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On her way to Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash slams headfirst into a malfunctioning storm that grounds her hard. If that wasn't bad enough, the only help for miles comes in the form of a traveling boasting magician and her cart. But when this storm gone wrong turns out to be something more mischievous, these two find themselves in a strange new Equestria of finely dressed ponies and lavish inventions. And now, they need to find a way home, hopefully without strangling each other in the process.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's imagination as a child was unbelievable, probably due to all those books. Which also make up the amazing Fort Book, Twilightopia's first stronghold against the country of Armor! With the help of Captain Smartypants and Private Cadence, General Twilight defends her fort against her brother's advancing army of one!
A tale of Twi's childhood told from her point of view.

Inspired by the cover picture.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch, or DJ-P0N-3, known for promiscuity amongst the mares and stallions of Ponyville, has fallen in love! How will she deal with it, and will the object of her desires reciprocate these feelings?

Chapters (16)

Applejack gets an unwelcome visit from the Equestrian Revenue Service. Handed a large tax bill and limited time to pay, Applejack comes up with a creative use of the farm's biggest asset.

No, not the apple trees.

Why Big Macintosh of course.

Can Big Mac save Apple Bloom's college fund?

Read and find out.
Now with dramatic readings!
Reading 1
Reading 2

Featured on Equestria Daily 8-25-2012

Credit for the cover art goes to cassie-chan55

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is the world's greatest flyer. Not only because she practices and trains so much she could wear out the Wonderbolts, but also because she has turned flying into her own personal therapy.

However, some feelings don't just go away on their own.

Some feelings, you can't outfly.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie has a tummy ache. Fortunately, there's some pony who will take care of her. Not her mother, but close enough.

(Takes place sometime before Mrs. Cake's pregnancy.)


Just a short story about Pinkie Pie having stomach ache. Don't expect anything great. Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader for this one.

Audio version here Courtesy of Star Strike.

Read the polish translation here, courtesy of Dolar84.

Chapters (1)

Twilight awakes from a minor magical accident to find herself dead. She believes she is doomed to wander Equestria for all eternity, that is until she discovered certain ponies could see lost souls like her, ponies like Princess Luna.

First fic, blah blah blah, constructive criticism, blah blah blah, if you favorite it like it blah blah blah, etc...

Cover art isn't mine

Chapters (2)

You'll never understand a pony until you walk a mile in their horseshoes. Or more appropriately, until a magical goddess forces you to switch bodies with the other in an effort to force the lesson upon you. That's right, its a body swap fiction! Starring everyone's favorite musical ponies, Vinyl and Octavia! (Partially narrated by Princess Luna)

Chapters (11)

The day of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh's wedding has finally arrived, and Applejack couldn't be happier for her big brother and friend. Or at least, she would be happy, if a certain sky-blue pegasus didn't keep distracting her. One drinking contest and several Pinkie Pie-related incidents later, Applejack begins to realize that the friendship she has long treasured with Rainbow Dash may in fact be something more. Could she really have feelings for her best friend, or is it just the cider talking? On the way to that answer Applejack discovers truths about pride, vulnerability, and love. Rated T for innuendo, mild sexuality, and drunk ponies. Cover art by Dekomaru, check out his other work at http://dekomaru.deviantart.com/

Chapters (2)

When the Cake's go away for a weekend trip, leaving Pinkie home, Rarity steps in to offer her pink friend a place to stay for a few days so she won't be alone. With the two stuck under a roof together and Rarity slowly seeing a side of her friend she never knew existed, will romance blossom or will friendships crumble?

Now has a part two in the making, check out 'Weekdays are too short' in my stories to see the continuation.
Special thanks to HabitualHyperbole for editing the chapters.

Chapters (4)