• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012

The Gno Writer

I'll just be doing some fanfics for the lulz, but I prefer to fave ansd read them.

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Estimated Reading: 4 days



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Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom has come to Equestria on important diplomatic business, bringing with her the superstars of the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and Luigi. But, when Discord is released, and aids Bowser's forces in invading Equestria and kidnapping Peach, Celestia, and Luna, Twilight and her friends must work together with Mario and Luigi on an adventure spanning two kingdoms, to rescue the princesses, defeat Bowser and Discord, and return Equestria and the Mushroom Kingdom to their former glory.

Chapters (20)

...My name is Alex Mercer. I'm the reason for all of this. They call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist... I'm all of these things. Three weeks ago someone released a lethal virus in Penn Station. I woke up at the morgue. Now I hunt, I kill, I consume, I become. I'm gonna find out who did this to me... And I'm gonna make them pay.

Chapters (6)

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy thought they were going to help banish Discord for a third time with their friends and the two princesses. That was precisely what was happening until they both found themselves suddenly transported to a strange new world under a flashing pink sky.

A man named Doug "TheSlorg" Collins finds two young women who are naked, confused, and smell of fudge in the Australian Outback. He then reluctantly agrees to help them return home. But when "home" turns out to be Ponyville, things become a bit more complicated than he bargained for.

Part of the PonyFall collaboration series.
Visit the PonyFall TV Tropes Page
Temporary cover art by Speccysy

Chapters (37)

Gerald McCormack, a 22 year old college student that is living by himself with his trusty butler, Gordon. When he stumbles upon a strange majestic-like woman in his own obstacle course--with a pair of Double D's I might add--he takes the woman in, and realizes she strongly resembles Princess Celestia! Will she be able to handle the human world that is so different from Equestria's? Or will she go into a paranoia freak out and Gerald would be forced to kick her out since she seems to be a crazed drug-addict hippy!?


Rated T for Violence & Language

Info about collab located here: http://www.fimfiction.net/index.php?view=group&group=405

Chapters (9)

How will a Pony adjust to living in your human apartment? More importantly, how will you adjust to living with a pony? A mare pony no less. You should have known that someone with the name of Fluttershy would have been a pony. Equestrian Ponies are just so... foreign! You never know how to act around them. Will you be able to overcome this and cope with this pony invasion into your life?

In part inspired/influenced by The Roommate by totallynotabrony.

Chapters (9)

Applejack finds a strange visitor in her apple orchard one day, with even stranger stories to tell...
MLP/L4D2 crossover. My first story on FiMfiction.net! May add more tags as story progresses.
Credit for the image goes to brokencreation on DeviantArt.

Chapters (16)