• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

For Later Reading? 160 stories
Found 148 stories in 76ms

Total Words: 12,598,067
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Pony Games Done Quick: an event where speedrunners gather to show off their skills with the best My Little Pony games based on fanfics. Coming up next is The Enchanted Library, which is sure to make for a great show. Especially once the characters in the game start commenting on the run.

It's recommended to read The Enchanted Library all the way through before reading this. The Enchanted Kingdom isn't necessary, but suggested.

Written with Monochromatic's permission.

(To clarify, this isn't a real game)

Translated into Chinese

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Architecturial Association sends an inspector to make sure Twilight's School Of Friendship is up to code. The school reacts with the appropriate amount of panicked hysteria.

An entry into HapHazred's A Change Of Pace contest.

Cover art vector by Ultra the HedgeToaster

Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Featured on FiMFiction.
Review by Cerulean Voice.
Review by Undead_Wanderer

When a debt-collection company sends a representative to collect on Lyra's parents' debts, they don't care that her parents have been missing for years - the debt is legally hers. If she can't pay up, she'll lose her house.

In order to pay the debt, Lyra devises a plan that simply can not fail - she'll convert her home into an item shop and sell her way to riches! Surely Bon Bon will help, too. What could possibly go wrong?

Inspired by Recettear

Chapters (35)

They call her the greatest stockbroker to ever hit Wall Street. Some call her the next Warren Buffett. Working from a nondescript, shoebox-sized office, her clients have earned millions through her shrewd investments.

She's...the "Pink Pony of Wall Street."

Intended for Admiral Biscuit's Not-A-Contest for ponies working on Earth. This was an impulse write--proofreading my may be spotty.

Cover image credit (Thanks to Admiral Biscuit and Trick Question for helping me find this very appropos picture!)

Featured 5/7-5/8/2020 :yay:
Featured at #1 (with Mature turned off), 5/7/2020 :pinkiehappy: :pinkiegasp:

Chinese translation by Miracle Seal!
Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Not all villains are evil. Some are just misguided. There are some creatures who just need a helping hoof to have the opportunity to—

—bwa ha ha, no, the Queen of the Changelings would never be into that. So what's with this sudden change of heart? And what's with these sassy letters?

A not very serious fic with some isekai implications.

Chapters (28)

One of the positive things about being enlisted in the Solar Guard is all the mares Rainbow Dash could possibly chase after.

A negative? The one she's really after is in the Lunar Guard, and she's pretty… batty.

Cover art by silbersternenlicht on Derpibooru.
Pre-read by Not Enough Coffee.
Proofread and edited by Dreams of Ponies and AAIQU.
Winner in the 2017 Thestral Writing Competition and 2nd place in the 4th Flutter-Dash Contest.
Featured 10/20/17 - 10/24/17.
With an audio reading!

Chapters (5)

Since Princess Twilight Sparkle had elevated herself to the status of an immortal alicorn, she has come to realize that there would be one part of her friend's lives that they may never get the chance of having - her funeral. To make up for this, she decides to host a mock funeral so they can have the opportunity to experience it. However, word about the preparation for said funeral accidently gets out and as a result, Equestria believes that Twilight has died.

This story was inspired by the suggestion of a friend who wishes to remain anonymous.

Proofread by Titanium Dragon.

Chapters (1)

There are many words that can describe the equine force of nature that is Pinkie Pie: loud, fast, bouncy, hyperactive, wild, frenzied, fun...

These are, Rarity would freely admit, normally absolutely wonderful qualities for her friend to have. However, there are circumstances where even the most universally positive qualities are... not ideal. And, she would politely insist, there is at least one place in Ponyville that Pinkie's irrepressible exuberance should never intrude upon: the spa. Rarity would consider this a reasonable arrangement.

And yet, thanks to an ill-timed conversation and the dread spectre of social politeness, these two worlds of hers will soon collide when she is forced to invite Pinkie to spend some time with her in her haven of relaxation.

Will the Ponyville Spa survive? And even if it does, will Rarity's reputation there come out unscathed? Or will, by some miracle, Pinkie bring herself down to the realm of mortals and show Rarity more about herself than she ever could have guessed.

Note: the cover picture is entirely unrelated to the story, except in as much as it involved Pinkie and Rarity at the spa and it amused me.

Edited by raven618

Featured on 3rd March 2020 - Thank you guys so much!

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy and Discord have been through a lot, in their friendship and their romance. But finally, they're married, and things can settle down now...right?

Fluttershy should have known that things aren't that easy when Discord's involved.

A collection of random, fluffy drabbles. Not much of a plot here.

Amazing cover art made by Eveeka!

Chapters (100)

In the civilized world of monsters, Twilight is a teenage human who never really worries about things outside of school and personal projects. In fact, inside her gated community she's never even met any monsters.

One day when Twilight finds a vampire out on her front lawn, slowly burning alive, Twilight manages to takes them inside, saving their life and giving Twilight her first real friend. However past experiences with friendship has left Twilight nervous in this prospect.

Is friendship really not so scary? Even if your new friends are monsters?

Inspired partially by the Monster High idea and by The Albinocorn's story Sunlight, which I highly recommend!

Warnings- Slight Gore, not enough that would warrant serious warning, but I rated Teen just in case.

Chapters (8)