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Hey, names Lee. I turned into Venom after buying something from a Merchant, and now I'm stuck as a statue in a land of racist, Technicolor ponies...

Oh, and I don't have a body...

Well... Crap.

I just wanted to go to Comic-Con! But no~ I just HAD to have that black Scythe... GAH!!!

And to think. This could have all been avoided if Celestia was smart.

I wonder who my next host is going to be? Heh...

Hero Displaced story! Because I can't be all evil with my stories.

Chapters (19)

On a mission from Princesses Celestia and Luna, Twilight and her friends are tasked with an expedition into unexplored regions of Everfree Forest in search of what is thought to be a large meteorite. While Luna was quick to rationalize the falling star, she felt a strange presence as the object passed over Equestrian airspace, so accompanies them on their journey. The girls follow a trail of scorched earth to the crash site. What they find is far more than mere space debris.

Jarvey Jared

Chapters (3)

As vital to the Guardian as a Ghost becomes, the meld of metal and Light is little more than a trinket when alone. When such separation occurs, most slowly degrade into a crusty husk, devoid of life and Light.

When his Guardian is consumed by the Darkness, one such Ghost breaks the mold of decay to fulfill the legacy of his mentor and friend, scouring the far reaches of the galaxy with the incomprehensibly intricate technology of the Vex.

The Ghost stumbles upon a world he could not have imagined, a place untouched by both the Darkness and the Traveler's Light. Discovering a secret Vex plot which threatens to devour the innocent planet, the Little Light does the unthinkable yet again. He takes upon a second Guardian, one bestowed with the rare gift of his previous. Kindness.

Featured 10/22/16!!!

Chapters (11)

Awakening as BlackWarGreymon, a lost human tries to adjust even as more surprises and traps spring up. Yet timing and fate seem set against him, as events lead him to being imprisoned in stone before he could make a name for himself. Branded by the crown as a villain, he struggles to adapt years later once free and takes an unlikely ally as his protector and savior. But what will his presence do to the events ongoing throughout Equestria? What truths will he find beyond the public eye? More importantly: Will he embrace his given role, or will he strive to be his own 'mon?


This is hands down the most dedicated piece of writing I've worked on to date. Before this lies many an aborted fanfic including some over on fanfiction.net. All of whom were nowhere near as taken seriously by me as this one was. Months were put into this just to reach the release point for the story itself. Struggling with my own procrastination and real life priorities made every paragraph I wrote important to me and I'm so happy to finally be releasing this. It may be a silly crossover between Digimon and My Little Pony, but I love the MLP fandom/show and I'm a huge sucker for successful crossover tales. So putting this much time and effort into a tale like this was thrilling as much as it was terrifying. I had to motivate myself so much at times and I hated every time my obsession over rewriting and editing older chapters got in the way of moving forward. But I think it was worth it in the end. I hope everyone who clicks on my tale and reads this enjoys the adventure you're about to go on as much as I did writing it.

Finally, major thanks to goattrain for drawing the amazing cover art. He's an awesome dude and I love looking at it every time I view this story. Thanks again man!

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Thorn of the Rose

Cadence has settled in to her new home and new life in Clockwork World, as an Orphan: a pony trained to step in and protect other worlds when threats appear beyond what they can handle. Possessed by a force known as the Swan that will not allow her to remain dead, it gives Cadence a chance to use her powers for good and find meaning in her life. Her new life, however, all too soon brings her into contact with specters of her past who desire the Swan for their own ends, putting everything Cadence cares about in danger.

Final story in the Songs of Lost Children series.

Chapters (128)

This story is a sequel to One Wish For Nothing

She was once known as Princess Celestia; now, all call her Hecate, Empress of Clockwork World. Her machines soldier endlessly on, rebuilding a mechanical world for her subjects of steel.

But when a young pony colt is brought to her, to be taken in and hidden from the rest of the world, she finds herself struggling between ancient maternal instincts... and bitter memories of what happened to the last child she dared to care for.

Fourth story in the Songs of Lost Children series.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Rhythm Of The Dance

He has many names, but no matter what he calls himself, everypony knows he's pure evil. Or at least they would, if he hadn't been exiled for five hundred years by Celestia. But now he's returned to take his revenge and destroy Equestria... even if Celestia seems to be acting a little strange...

Third story in the Songs for Lost Children series.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Zecora's Pinata

Cadence has a secret, knows there's something else she'd really prefer doing in life. But after Shining Armor is kidnapped in broad daylight, she knows she has no other choice but to use these skills to get him back. Here's to Rust and mrmayortheiv for their suggestions.

Second story in the Songs for Lost Children series.

Chapters (9)

After making one too many mistakes, Baron La Croix finds himself rudely exiled from the spirit world, the Loa ordered to either fix a great imbalance in the mortal world, or face the ultimate punishment for his sins. Unfortunately, the rude, loudmouthed Loa knows absolutely nothing about ponies, let alone where to begin his journey... but he soon meets a zebra well-versed in the Old Ways who is willing to help him in more ways than he would ever imagine.

First story in the Songs for Lost Children series.

Chapters (12)

Eric Lancer has been stranded in Equestria for a few months now. After mysteriously appearing in the Everfree Forest, the human was forced to live with the fact that there was no way home. Taken in by Twilight Sparkle, all is well for the human as he tries to make friends with the local populace.
As it turns out, the locals of Ponyville aren't very friendly to an omnivore they know nothing about. Even the ponies he once called friends turn out to be manipulative xenophobes who are under strict orders from Princess Celestia to keep an eye on the untrustworthy human.
After learning of their true intentions, Eric leaves the town of Ponyville in the middle of the night. As it turns out, the human has a fate encounter that might just make his life worth living. And a certain mare might be along for the ride of her life.

Story is rated T for the following reasons: Flirting, mild/harsh language, mild violence, implied sexual situations, and pony x human relationship.
The story takes place after Season 3 of the show.

Update: Got a cover photo for the story! And I love it. It was drawn by the amazing Scarlet Heart. I will add a link to her DA. Go check her out, she is really good!

Featured: Yay!!! Featured in the featured box for like an hour probably, but I will take it! (2-22-17)

Chapters (3)