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In a poorly informed bout of revenge, Trixie has returned to Ponyville to make Big Macintosh and Rarity fall in love, because she's convinced this will prove she is the Best Showpony in all Equestria.
But Rarity's going to the spa with Fluttershy, Big Mac has chores to do, and Twilight hasn't the faintest as to why her best friend and best friend's brother are having an episode of freaky Friday...

This story will not be completed by its original author, though if one is interested, they can adopt the story and finish it as they see fit. Unpublicized story resources exist.

Chapters (5)

There really is no excuse for forgetting something as important as a hoof-written law. But Celestia forgot. And now, a thousand years after she wrote it, a law comes into play mandating that Celestia take a two-month sabbatical from her duties as Princess of Equestria.

So what happens when she has to step down for a couple months and leave Luna by herself in the bloody gladiator ring that is Equestrian politics? What happens when Celestia has to disguise herself and mingle with the populace of Ponyville without them knowing?

The short answer to that would be "a string of hilarious chance encounters, sisterly banter, romantic mishaps, and a political coup that was decades in the making."

The long answer, of course, is this story.


Rated Teen for swearing and sexual humor.

Cover image is by enma-darei

Chapters (5)

“Who could ever love a beast?”

When Spike is rejected by the love of his life because he is a dragon, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to change that. So when a pony of questionable motives offers to change him into a stallion, Spike is more than willing to shake on it. However, there was one small detail that Spike overlooked: He must first find love as a monster; a beast of a dragon, within a year or he will be stuck like this forever… A beautiful Sparity based on the greatest love story ever told, Rarity and Spike learn that what they thought was beauty was only skin deep, and that true beauty lies from within.

Be sure to check out the new My Little Disney Group on FimFiction!

Cover art by Azenge, an Equestria Daily featured artist and overall great guy, check out his deviant art page.

Fan Art! Blazewingthunder My little Disney, The beauty, the beast, and the applejack
Pia-Chan's Beauty and Her Spike
Ckat_Myla's Rainbow Cup
A Dance of Fire and Beauty, a fan song by Socratic Brony

Chapters (18)

Rarity is the consummate Lady: she never goes back on her word, and she never complains to a customer. But this newest order has just been different and for the first time in a long, long time Rarity finds herself truly with empty hooves, with no creative energies to summon.

Some mild Raridash. Not really shipping, but sort of? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy! It was nice to write something after being sort of stuck myself.

Chapters (1)

Rarity has fallen hard for the lavender mare from Canterlot, but there is just one problem, that certain mare from Canterlot is completely oblivious to it all. Thus, Rarity does everything in her power to escape the dreaded friend zone, from skywriting to asking Twilight's parents for help. But will it be enough? Probably not. After all, Twilight is rather naive, but a mare's gotta try.

The pic that inspired this story, and the cover pic credit goes to ~SigneTheSlaske of Deviantart.com, check them out for more great artwork.

Chapters (6)

Based on the image, by Equestria-prevails on Deviantart. Two guards, one Day and one Night, having a drink on their night off.
This more or less came about when I wondered at the backstory of the image, saw several other people doing the same, then decided to make it happen.

Chapters (2)

When Applejack is overtaken by something more mysterious than ever imagined, it's up to the rest of the Elements to find out what happened. What they find is more surprising than anything else...

Loosely based on a story of the same name by Ray Bradbury, a science fiction author.

Chapters (3)

Returning from their honeymoon, Shining Armor and Cadence have organized a get-together in Canterlot for their friends and loved ones. Twilight and the other elements are all invited, and the invitations mention that Princess Cadence has a special announcement!

If only they had known that this announcement would turn their world upside down.

Chapters (12)

A reclusive unicorn of questionable sanity and abundant ego creates a magical construct to carry out his will. The construct, armed with little other than a perfect recollection of the contents of the Canterlot Equestrian Dictionary (Illustrated), is thrust upon Equestria to learn what it is to be a sentient being.

And it can't even decide what gender it wants to be.

Author's Note:
A little thought I've had in my head for a while and decided to express via the medium of cartoon horse fiction. This is my first work of fiction in quite some time, and I'm looking to improve. As such any constructive criticism is much appreciated. It is also worth noting that I am British, and so those accustomed to American spelling may find themselves set upon by the gratuitous use of the letters U and S that we are so fond of. Should you have a problem with it, I offer my almost sincere apologies.
Credit for the cover image goes to Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope/Coelum. Space is pretty.

Chapters (3)