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Luna takes a personal day at the request of her sister and Twilight Sparkle, but whilst visiting they each find something hidden in their hearts they didn't know was there....

Chapters (13)

Hearth's warming eve once again rather than star in the pageant this year Twilight and the girls have been asked to help on the back end, applying their talents to make it the best pageant ever. During rehearsals an accident occurs which leaves Twilight blind. Rarity steps in to assist Twilight as much as she can and love comes to blossom between the two.

Chapters (5)

What should one do when they find their current knowledge lacking? After the changeling attack, Twilight has to answer that question and for her the solution is simple enough. But her chosen path may yet turn out to be her downfall. Will the cost of knowledge be too high? Or will she be victorious in her journey into the paths of darker magic? One way or another Twilight will find it out as she learns under her new teacher. There is however one thing everypony close to Twilight should remember, that history likes to repeat itself...


A/N: Tags will probably be added as the story progresses. Updates may be irregular. Flames will be ignored, constructive criticism is welcomed. Now the image: background by me (and it shows), NMM recolor by DoctorXFizzle.

Chapters (14)

After the humiliating defeat at Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis is thirsty for revenge. What better way to satisfy herself than with another one? But before she can even hope to take over Equestria, she's going to need someone to scout the area beforehoof. She sends out a small group of faithful changelings, which includes the accident-prone Scout Number One-Five-Nine, to check out the nearby settlement of Appleloosa. What could possibly go wrong?

A sequel to A Change in Luck.

Chapters (6)

Two silly short stories about Luna, Celestia, fashion, and legal theory. "Slice of life stories if your life is crazy royalty cake with cinnamon sprinkles." - JadeCriminal@SpaceBattles.com

6/17/2020: Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Go to the Equestria Daily story page to see the stories in this set by Georg and Dennis the Menace. (If you can't access the page, it's because your school blocks google docs.)

(This is not "incomplete"; it's an open-ended anthology.)

Chapters (2)

Let's face it, Fluttershy has probably seen it all. Ferocious manticores, mischievous cockatrice, defiant dragons, Nightmare Moon, assertive minotaurs, and even the god of chaos himself fell victim to the adorable pegasus. Little does she know that her next, and most dangerous challenge is right around the corner... a visit from her past that will put her patience to the test.

Chapters (2)

Defeated and separated from her beloved hive, Chrysalis finds herself at a quaint little town named Ponyville. Fuming and down on her luck, she also finds herself in much need of love. But as our dear changeling queen discovers, love can come from the most unexpected sources.

*Currently undergoing fixes of numerous errors. Beware. You may wish to return and read later after correcting of errors.*

Chapters (1)

Come, my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world...

Princess Luna feels stifled in the nation crafted by her sister in her absence. After much debate, and over the strenuous objections of Princess Celestia, she decides to leave Equestria and find her own land, to rule as she sees fit. She asks her friends, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, to join her in her quest as she travels into a wide world full of indescribable wonders, unspeakable horrors, and magics long-forgotten to ponykind.

Chapters (4)

The Great Equestrian Foam Sword Fight is a fabled event that happens once every fifty years. To win the event, one must incapacitate another pony using the most dangerous weapon known to pony-kind.

The foam sword.

The winner of the event is also said to win untold riches that nopony knows about. With everypony trying to win those riches, the strongest bonds will shatter, the dirtiest of tricks will be played and all bets are off. After all, there can only be one winner.

It is also one of the few times were a pony can legally knock out another pony using a piece of foam.

Tagged other due to fimficiton only allowing 5 characters.

Chapters (10)

Changelings aren't nice. Changelings don't bake. Changelings don't get cutie marks.

This is how little Mandible earned a cutie mark to call his own.

Chapters (1)