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This story is a sequel to Geoverse Prologue: The Last Of His Kind

Celestia was there as Anthony, who was the last human in Equestria, passed away.

She was heartbroken — but before he died, Anthony reminded her that she would see him again.

Now that Luna has returned, and been freed of Nightmare's corruption, that time has finally come...


Commissioned by ARchy4288. Written in first person from Celestia's point of view.


Chapters (1)

Equestria stands on the brink of ruin. A necromancer has raised an army of the dead and is poised to plunge the world into darkness. Monsters and brigands roam freely across the land, preying upon the innocent.

Only one hope remains. Armed with swords, spells, snacks, and a bag of dice, five heroes band together to defeat the forces of evil… if their rolls are good enough.

Welcome to gaming night in Ponyville.

Dramatic reading by Goombasa.

Cover image by Elosande used with permission.

Chapters (5)

Rainbolt never meant to get Firefly pregnant. In fact, he NEVER wanted to have children. Accidents do happen, though, and this one will leave the poor stallion with a sweet, daring, and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash to raise and care for.

Cover art by the extremely talented High-Roller2108

Chapters (33)

When delivering a gift to a sick Twilight, Pinkie finds herself lacking a sense of ground...

...in the most literal way possible.

Chapters (2)

Trixie believes and knows that she would easily be able to contain herself while living on the farm with the Pies. What she doesn't know is that bubbling up on the inside for so long can create regretful living on the outside, no matter how hard she tries to convince herself otherwise.

A snippet of rock farm-life.

Chapters (1)

When Button Mash is forced by his mother to attend a slumber party with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, he is very much against the idea. However, he has no choice but to make this one sacrifice if he wants to get his precious JoyBoy back.

Thankfully for him, it all turns out to be better than he expected... until it comes to the 'Truth' part of 'Truth or Dare.'

As a result of this, Button's greatest secret comes to light — but it's not the one the Crusaders were expecting to hear...

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Joint second entry for UK of Equestria's July Fimfiction Writing Contest, the theme for which was simply 'Slumber Party.'

Comments contain spoilers.

Now with a reading by EnderBlaze!

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon returns and is hit once again with the Elements of Harmony rendering her a mischievous little filly.
Much to Nightmare Moon’s annoyance, Anon thinks she's cute as all hell and is the only one willing to put up with her antics and evil, so Celestia tasks him with reforming the bundle of misery and mischief.

Cover Image is by EvetsSteve, may he rest in peace.
Chapters 1-21 were converted into prose from my greentext stories with the help of Nav/WhatMustIDo

Chapters (103)

The life of a mother is challenging, but the life of an expectant one is excruciating. Maybe one day, Princess Cadance can reach the challenging part. For now, all she faces is the cold bathroom floor and a solid bout of nausea, and she is losing miserably.

Can she survive this morning?

Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)

After a year and a half of being on this site... FIRST STORY FEATURED! 4/29/14
I love you all.

Parents gone, check.
Castle to themselves, check.
Totally gonna be the responsible older sister... debatable.

Celestia finally has a chance to prove that she's old enough to stay home alone with Luna, if she doesn't completely mess everything up first.

Very short story, very cute story. Personal writing practice.
HERE IS A LINK to the artist of the cover image, of which I take no credit. Awesome gallery, check it out!

Chapters (26)