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Josh was just trying to do his job. But as usual, they showed up. He had to get out of there. He didn't care where, just anywhere else.

That anywhere else. Is Equestria. A Country on the planet of Terra sapientes. In a galaxy far different from the rest. A galaxy that has never been discovered before.

And honestly? He's seen weirder stuff.

But as peaceful and harmonic it seems, it won't stay that way for long.

On hiatus because I have no idea what to do.

Chapter 3 is being re evaluated.

You can expect this to be a slow updating story. All chapters are currently self-edited.

Chapters (5)

When a stranger cloaked in darkness gives Celestia and Luna a gift that allows the holder to view wherever or whenever they wish, he only asks that they bring the element bearers, crystal rulers and discord to learn from the different viewings of examples of humanity. (Going to show video game cutscenes from different franchises to questions posed to the strangers gift.)

Chapters (2)

Time. It's the thing that makes everything tick. When Astral Spark, a student at the University of Canterlot, experiences brief glitches, stops in time, is it a sign that time itself is breaking down?

Written as a result of a recent writer's block.

Chapters (2)

Equis has fallen. Long ago, those few gifted with immortality left their dying world, searching for a new home.

That was ages ago. They have been adrift in space for an eternity, and they have found nothing to brighten their spirits. They are starting to lose hope that there is anything for them out here.

However, what they don't realize is that their journey has just barely begun...

-GM, master of Immortals.

Cover drawn by Little Duke! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Little+Duke

Edit: Woah. It got on the front page. This has never happened before. Thank you all so much.

Chapters (29)

A rewrite of the original, original here.
[http://www.fimfiction.net/story/285266/halo-unsc-frigate-timelane ] BTW, the original is very poorly wrote, and you don't need to read it if you haven't.

Gore tag is for fight scenes, and sex tag is for implication of the deed.

The UNSC Timelane is a frigate that has been sent on a mission to find out what this new planet right next to Covenant territory has and if it can be used. But what they don't expect is Equestria begging for help needing their help, Demon Skull squad is on the case.

This is a Halo/MLP crossover, I do not own ether Halo nor mlp, Demon Skulls are my own squad, sorry if they are someone else's. Anyway hope you enjoy the story and have a great day/night.

Chapters (6)

On a visit to the Everfree forest, Fluttershy encounters a creature she has never seen before. It’s tall, it wears clothes and nopony can understand it. Can the ponies of Ponyville make friends with this new creature, even when they do not understand eachother?

(28.1.2017) Did I...Did I get featured? :rainbowhuh: I think I got featured! :pinkiegasp:

Huge thanks to lordelliott for helping me proofread and edit. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (37)

He's been from the deserts of Saddle Arabia, all the way to the frozen home of the Windigos. He's decided that it's time to settle down, too bad that he chose to live with Ponies.

Diamond Dignity, also known as Damon, a human born to pony parents, has traveled the world and lived with every single race that lived, and still lives on the planet known as Equis. But this is the first time he has ever brought himself to live with ponies.

Chapters (6)

Once upon a time, on the not-so-magical planet Earth, there was a US Marine who signed up to defend his country. He was assigned to a fire team, the fire team assigned to a squad and the squad assigned to a platoon. Together they defended the area surrounding a Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan from insurgents. If only it were that simple.

When lone Marine is transported to Equestria he finds a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With no orders, no resupply and seemingly no hope of return, he sets out to find what brought him here, and why.

Strong Language Warning: He swears like a Marine.
Disclaimer: I'm not a Marine

What do readers have to say about this story?

"[T]his has to be the dumbest sounding plot I've ever heard of. But my god do you take that and fuck it in its ass ... Its just so real and witty and genuine that the whole premise actually works!" ComprehensiveBrony

"Yes, it's human-in-Equestria, but it's good. ... the action scenes had me sitting on the edge of my seat" Tebee

Cover by me, background stock by DarkDragon774

Chapters (7)

Trixie Lulamoon is a magician, a performer by the moniker of "The Great and Powerful Trixie". In the aftermath of her Alicorn Amulet takeover of Ponyville, Trixie left to try once again to succeed in being a traveling magician. As she ventues to the more remote places in the world, Trixie soon learns that she needs to back her title of "The Great and Powerful" to survive.

The Chosen Undead has woken up in a strange land after Defeating the Lord of Cinder and lighting the First Flame. While she cannot remember how she got there, or why she was alive and well, she is in awe of a land that is not in ruins and flourishing. After saving an odd creature named Trixie, the Chosen Undead decides to travel with her to find purpose once more.

Chapters (1)

Overwatch – guardians who secured global peace for a generation, and sowed ideals of freedom and equality that will never be forgotten under their steadfast protection.

Yet, some of our beloved heroes have ended up in Equestria, far from the shores of their homes. They are greeted by a cast of strange creatures and mythical beings, but some of these wardens of peace figure they can make a difference in a world completely unlike their own.

A series of short stories detailing the adventures of Overwatch’s cast of characters in Equestria.

Chapters (2)