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After receiving a fashion line deal from FancyPants himself, Rarity must consult the one pony whom she connects the least with for fashion advice. As she sees her friend more often, she learns more and more about her and learns that not only Friendship is Magic.

Currently being reworked.

Chapters (10)

This is a Rarijack shipfic, except it's not exactly a romance. It's a building romance, however it will end at a point and it will not be finished. It will be an open ending so you can build your own conclusion. The story is a one-shot and it is about Rarity and Applejack sharing their own eyes for detail.

Requested by my friend.

Chapters (1)

When a mysterious silver sticky material falls from the sky, Derpy and Rainbow Dash try to find out where it came from, with Twilight's help. Sticky chaos will reign...with some help from everypony's favorite mailmare.

Chapters (3)

Same-sex relationships are generally frowned upon in Equestria. So when the relationship between Cheerilee and Berry Punch is threatened to be outed, Cheerilee is at the risk of losing her job... or more.

Every relationship has its ups and downs, right? For Cheerilee, it seems like her's only has a downside. She's asked Berry time and time again to quit drinking.
'This time it'll be different', she always says. But this time around... will it be different?

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna and Derpy Hooves are best of friends and share a love of gaming. They play, they own, and they dominate in the online gaming world. They're just freakin' awesome alright? Gaming is what brought these two together as friends but as time goes on (and Princess Celestia's antics) will this love of gaming bring them something more than they expected? Will they become More than Gamers?

Wrote this while I was blasted and drunk so if you hate it... I don't blame you at all. It's going to be a chapter fic so yeah, deal with it.

Based off the Ask Princess Molestia tumblr but a bit more tame... I think?

Rated T for alcohol, minor language, and a whole lot of sexual themes and what not. C'mon, if it's based off a Princess Molestia tumblr and you really don't expect sexual shit, then you need to be sent to the moon.

Chapters (22)

• After an exercise in comedic study, Twilight unwittingly devises a daring dissertation with potentially lethal consequences! Can her unrestrained genius be stopped before it’s too late? Is it even possible for mere humor to be so horrifically harrowing? Nevermind any innocent intentions, will the esteemed Elements be enough to curtail this unequivocally evil epigram? My first multi-chapter story attempt, and not my last. Edited by several blog responders, who know how awesome they are.

Chapters (2)

Now with its own sequel! (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/62215/Hybrid-Rainbow.)

Rainbow Dash is one of the seldom few Ponies who know she's a lesbian and due to painful memories dating back to her time in High School, she plans on keeping it that way, bottling up emotions deep inside her. Unfortunately, mating season has started today and tonight's the big night: Her Wonderbolts initiation party! What is she going to do? Will she continue to keep all these turbulent feelings inside her like she has every other year? Will she be able to keep her cool in front of her idols, if not her hero, Spitfire? Will she seek help from her friends in this time of need? Will she have the courage to finally come out of the closet? And will she be able to conquer her fear of feelings and explore the eldritch, terrifying vistas of this terrible ancient power called love?

Read inside and find out!

RATING WARNING: There is no explicit sexual activity in this story. However, the dialogue gets remarkably suggestive at certain points. Viewer discretion is advised. Read it, it's funny.

Cover art by moi.

Chapters (15)

Rarity has a very juicy secret. She has a crush on Applejack. But she's told no one, including AJ herself. The only pony who knows is a certain little sister...who MAY or may not have read her big sis's diary. A ship fic told from Sweetie Belle's pov.

Chapters (2)

The Elements of Honesty and Generosity wake up in a cave with only the foggiest memory of how they got there. Not knowing where they are or where they are going, the unlikely duo must work together in order to make it back to Ponyville. However, the road ahead will be far from easy, and the two must learn to truly trust and depend on one another if they hope to make it back home. Yet, perhaps another challenge entirely will worm its way between the two, one they had no idea could even exist, and less of an idea of how to handle it.

My first piece of fanfiction. For the site, for My Little Pony, for everything, really. Mistakes will be present and I do not claim to be a good writer. Judge as you see fit.

Chapters (2)

An epic poem, often read or sung by the minstrels of Equestria in the distant future. It celebrates one of the greatest adventures of the by then semi-legendary Mane Six.

Chapters (4)