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Confessing her feelings to Flash Sentry was just the beginning. Now, Twilight Sparkle will have to tread through some very unfamiliar territory; The path of love.

(Once again, the cover image is courtesy of Coolez)

Chapters (12)

Princess Twilight Sparkle travels to the Crystal Empire to visit her brother, Cadance, and their new foals, Il Bolero di Fuoco (better known as Bolero), and Gleaming Shield. When her train ends up derailed due to the snowstorm, she ends up somehow trapped in an ice cave, in a raging blizzard, with none other than Flash Sentry. Can these two star-and-dimension-crossed lovebirds thaw out the chilly Frozen North with their love, or are they doomed to freeze to death wandering aimlessly through the snow and hail? When Shining Armour finds out his sister's going out with a royal guard, can he accept it for the love that it is? Or will he totally flip a table?

The song "Vanilla Twilight" belongs to Owl City.


Chapters (1)

When Big Mac's mother and father died, Mac was forced to drop out of school to take care of work on the farm. As such, he never got the chance to learn how to read. It had been a lifelong struggle for him, until accompanying Apple Bloom to Parent Teacher Night provided him an opportunity to learn. As Cherilee teaches Mac how to read the words on the page, he also learns how to read the words in his own heart. Mac never realized that being able to read would give him so much happiness, until he realizes that it's Cherilee he loves, not just the books. He realizes that anything is possible as long as you have the support of somepony who loves you.

Big Mac X Cherilee, nonexplicit, sweet fluffy oneshot. Somewhat different than my usual tone, but I needed a fluff piece to keep me sane. Also, THERE IS NOT ENOUGH BIG MAC X CHERILEE FICS. FIX THIS, SOMEPONY.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is called in by Cadance to translate some old books in the Crystal Empire's library. To Twilight's chagrin, Cadance takes the opportunity to try and put her together with Flash Sentry. Twilight is left with no choice but to confront her feelings towards the guardspony.

(Cover art courtesy of Deviant Art member Coolez.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, a new ruler in Equestria, has only been a princess for a few weeks. She just returned from an adventure in a new world that she never knew of, but she still doesn't feel ready for life as a leader. On the other hoof, Flash Sentry is just a new member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. As a member of the guard, his job is to protect the three princesses in Canterlot, as well as tour with them wherever they go. This turns into a romantic relationship, and they live happily ever after.

Actually, no they don't. That only happens in fairy tales.

Rated Teen for suggestive scenes and innuendo jokes, but if you know me you know that my stories are always the PG rated version, where the acts aren't described after kissing or touching. This story takes place after Equestria Girls but before Season 4, not including any new developments in the series or comics after the movie.

Artwork by: cat4lyst.
Edited/Pre-read by: Gemstone The Unicorn (final chapter only).
External Links: Goodreads.

First Story: A Guard and a Princess.
Second Story: A Prince and a Princess.

Chapters (21)

Fluttershy was walking home after her and Raritys weekly spa session, when she stumbled upon Big Macintosh. After small chatting and awkward silence, Mac asked if Fluttershy would come and have drink with him. Normally she would have refused to go, but something about this stallion got her to agree.

Authors note:
I'm going to make this story a couple of chapters long.
I decided to make FlutterMac story because in my opinion it's the most possible one to happen, they both being shy and all. (I also think that they are the cutest pair too! :3)
English is not my main language so please let me know if you find any grammatical errors so that I can fix them as quickly as possible
This is my very first FIMFiction EVER!
Feel free to criticize!

Chapters (4)

Ever since they got back from the hospital, Caramel has been very unsure of himself. How can he be a dad when he screws up so much? How can he be expected to care for something so helpless? He doesn't know. But, sometimes, the smallest things can make the biggest difference.

Chapters (1)

Luna's moon does nothing to aid Twilight in her sleep, especially when she is too preoccupied with Spike. Journey into the mind of the elemental bearer of magic as we try to decipher her thoughts about her number one assistant. Will a heart break or grow? Will she get sleep?

A (very) Short Story merely written to prevent rusty writing.
Thanks to Swashbucklist and Gigamunch for helping me with some of my mistakes.

Chapters (1)

Whenever Father's Day rolls around, Big Macintosh is determined to make sure that every member of the Apple family has a happy, relaxing day instead of letting them wallow in the sorrow of loss. There's just one problem with that.

He forgot one family member.

Written for the Equestria Daily flash fiction event on the topic of Father's Day.
Cover image vector by Sheep.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville, a place of tourism, laughs, cutie marks, and unknown love. As in unknown, it means you never know who likes who until they've either confessed it, or moved on to somepony else, which can get under the skin of certain nosy ponies who want the latest gossip in town.

Fluttershy is no exception, simply that she's never really dated somepony or even given love a thought. In fact, whenever a stallion or occasional mare comes along and asks her the big question, she shies away or changes the subject. That is, until a certain red stallion catches her attention. Will she go in for the kill, metaphorically speaking, or will she evade love at all costs?

(A good ol' FlutterMac story) (The Mane Six will come in later, by the way.)

Chapters (2)