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If you know, lately, mysterious disappearances have been happening in different comic-cons and events, and even it is suspected that there is a mysterious "merchant" who offers articles to the people to finish their different cosplays...

God, I am going off topic here, my name is Michael, and seemingly I have just woken up in a crossing between an anthro Equestria and the neo-heisei universe of kamen rider, as the one and only Kamen Rider Wizard...

Why the flying buck I am now a Griffon!!!

Chapters (14)

After hundreds of thousands of years, the planet Equis has finally been visited by extraterrestrial life. Galagus; the lone surviving Galagian has been brought to the surface and is trapped there by the planet's natural magic field. He soon befriends the locales and as per the usual, antics ensue.

Chapters (4)

I'm a guy who cosplays as a male Akame from Akame Ga Kill at Comic Con, hoping to grab some praise and sweet swag, and by that, I mean some cool stuff. It was then that I met the Merchant and bought Murasame from him.

And not a second after that, I found myself in the past of MLP:FIM's lore as Akame, lady parts and all.

Later on, I become a high ranking officer in Celestia's army. But I wonder how long I'm gonna live...?

Eh, I'll worry about that when the time comes.

Author's Notes:
Akame displaced, don't like, don't read.

Chapters (3)

Inspired by a conversation with Lord of Dorkness and Moongaze14, blame them.

After making a blind jump from the Nevernever, Harry Dresden ends up in Equestria, surrounded by attractive females; given his track record with the fairer sex this would be a terrifying proposal even if they weren’t obviously inhuman.

Now trapped until he can find a safe entrance back into the Nevernever, he must attempt to play nice with the local powers (all attractive females), explain his magic to the pre-eminent scholars in the field (all attractive females), and avoid the malevolent forces that seek to use his knowledge for their gain (all attractive females).

Chivalry, it can get a guy killed.

Takes place after Book 11 "Turn Coat" in the Dresden Files, and the beginning of season 3 and beyond.

Pre-readers are Lord of Dorkness, Moongaze14, and Appletank
Wlam (as of Chapter 3)

(Sex tag is for sexually charged situations; actual nookie may or may not happen and will include a ratings change)

Tags are: Anthro, Human, Crossover, Comedy, Adventure, Sex?

Character Tags will change with Arc

Featured 2nd Sept, 2016 - 5th Sept, 2016.

Chapters (4)

Every once and awhile ponies sometimes ask a simple question that so far has never been answered. Who or what made the Thestrals and what is there purpose? Why is there always three forms of them that make them just like the three tribes? Are they some creations back from the Lunar uprising or were they back before even then and if so, are the stories true about them being related to the mythical Vamponie's or not? These questions have went around a lot but so far everypony has dubbed Princess Luna being there maker or her mother or father for protecting ponies at night from the creatures that hunt at night. Unknown to all the true maker was soon to be revealed as well with a myth being turned true.

All credit for cover art goes to Parfaitpichu

Also I truly don't know who made the Thestrals so please to give bad comments and also for all safety from that this will be a alternate universe story. Also the changling in the cover art will appear later on in the story.

Also other tags may appear over time and human tag will show it self rather quickly so don't say anything about it.

Chapters (7)

"Story Contains Spoilers from Superior Spiderman"

Page from Coco's journal:

Things are starting to look up for me. I thought that after my last two assistants betrayed me and tried to steal my designs for the competition that I would have to finish all my work by myself. Thought that I'd never be able to trust another pony in this city. Manehatten is a place of dreams, but it can also be a place of greed. Wish Rarity had told me that.

But now I've found a pony that I can trust...kinda. He can be mean and arrogant, but I can see the kinder side of him that he tries to hide. But why does he try to hide it? Why doesn't he want to be praised for his good deeds. Guess I'll never understand Dr. Otto Octavius.

Otto will be ponified and will still retain the spider powers. I have a reason for this. And yes, this is the SUPERIOR spiderman. Don't give me crap about Parker.


Chapters (29)

The star system Omega Centauri was just another oddity on a map to scientists in the not too distant future. However when they found the star was orbiting an earth-sized, earth-like planet instead of a black hole as its motion had suggested, a mission was scrambled to investigate this most unusual of celestial behaviors.

Hamstrung by politics, and nearly crippled before it began, the 'Lone Ranger' mission was reduced to just one crew member and left to his own devices.

These are the logs of Arrow 18 and its lone commander. This information is classified TOP SECRET by the Global Space Agency.

Do NOT tell the princess.

Chapters (16)

For most people, any day where you killed dozens of mercenaries, learned your life was a lie, and lost your only friend in the world would be a bad day.

For Henry, that was all he knew.

Before he can think on that for too long, however, he finds himself ripped from one unfamiliar situation into yet another one, with no time to adapt. But at least no one wants him dead here.


Contains spoilers for Hardcore Henry

Chapters (3)

So let me tell you about a time, back when I knew many, and was hated by non. Back when I traveled the land more frequently, exploring new lands and 'waters' as I so pleased. In this here land I met quite a few colorful individuals, and that is something that is quite literal in meaning.

