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So Rainbow Dash decided to share the story of how she died saving Fluttershy's life. Her friends decided to humor her and listen along. As they hear the story they keep wondering why Rainbow Dash insists she has died. The ending tells them everything.

Picture used with permission and the artist name is ~BlackSonicShadow

Now with it's own some what sequel More hilarity here.

Chapters (1)

Caramel and Applejack have recently became parents to their daughter, Toffee Apple. But whilst Applejack has become more than aware that she has to do what's best for her daughter, Caramel is still trying to face the fact that he is now a parent and isn't sure that he'll be a good one.

Apart of the "Life's Nuances" series along with:-

First Meeting (Prequel)
One Bad Date
The Roadie and the Show Stopper

Rated Teen for: Strong Language and Suggestive Elements

Chapters (10)

Scootaloo has never been the best of fliers, especially when compared to her parents. But then again, neither was her brother, Flash. For most of her life, they've both been unable to meet the expectations their parents- and everypony else- have set for them, but they've always been able to take comfort in knowing they would face their problems together.

Now, however, things have changed. Flash is not only a member of Canterlot's Elite Guard, but he is also engaged to a Princess. He has become everything Scootaloo has only dreamed of, and yet she still can't even fly.

Will their relationship be able to survive? Or will Scootaloo abandon him forever?

Chapters (1)

In an otherworldly night, a sleeper train is making its way back from the frozen north. Sleep, however, is eluding two travelers. One has a hurt that needs to be mended, the other has a dream that must be remembered. It is the perfect night for secrets to be shared.

A FlutterDash one-shot, set at the end of The Crystal Empire, on the overnight train back to Canterlot; uncomplicated romance with slight sad and comedy elements.

Enormous thanks to NATOstrike and Shadowsreached for their awesome proofreading and feedback-ing! Thanks also to Tarantad0 for letting me use that amazing Jousting Fluttershy picture.

Chapters (1)

Rarity has arranged a blind date for Fluttershy, but refuses to tell her friends who Fluttershy's date might be. Fluttershy is excited and Applejack is happy to help out, but Rainbow Dash isn't so sure. Deciding to take things into her own hooves, she sets out to acquire the flowers and food that were meant for Fluttershy's date, then show up posing as the pretty pegasus's date herself. But the date meant more to Fluttershy than Rainbow Dash knew.

Written for the FlutterDash writing contest, in which it received second place in the reader's choice competition.

Chapters (3)

That's how long it's been since Flash Sentry went MIA during a mission up north. Twilight has been waiting for him to come back, believing he is still alive. However, others are in need of the Princess more than they need a good guard. Twilight is uncertain how she feels around Flash and waits for him to get an answer to her feelings, but when he's been missing for seven months... one might think something has happened.

Chapters (1)

Equestria: A place of safety, friendship, and love. It has faced and defeated many threats: Changelings, dragons, windigoes, tyrannical Unicorn dictators, and a particularly mischievous draconequus. But now Equestria faces its greatest threat ever: a gigantic tornado filled with killer sharks.

With time running out, Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and all of Equestria must unite to battle the aquatic menace. But will the magic of friendship be enough to save the land from sharks whose hunger cannot be stopped?

Huzzah! We were mentioned by Entertainment Weekly!

Chapters (12)

“Let me fly then I need a release from,/These troubles of mine./Fix my feet when they're stumbling,/And well you know it hurts sometimes.” –The Killers, ‘Sweet Talk’

While on an errand to Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy runs into Big Macintosh. The two enjoy each other's company, however, after an accident on the farm, it's up to Fluttershy to help the red stallion the best way she knows, with tender, loving care.

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy discovers a cheerleader outfit, a nice gift from Angel that literally fell out the sky. She's already been worrying about her upcoming date with Big Mac, their one month anniversary, and she wonders what to do. Fluttershy decides to put the outfit to its proper use. Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are up to no good as usual.

This is inspired by the many "Pony X Discovers/Makes/Uses a Y" stories that have proliferated lately such as those by Art Inspired. It's also inspired by a particular image posted by Braeburned on /mlp/ as well as a classic piece of 80s pop. Thanks for reading.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy moved to Ponyville with a very clear purpose in mind. Find a new beginning. She's created a whole new life in Ponyville. Made new friends. And finally escaped her past.

But now she's falling in love all over again. And she can't risk getting hurt like before.

Is the man who loves her truly pushing her back into what she thought she ran away from? Or is he there to heal her wounds and show her the world isn't so scary?

Cover Image by *superlucky13 on deviantart.com

Chapters (1)