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It's been 1,000 years since Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon. Knowing that she may return, she entrusted Twilight to find the Elements of Harmony to redeem her sister from the darkness in her soul.

But she had a failsafe planned, a spell to summon a warrior strong enough to fend off the demon while her student was busy meeting and finding the bearers of the Elements.

Now trapped in Equestria, Victor Von Doom must learn to act as one of their own, but for the genius, some old habits die hard. But a bigger threat looms in the shadows, forcing Doom to be the hero for once. Is he truly willing to, though?

An alternate universe where Doctor Doom was present from the beginning of the series. The prequel to every other story written in this storyline of sorts.

Chapters (3)

Long ago, the Seraphim granted power to the Doom Slayer that he might conquer the forces of Hell. The Doom Slayer has won, Hell lies defeated, and now he returns to the Seraphim's holy realm. His mission is not over though, he has promises to fulfill, rewards to collect, and as always, evil to defeat. Let those who would harm this sacred land tremble, for the Guardian of Equestria, has returned!

(This story now has two sequels: Legion and the novella Doom Slayer.)

Chapters (27)

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin. If Saber can gain Twilight, and the new temperamental captain's trust then they just might survive what's coming.

All characters are Humanized.

Cover art: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Radan-the-rogue-483057845
Featured on: 9/26/16 HOLY SHITZ!

Chapters (17)

An outcast. That's what most called him. He worked alone. Lived alone. Slept alone. Ever since his old friends were lost to the Darkness in a raid, he's been alone. Grieving. One day, as he is traveling through the cosmos on his way to the Reef, his warp drive malfunctions, sending him to a new planet. Or rather, a new universe entirely. Being a part of Dead Orbit, he didn't mind it much. At least, until the ponies started hounding him.

HOLY SHIT, FEATURED AS SOON AS THE NEW CHAPTER WENT UP?!?!? OH MY GOD! Thank you all so much! Fucking hell, this is amazing!

Chapters (5)

Ripped from home with no explanation to a place that is both incredibly strange and eerily familiar. What world he walks on, what these creatures are, why he's here. There are many things Rajrishi does not understand about Equestria. He hopes to fix that.

But mostly he just wants to go home.

Chapters (78)

Two thousand and fifty three years.
Spike has been battling the eldritch horrors of timeless Ginungagap for over two millennia, yet even to this day, his shame remains gnawing at his very heart and mind. Until the day comes when he is told of the danger that threatens what is most precious to him.

To save what he loves, Spike shall face his shame once more, his will, determination and sanity stretched to their limits, as he will step into the Abyss of his own, personal hell.

As always Spike moves forward, ever forward, towards battle, death and hopefully redemption.

In life, shame.
In death, absolution.

Chapters (20)

This is NOT a human is lost element story. Trust me, I hate that trope as well.

Travis was never treated right back in Manehattan. He never had friends or even basic respect. just because he was considered a freak. well, A creature born in a different dimension and raised in Equestria isn't exactly the most natural thing in the world. On his birthday, Travis is given the chance to live on his own for one year in the local town of Ponyville.

Thank you to DekaSkittalz & Literary for helping with editing and pre-reading!

Cover in collaboration with DarkHooves

Chapters (16)

As an agent of the Jedi Council, Revan Vao, distant descendant of Republic Hero Mission Vao, has seen some of the worst examples of sapient behavior that the Republic can offer, when a freak occurrence forces her to crash on Equestria, she is stuck with no way home. Now she just has to adapt to a land based upon Harmony and Friendship and filled with talking ponies.

A HiE-style Star Wars/MLP crossover.

Featured on 07/09/16, thanks everyone! :pinkiehappy:

Final edits and revisions (hopefully) finished on 02/13/17 06/23/17.

Rated Teen for (mostly fictitious) language, innuendo, violence, and Cloud Kicker. Romance tag for later chapters, and Gore tag for a few specific chapters.

This work is a not-for-profit endeavor, no copyright infringement is intended, please don't sue me or any other party that distributes this work.

Chapters (34)

Making friends is something Discord doesn't do easily, but with his recent success at finding new friends to socialize with on a regular basis, Fluttershy suggests he branches out. So being who he is, Discord completely overcompensates for the suggestion.

In the wilds of Eichenwalde, there is a lone Omnic and a bird. Bastion has a lot on his(?) mind at the moment when the world turns mauve.

An Overwatch/MLP Season 6/IDW Comics crossover, one written due to a combination of challenges set forth by myself to better continue writing. Technically complete but marked as incomplete to leave the world room to grow. Coverart by Blizzard Entertainment.

Chapters (1)

Legends tell of a species that lived long ago on the lands of Equestria. Simply called "Humans", These beings had been said to once live as ponies do today. One day, they seemingly disappeared. Legends, over time, fade to myth. And myth fades to stories. And stories fade to make-belief. The mere mention of humans is rare nowadays, And are regarded as simple old tales. However, Not all stories turn out to be fake. Unbeknownst to the residents of Ponyville, Something is watching them. The shadows of the trees of the Everfree hide it from ponykind...

There's a Man in the Woods.

Chapters (1)