But I will start with two who started the chain of events that landed me in my current disposition. A husband and wife, the last of their kind in this wide open world. They were traveling through my main home, a swamp within a stretch of land the locals saw as foul and unruly, the two looking withered and disheveled, same as the current decorum around them. The wife, a pearlescent white alicorn with a mane of sunset alerted her mate when she heard my sirens call

"Hmmmm, hum hum, hum, hum hum hum."

She alerted her darker counterpart, and after hearing it only once they went to investigate for they could not resist the call, they could not sate their curiosity, their desire... just like all thee other's. They walked and wandered looking all around while following the call, until they stumbled apon me sitting on a fallen tree in the middle of a stagnant body of water, cutoff from the rest of the swamp by a landslide. I then looked to them staring at my form in shock.

"Oh hello there!" I announced, "I'm sorry if my little song disturbed your stroll threw my home, I was just trying something that usually appeases my boredom. I wasn't counting on visitors, let me get you two a meal~" I purr jumping into the water and coming up behind them with two plates full of locally grown roots and foliage, perfectly safe for digestion. I put the two plate on a log separating us, the sound of the action make the two jump in surprise, "Here you are, please feed you hunger, I'm someone who loves to feed others, for I can't stand to see others starve!"

They both look at me and my offerings in surprise, not knowing what to do. But the wife, obisly the braver and more trusting of the two stepped up and took a nibble at a carrot and hummed in delight. The husband soon followed in the same motion, also enjoying the meal I have presented to them.

"Good! Eat, it is a terrible thing to be hungry~" I tell them, as they stuff their faces in delight. I take out my own meal, a simple fish with some lemon and pepper. I also pull out some wine and a few glasses, poring us all a beverage to mix with the flavors. They see my meal and slow down a little, before they quickly accepted it, their famine driving them past their instinct.

They wife slows down, before asking me a simple question, "Who and what are you?" she asks, " I wish not to be rude, but you are different from anything we have seen." she asks trying to not to offend, making me chuckle.

"I do not mind, I'm hard to offend and your curiosity, beauty and courage deserves my admirations~" I sipped my wine, " I have gone by many names throughout my time here. Some call me King, others demon. I'm both loved and feared, but my true persona is a mantle I took up long ago, call me Tahm Kench, or just Tahm." I say finishing off my meal quickly taking out a hankercheif to clean my well groomed beard and elegant moustache.

"Tahm," the husband asked, " why arth thou called demon?"

"You see I have hungers that aren't easily satisfied, and I don't usually get many guests, so I make deals with others to get what I want, since I am chased out and denied entry to any town or establishment. Those who call me demon are those who don't hold up their end of the bargain."

"What do you ask for, and in return for what?" he asks again.

"I ask for all sorts of things, but I mostly just ask for help, for them to open their doors to me if I so ask, nice meal and warm bed until my hunger is completed." I say adjusting my hat and then checkin my nails for dirt, "What I give is anything one might desire, gold, fame, a new life in a new land, a second chance, or anything within my power." I then lean over to them and quietly ask, "Are you two in need for such a deal? I would be happy to provide anything you need~"

They both looked at each other before nuzzling, "Could we ask for two things?" said the wife.

I then leaned back and hummed, "I normally don't allow such a thing, but for a couple as nice as you two, I can make an acceptation. So, what is it you two desire?" I ask with a smile.

"We wish to restart our kingdom in this new land, for the windegos of the north have defiled our old lands, make them unable to bare life." the Ebony husband said with a pain in his voice.

"That is something within my power son," I then looked at the wife, "Now what is it you wish?" I ask the mare.

She looked down, at her former meal, "I've always wanted to be a mother, but sadly I am as barren as our old home Tahm... I only wish to have kids, so we may continue our race, and I can be a mother."

I smile, "Done and done. But when you see me, remember you must let me in, understood? Anytime, anywhere, and you must satisfy me, understood?" I held out my green hand, with random gold rings decorating it.

They shook their heads in agreement, and the wife shook my hand, "Deal." I then started to prepare myself for the voyage, ready to transform into my monstrous self, and fishing two potions out of my pockets, one pink and the other blue, deciding on the pink one to leave with them. But the wife had one more question, "Why are you called King?"

I look back at here with my gleming yellow eyes, "Because the world is a river, and I am it's King~"

League of Legends Displaced fic with Humanized Tahm Kench.

Chapters (1)

Set several years after canon, the world of Equestria has changed. What has changed the most, is the sky city of Cloudsdale. The massive, expanded Weather Factory has become the heart of nearly the whole world, conquering the weather over the Everfree Forest and even the Frozen North, rendering the elements and Crystal Heart obsolete. However, when unicorn Violet Dawn falls into her own experiment, she gains new abilities at the cost of finding out some bitter secrets behind the factory's success. Only she can unveil the villain behind this and stop plans of world domination.

The picture is by pickles_kingdom (Instagram)

Chapters (11)