• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012

Big Baby

I will judge you mercilessly.

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There is a secret in Equestria. A secret the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle doesn’t dare to believe. Like puppeteers pulling on marionettes, they have influenced Equestria for better and worse since the fall of Discord. So far they have been benevolent, but their potential for evil is vast. What’s worse, she doesn’t know their name. She doesn’t know their mission. All she knows for certain is one thing.

That they all seem to be zebra.

Chapters (10)

Make a wish on a shooting star and watch your dreams come true...

Being a princess is the highest honor Twilight could ever ask for, but even she can't help but miss her old, simple life studying inside the library. Part of her wishes she could just cast aside her crown and wings to rejoin her friends in Ponyville.

One night, while watching a meteor shower, a shooting star streaks across the moonlit sky. Twilight forgoes her usual logic and finds herself uttering her secret wish...

The next morning finds Twilight more than overjoyed; her wish had been granted! However, she was not the only pony affected. Realizing the ramifications of her rash actions, Twilight seeks to fix what had gone wrong. Under the watchful eye of an unexpected mentor, she must court her own friend to get close to her in the royal court and reclaim what has been lost.

Edited (extensively, and amazingly so) by jmartkdr and I HV NO FEAR

Chapters (2)

Hey there. Name's Discord. I'm the janitor at a high school. I clean up after bratty teenagers and the odd drama queen or two that turns into a demon and wrecks up the school. Ain't my job grand?

Birthday gift to my bro Skeeter The Lurker, a really rad dude everyone should check out!

Awesome art from the greatly talented ManiacPaint, who you should definitely check out for more good art!

Chapters (6)

Twilight's ascension to the throne was supposed to be a joyous occasion, but as the months have passed and the shadows of the world grown a little darker, the lessons of her mentors and the weight of her responsibility has done nothing but made her more uncertain about her ability to rule.

Now, on the day of a grand gathering of nations, an attempt on the life of one princess and the abduction of the other brings with it an old foe and the weight of the world. With the fate of empires resting on her shoulders, Twilight must undertake a grand journey into the heart of madness and the untold history of Equestria to save her princesses and the world entire...

But save them from what?

Featured on Equestria Daily 10/12/13
I am humbled once again to be assisted by the brilliant RainbowDri in bring this story to fruition. I couldn't have asked for a more insightful assistant or all-around excellent guy.
Coverart supplied by the extremely talented dreampaw (Power leads to corruption). I can't thank her enough.

Chapters (7)

As the years drew on, Spike's childish heart grew into that of a true adult, longing for the finer things in life; the finest things. He pursues his relationship with Rarity, but all does not go as planned.

Filled with anger and sorrow, Spike and Rarity fall away from one another. In his grief, Spike pursues new interests, and their friendship is in danger of never recovering.

But perhaps the truest words in life are these: you do not know what you had until you have lost it. Jealous and alone, finding no comfort in stallions she once loved, can Rarity reclaim her one chance at true love, before it is too late?

Chapters (13)

"We live in what we believe is a shell, a closed sphere where all is constant. As physics would have it, nothing in the universe is unique, nothing is wasted or destroyed: it is repurposed. But now I prove them wrong. With a single idea, I realize that we are not so insignificant as we think. We are not slaves to destiny and existence. We are the ashes of gods, the fruits of eternity, the products of choice and fate. We are not meaningless. This universe is not our prison.

This is our empire."

- Excerpt from A Lexicon of Impossibilities, by Cypher

Special thanks:
AeronJVL, for the amazing cover art.
Emberspeak, Forderz, RTStephens, PropMaster, and RazgrizS57 for their editing.
shortskirtsandexplosions for the idea.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Dollhouse

Thirty ponies remained trapped in plastic shells as Twilight’s dolls. Lyra left them behind without a second thought. She joins Scootaloo to help rescue them, lest they be trapped for eternity as the last of Twilight’s sanity slips away. . .

Scootaloo will have to get past thoughts of revenge and her anger. Lyra will have to move past her guilt of failure. Once they have learned the skills they will need to defend themselves they will set out to find the Dollhouse and rescue their friends.

Unfortunately, time waits for no pony.

Pre-readers / Editors: Selbi, Abcron, Jaestring, TypewriterError, Breath of Plagues

Chapters (9)

When recently ascended Princess Twilight Sparkle is sent on an educational mission to the temples of the Scarab Desert, she finds herself immersed in an ancient legend given new life. Will she manage to follow the script, or will the Summer Eclipse last forever?

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (5)

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk.

While on his walk, he was judged by an ancient alicorn, lodged with griffons, parlayed with air pirates, charmed a maiden of a mystical race, and dealt with the scourges of hate, fear, and racism while deliberately drawing the armies of myriad nations to the brink of global war.

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk, and did all of this so that he could keep a promise to the one that meant the most to him... Twilight Sparkle.

In the first of three books, Pillars of the Sun (Chapters 1-15), Spike is devastated by Twilight's fate and grows more and more despondent as he attempts to understand what has happened to his dearest friend. A gentle nudge from a pony he trusts sends him looking for answers. When that nudge becomes a push he unravels ancient secrets... and risks losing himself before his attempt to rescue Twilight can even begin.

Chapters (14)

"Are you happy? You know it’s your duty, right? Do as you’re expected!”

Twilight Sparkle lives with her friends in a technologically advanced utopia, where the happiness of everybody is guaranteed. There are no fights, no heartbreak, and no troubles of the past. Everybody lives in bliss.

Twilight and her friends need to rebel.


A/N If you're worried about that there OC tag, I can assure you that the only OCs are a few supporting characters. Rated Teen for violence and swearing, but used in moderation.
Beautiful cover art by the amazing Conicer

Chapters (28)