• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012

Big Baby

I will judge you mercilessly.

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Magic, the most powerful of the Elements Of Harmony, it binds them together and helps keep stability over Equestria. Cut that off and what happens? What happens when the threads of friendship are severed, and the flames of chaos are rekindled? For Twilight, her existence's end is simply the beginning to something much bigger. How will she act in a world deprived of the harmony it once held as a creature that must thrive on the blood that Equestria has lost?

Chapters (6)

Many ponies believe themselves above the animals that dwell in the darkest reaches of the world, placing themselves upon a pedestal built by supposed superior sentience. But what good does a simple common belief do for a little lavender filly when she is thrown into the raging wild, away from the shelter of society with nothing but her developing magic and an unhatched dragon egg? Will little Twilight be torn apart by the fire-breathing creatures that rule the night, or will she rise above the lie of superiority and work towards reinventing her being?

To be faster...



AN: Just a story Ink and I dug out from the old files in his computer to try and get something done while he recovers, enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Featured on 5/19/2013
Princess Twilight has taken her place as the newest member of the royal family. After some time Discord becomes Twilights personal advisor and they are driving each other crazy. In more ways than one.

With their partnership comes many changes to Equestria and Twilights political power has started overshadowing the Royal Sisters.
This was Celestia's plan all along, but it doesn't stop there.

Chapters (15)

The newly coronated Princess Twilight suffers an abrupt tragedy. Having lost two loved ones, she begins to question her own mortality, and that of her friends.

AJ, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy. . . they are just the beginning. Twilight will live for thousands of years, so every pony she cares about—every pony she will ever care about, will die.

She could barely handle the pain of one funeral, let alone the thought of hundreds of them. Twilight finds a clever way to ensure all of her friends never die. They can’t all be ageless alicorns, but they can all move into Twilight’s Dollhouse. Then they can be best friends forever.

Sequel: Twilight's Dollhouse 2
Fanmade Song: Twilight's Dollhouse

Source: Dreampaw
Editor: Gage of Grandiloquence, Breath of Plagues
Pre-read & Idea pony: TypeWriterError,
v1.1 Revised chapters 1-10 on May 1st 2013
--Pending a few more revisions, including ch. 14
Now on TV Tropes.

Chapters (18)

King Sombra, the former tyrant and conqueror of Crystal Kingdom, the wielder of dark magic, servants and slaves that he had at his mere call. One thousand years ago; he lost himself after the banishment by Celestia and Luna, set out to reclaim it but was stopped by Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight along with other Element of Harmony.

Now what the evil king to do when he lost everything?

Featured on Canterlot's Finest on October 17, 2013.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash isn't bitter about the whole Mare-Do-Well incident. Or at least that's what she tells herself. Either way, she's not going to miss this chance for some harmless revenge pranks, and so she constructs a plan to prank all of her best friends, starting with Twilight Sparkle. All Dash needs is a quill and some paper.

Thanks to the amazing DShou for the cover image.

Chapters (6)

A dragon wanders through a starless night, into a land that banished him centuries ago. Never did he imagine he would return to the world that cursed his very existence, but when the sun and moon failed to rise one fateful day, something compelled him to begin the long journey home to the princess who shattered his heart.

Chapters (1)

This here is a short story that came to me as I sat in the shade of a Humvee, eating an MRE. It's a little funny and a little sad, and it is the tale of how a mare named Jade became the afterlife receptionist for Ponyville.

Chapters (4)

I don’t question the “life” bar floating over my head, or my “EXP” gauge, or the little phantasmal boxes that appear whenever I look at an “equippable” object that show its “statistics.” It’s normal for small messages to appear in the sky every now and then, such as [System update in 2 hours.] My kind worships the Developers, higher beings that direct, create, and control everything we see. It’s all normal. This is how things have always been, since I was born. My father, my grandfather, my ancestors have all accepted and coped with these elements.

So why does everything feel so... fake?

My name is Twilight_Sparkle, and I know there’s something wrong here.

Co-Written by GaruuSpike and Chaotic Dreams.

(EDIT: This story is cancelled forever because someone sabotaged all of our attempts to write. You know who you are, and so do I, and I hope you're happy for killing it.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Flight of the Alicorn

Rarity was certain her troubles with magical gemstones had ended, but an unexpected royal visit soon convinces her otherwise. In order to save an ailing Princess, stop an ancient menace, and avert a disaster that threatens the survival of a lost tribe of ponies, Rarity, Blueblood, and a brave group of friends will travel to strange and foreign lands, and into the fathomless depths beneath tormented seas. In her quest to uncover the secrets of the Abyssal Forge, Rarity will have to use all her charm, wit, and skill—and rely on allies old and new—as the unlikeliest of ponies once again attempts to save the world in style.

Part Two of Three
The Adamant Triskelion - Book One: The Flight of the Alicorn
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Two: The Abyssal Forge
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Three: ???

Beautiful cover art by Lucky Dreams.

Chapters (2)