy...

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

When Celestia comes to Ponyville for a visit on some royal business, she bumps into an excited and adorable little unicorn looking for a Princess to be at her tea party. Celestia, always working all the time, decides to relax and play along, letting old memories from her past be reborn.


Special thanks to CogWing and Dont Look At My Name Bro for editing it.

Now with more chapters!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Sweet Tale's Sweet Tale

Sweet Tale has good friends, a good job, and a good home — it's just a pity he can't enjoy a good birthday as well.

With all of his friends too busy to celebrate with him, will Sweet Tale actually have a good day? Or will he simply wish for it to end so that he can repress the memory of the worst birthday ever?


Written as a birthday present for Greatodyer. Happy Birthday, you loveable git!

The majority of ponies in this story are OCs, which belong to members of the UK of Equestria forum.

Chapters (1)

After arriving at the outskirts of a place called Ponyville through reasons you don't understand, you are quickly set upon by the local welcoming committee — a bright pink pony whose idea of a welcome is attempting to murder you with cuddles.

How are you going to get out of this one?


My response to the sudden influx of cuddle-fics. It is not to be taken seriously (especially the ending).

Yes, it's tagged as Second Person, but 'You' have a name (and it isn't Anon).

I regret nothing. Rated Teen for one use of strong language. Also, Pinkie might be a little bit OOC.

Cover image cropped from 'Pinkie Simulator' by doubleWbrothers. See Source for link.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night has come once again, and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are intent on having some fun. Fortunately for them, something they hear in class earlier that day unexpectedly gives them the means for just that.

Okay, maybe a little bit more than they bargained for.

Chapters (4)

(Just a quick note - the first few chapters do need re-writing. They were my first works in August 2012)

You know the saying 'Good things come to those who wait'.

Owen, from England, is just about to find out if that's true or not. Besides, he's waited long enough.

A Human x Luna story. This is based in a world where MLP is not known.

Highest Featured Box Position - 8th - 29th May 2013

Chapters (63)