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Flash Sentry visits Twilight while on vacation in Ponyville for a week. Will Twilight take chance on Flash or will she let him go?

Chapters (43)

During one of Applejack's sleepovers Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy decide to share a room, something happens that makes them both confused on their feelings for eachother.

Chapters (2)

Before leaving on a two-year tour of duty in Zebrabwe, Flash Sentry pens a letter to Twilight Sparkle, telling her of his failure.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Hear the dramatic reading by Scribbler.

Chapters (2)

Cadence feels like she is drifting apart from her husband. Passionate nights are becoming rare and to top it off, the gossip of her nation is that her husband is actually seeing mares on the side. Hearing such things makes her feel worried that their marriage is in jeopardy of breaking up. Determine to figure out the truth Cadence alters her form to become a different pony, one that hopes she'll catch her husband in the act or even test to him for herself if her husband really has fallen to the lure of younger mares.

Proofed by SolidFire and Mikemeiers

Chapters (1)

In all honesty, Twilight Sparkle never had much plans for romance. Sure, she occasionally dreamed about finding that one special somepony, but she never had the chance nor the motivation to actively seek him. I mean, all good things come to those who wait, right?

However, when ‘that one special somepony’ is forcibly shoved right in Twilight’s face, it becomes a whole different ball game.

Chapters (3)

Soarin' Highwind, the son of a Wonder Bolt. But when he's rejected from the 'bolts and nothing seems to be going his way, a small and seeming useless ring brings him to the crash sight of a legendary warrior. And he quickly finds that the universe is bigger than just Equestria

A LOT bigger

Now, undergoing training with the greatest of all Green Lanterns, Sunset Shimmer, Soarin' must help stop an ancient evil from tearing apart the universe and destroying trillions of lives.

The only question is will Soarin' fail? Or will he rise above all and become the colt without fear?

Art by Exelzior
And pre-reading by Fanofawesomeness

Rated Teen for mild language through out

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith has recently passed away and it has come at a huge blow for the Apple Family. Because of that the family has to adjust and Applejack has been overworking herself. To solve that problem, Big Macintosh has decided to enlist the help of some family and friends in order to help cover up some of the farm work. Of course even with the Apple Family down a member, the family is still about to grow even larger then before.

Chapters (7)

Years since the Kaiju first made contact with the ponies of Equestria, and other races, former Jaeger Pilot Solaris is called into action to assist in a plan which can eradicate the Kaiju threat; once and for all.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy can't believe it, Angel Bunny is dead. Her beloved pet and friend, she cries herself to sleep as the moonlight shines upon the white rabbits grave She never wants to love again. But after a spark lands between her and Big Mac in the Ever Free forest can she let him into her broken heart?
(I'm sorry I suck at descriptions)

Chapters (6)

Princess Twilight Sparkle's work days are hard. She never comes to see her friends anymore. The only thing to cheer her up is Flash Sentry, the new, handsome guard. But when he suddenly disappeared, Twilight had no choice...

Chapters (1)