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The Box Ghost has escaped the ghost jail and is ready to unleash his boxed up fury on Amity Park. But, due to some navigational problems, he finds himself in the strange town of Ponyville. To him, there is no difference as long as he can still make the residents tremble in fear. In the middle of all this chaos, it is up to our favorite cross-eyed mailmare to package this ghost and ship him to his doom!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is not, under any uncertain circumstances, a morning pony. When her mailmare drops by to give her the mail, she does not usually smile, much less invite her in for breakfast. But Derpy is different. Twilight doesn't know how, or why, but being with Derpy always makes her smile, no matter the time of day. After a baking accident lights Twilight's house on fire, where does she stay? With Derpy, of course. TwiDerp and SpikiDink.

Rated teen for some adult themes. No clop, duh, but some situations... well. Also, some future scenes may lead to clop, but not depict it, If anyone wants to write those scenes, go ahead.

Chapters (2)

While Princess Luna is away celebrating Nightmare Night in Ponyville, Celestia tries on a strange black bauble from her sister's jewelry box. The result will be the creation of the most terrifying thing Equestria has ever seen. The Sun herself turns against all the ponies in Canterlot. Can Luna and her Lunar Stallions possibly hope to stop her? And if so, does Luna have the fortitude to strike down her sister in the end?

FEATURED May 16th 2012!

Chapters (10)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions are an elite guard force of seventy, the descendants of the originals from a thousand years ago. Her lover leads them, and they've begun to flourish and be accepted by society. But now there's a new super-power in Canterlot, and she's killing the criminal ponies she catches rather than arresting them. The descendant of Luna's avatar of WAR has emerged. Her ancestor was the one mare to ever go into battle with the Lunar Stallions, the Moon Champion. Can the Lunar Stallions stop this killing machine? Who is she?

Chapters (10)

Scout Number One-Five-Nine has always dreamed of participating in an invasion. However, being a Scout class changeling, the odds of him doing so are not exactly in his favor. Being the most accident prone in the hive doesn't help him either. Now, with the most important invasion in changeling history, he finally gets the chance to live out his dream. Prepare yourself, Equestria! Scout Number One-Five-Nine is on his way!

Chapters (1)

Splinter is your average Timber Wolf, he hunts, he eats, he sleeps and then he eats some more. Rinse, lather and repeat. However, after being permanently handicapped whilst hunting a SERIOUSLY annoying rabbit, things quickly go south for the poor mutt. Now it seems as if he's going to have to adapt to being some hillbilly foal's pet.

Not if he has anything to say about it.

Join splinter as he valiantly makes a stand against hick ponies, aggrovating foals and an absolute hellspawn of a bunny!

Chapters (13)

Princess Luna falls comatose and is revived by the love-sick kiss of one of Celestia's guards. As a reward, she leads him to the ancient hidden barracks of her long forgotten guardian force. Their slowly blossoming romance gives birth to a breed of royal guard not seen in 1,000 years. The Lunar Stallions!

Chapters (11)

Ditzy has a carefree life, everypony likes her and she loves her friends, but when Ditzy gets in an accident she needs to know who her real friends are.

AN: This is a prequel to When Time Stops for her and I'm going to re-write the clocks are spinning later, so expect that!

Chapters (3)

Twilight's twenty-first birthday is coming up and the girls celebrate in Canterlot's vibrant bars and clubs, Luna is invited too, although she is not entirely familiar with such activities. Alcohol fuelled adventures abound!

Chapters (7)

Receiving letters from a drunken princess can be a hassle. Everypony knows this. One pony in particular has her mind set on finally teaching Celestia a lesson. Troll-light Sparkle!

Chapters (2)