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(Disclaimer I do not own anything from My little pony or Pokemon this is for entertainment purposes only and the art for the cover image is not mine as well.) Editor: ItIsASillyLittleGame
The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck. Unknown to them Discord had caught a newly lost soul thinking to it might throw a spin into the world, scanning the beings memories before finding a new form that would create a good amount of interest. The Princesses have no idea of what could possible be in this kind of egg or if it would be dangerous or not. Will the being be a power of good in the already peaceful world or will it be a new evil that raises to end the reign of peace?

Chapters (11)

Slain by his best friend, Andrew Detmer finds himself thrust into a world of myths and legends made reality. How can he possibly maintain his apex predator mindset in a world with creatures the size of mountains, whose rulers are capable of moving the very heavens themselves, who can tear him asunder with but a glance if they so choose. He doesn't want to make enemies, but he isn't in a rush to make friends either. All he wants to do is what he wasn't able to accomplish on his own world. Travel. He wants to travel this new land, being the first and only human being in Equestria, he wants to make the most of his indefinite stay.

Cover art made by BlueKazenate, commissioned by me.

Chapters 1-7 proofread and edited by Pree Spunkables.

NOTE: Prerequisite knowledge of Chronicle the movie is recommended, but not entirely needed.


Chapters (25)

After my grandfather passed away I inherited a strange staff from him. I discovered that the staff gave me strange visions of a place I had to go to. I experienced visions, day and night, and in the end I decided to follow them to see where they would take me. I did not expect to be taken away from Earth and sent to a place that defies everything I know, and I certainly did not expect to hear that not all the members of my family were human.

Editors are lordofchaos14, Joyjay, The Invisible Man and JBL.

Warning: Contains small amounts of Anthro. Equestria Girls did not happen in this story.

My first fic posted here, told from a 1st person perspective. Rated Teen to begin with, this may change as more ideas develop, but I'll try my best to keep it Teen.

Chapters (65)

Maxwell is a weird human, he just stays inside all day. I may have found something that could get him out of his room, however. I just hope that it works...

Rated Teen for Language usage in both the story and music.

Chapters (13)

After an attack on Jack's camp he is given an offer to go to a new world. He accepts and is transported to Equestria were he will find new friends and new love as he fights through the Equestria-Zebra war.
Disclaimer this is not the same zebra war as in Fallout Equestria.

Chapters (18)

Human X Pony

Human in Equestria

Kenneth is your average everyday person, all up until he was tossed off a boat and into an insane asylum. Unable to speak nor learn their language, ken decides to stick by the only two ponies that he can communicate with. Just when things are starting to look up, and the ponies start to grow on him, reality throws one last curve ball his way.

*Comments contain spoilers, read at your own risk.*

:heart: Featured :heart:
05/04/2017, 24/04/2017, 27/04/2017, 15/07/2017, 24/10/2017, 20/3/2018

Chapters (26)

Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an Equestrian revolutionary, who, with the backing of his human mercenary allies, intends to use it to depose Celestia and crown himself ruler. Having crossed into Equestria in pursuit of this rogue weapon, the legendary Solid Snake must ally with the residents of Ponyville to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.

See also Equestria Gear Solid, the hilarious spin-off EQG parody in which everything you know is wrong, and every single character from the story is an awful caricature of themselves.

Now with its own TVtropes page!

Chapters (22)

Scootaloo's life has always been shrouded in mystery. She lives in her house in Ponyville alone. She often disappears with no explanation. And no one's ever seen her parents.
She keeps it that way deliberately. She likes her normal life in Ponyville, and has held on to it as much as she can.
However, a personal tragedy brings family responsibility down on her shoulders, and her life is about to spiral out of control.
Thankfully, she has quite a bit of help keeping both her lives stable - and separate - as much as possible...
...a dragon chef who can't make a salad without making it flambe...
...a cripplingly far-sighted ex-assassin hippogryph maid...
...a slim built minotaur gardener who is as innocent as he is unexpectedly strong...
...a mechanical golem head servant whose brain runs - badly - on hot tea...
...and one devil of a butler.

Edit: New Cover Art by ProfessorCatPro
Edit 2: New fan art by slyfoxcub.

Chapters (43)

After the battle for the liberation of Aiur, Zeratul saved his people from the corrupt Khala, but at the cost of his own life. His death, however, was unconfirmed by Artanis. Zeratul was supposed to be in the Void, sleeping like any noble Protoss warrior does, but fate demanded that he gets another adventure in a planet discovered by none, the planet Equus.

Crossover between MLP and Starcraft, owned by Hasbro and Blizzard respectively.

I do not know much about Starcraft lore so if you see anything suspicious, please comment on it.

Rated Teen to be safe. Human tag is for later.

Chapters (7)

A lone samurai has wandered the world for years, in search of a way home. He has been in the future and seeks a way back to the past before the reign of Aku. But he has either lost the chance to or selflessly given it up for the sake of others.

But the samurai has found another opportunity. In another world, the samurai called Jack will search for a way back to his time in a world of magic. A second chance has been given, and Jack will do his best to get back. Back to the past.

Written by me. Edited by A Man Undercover.

Chapters (17)