• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012

Big Baby

I will judge you mercilessly.

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Rarity's exploits in "Sweet and Elite" set in motion a chain of events that will find the unicorn dressmaker taking part in the greatest airship race in the world, the Alicorn's Cup. Excitement will give way to terror, as Rarity soon finds herself the victim of a plot against Equestria, and shipwrecked far from home with her least favorite stallion, the boorish Prince Blueblood. Rarity will learn of treachery in Canterlot and abroad, and will have search for something of substance beneath the prince's obnoxious veneer as she struggles to not only save herself, but her entire nation.

Part One of Three
The Adamant Triskelion - Book One: The Flight of the Alicorn
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Two: The Abyssal Forge
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Three: ???

Chapters (26)

In ancient times it was said a race of warriors, hailing from an alien world once walked the ground of old Equestria.
They were called the Silver People, a race of bipeds with glimmering armor and swords that came and assisted the alicorns during a time of great peril.

But even after grand victories and countless deeds, their kingdom lasted only for two-hundred years when according to myth, they had turned to the dark path they once swore to fight.

Millennia later, Twilight Sparkle's curiosity gets the better of her, and she is fully determined to learn what drove Mankind over the edge, and their fall.

Daaarn this got featured!
That's amazing, thank you ALL!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Last of the Dragonlords

Fluttershy hoped she wouldn't have to take up her weapons for a long time. She hoped she could enjoy the time she had with her friends. She hoped she could live a life of peace and prosperity. That she could watch her friends be happy, get married, have foals, and watch them grow old, and be with them until the day they die.

She could never have been more wrong.

Now, nearly two years after she learnt who and what she was, she must take up her swords Firewing and Drage Bane and her wing blades once more, as Equestria is broken apart by a ruthless, determined, bitter, and insane enemy.

But how can she do that when her friends and loved ones have suddenly turned against her?

Sequel to 'Last of the Dragonlords'. (Not sure how well it works on its own, but informartion regarding the events of the first story is thrown through the story, allowing easier understanding to those who haven't read the prequel story.)

Cover art A by arkkukakku112 (Used with permission).

Rated Teen for violence. Some strong, but again not gory.

Chapters (18)

The name's Applejack. Canterlot, the capital of our kingdom was beset by a plague of changelings durin' a weddin'. Had it not been for Cadence and Shining sendin' them packin', we might all be changelings by now. Not long after, Princess Celestia ordered a stallion from every house to enlist for the counterattack against them. He served his kingdom, as did countless other colts, and he came back without a scratch on him. Or, so Ah thought...

Chapters (1)

King Sombra survived his defeat, but just. By the time he returned to form, Twilight became the newest princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire was restored to its former glory.

He cannot take over Equestria the same way he tried before, but he has a card up his sleeve. Twilight won't see it coming, and Sombra might gain a powerful ally in the process.

And it will all begin...with a book.

Edits on Chapter 1 done with the help of TempesttheDragnix.

Major props to InuHoshi-to-DarkPen for letting me use this. That artist is really good.

Chapters (20)

Pinkie Pie, a rambunctious, loud, party animal.
Fluttershy, a quiet, peace-loving animal lover.

Two polar-opposites. Two best friends. Two lovers.

Chapters (6)

After years of learning her new powers and growing into being an Alicorn, Twilight Sparkle has reached maturity. Her loving mentor Celestia feels she is now ready for the ultimate test, to succeed where her sister and herself failed. Celestia reveals the origin of her sister and herself, and tasks Twilight Sparkle to travel across the great sea and take the throne in the land that they were exiled from.

Chapters (10)

“Do you remember the day we first met?”

Celestia has been having recurring dreams; dreams that she wishes would go away. But they won't, they only increase in their frequency. One night, she gives in and visits that statue in the royal garden. The statue that haunts her sleep. The statue of her one true love, the statue that she made. That night, under the statue, she remembers the day they first met.

Chapters (7)

Expand for links to readings, fan stuff, the tumblr, and more!

When Twilight Sparkle slipped beneath the covers last night, everything had been fine. She had friends whom she loved, a teacher she adored, and a bright future ahead of her. But when she woke up, her blankets and quilts had been replaced by hospital gowns and padded restraints.

Everything is wrong and nothing makes sense; even her friends have changed. The doctors keep telling her that she is sick, that none of it was real and that it was all in her head. Yet she remembers a life far beyond the hospital walls. She couldn't have made it all up on her own. They must be lying… right?


Ask Asylum Twilight - Still updating regularly!
Equestria Daily
Asylum Fan Group
The Tartarus Project
Russian Translation
The Asylum 20,000 View Spectacular Stage Show!

Fan Works

May contain spoilers!

Asylum Cover by conicer
Twilight and Twilight Smiles by dreamingnoctis
Mirror Twilight and Plague Doctor by Jaestring / BloodGoldWings
Twilight Smiles and Doctor AJ by conicer
Nurse Ratchet and Silas and What's in the mirror? by Archonix
Doctor AJ Sketch by Archonix | Colored and vectored version by ReFro82
Twilight's Asylum by Khan the Cake Lover
Smilight by HappySwitch
Twilight Waking Up by Dombrus
Fan Art by toxicdemon10
Asylum Twilight by Madness-With-Reason
Asylum Fluttershy and Asylum Ch 26 by Downburst-Backspace
Twilight and her Twin by v747
Birdgirl by sirValter

Readings and Videos:
Asylum Animated Trailer Video by formuladash
Reading by Gammarobot (SugarCubeRadio): All Chapters Here
Reading by Ender Brony: All Chapters Here
Reading by VisualPony: All Chapters Here
Reading by MelancholyIguana: All Chapters Here
Fan Trailer by Kaidan: Asylum FanFic Trailer Cuckoo's Nest

Related and Inspired Works

Sanctuary by Kaidan
Broadhoof Files: Dr. Humors by TypewriterError
Broadhoof Files: Corporal Phalanx Spear (Ret.) by Phalanx Spear
A Hearth's Warming Tragedy by Seven Fates

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Breath of Plagues, Rex Ivan,
ChudoJogurt, Cynewulf, Death the Kid, Selbi, PrinceDolph, Blahman2816, Queue, and Gage!

Guest OCs

Axan Zenith - Dr. Dreamer
Dratini4 - Way Finder
psychicscubadiver - Bright Mind
Velkaden - Dream Chaser
Reese - Silver Glow
Viola Heartstrings - Clover
Archonix - Spinney Whiteacre

Chapters (27)