Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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'John Smith' has settled in Ponyville with his wife and two daughters for many peaceful years. When the TARDIS gets a temporal distress call, Doctor Whooves and his family find themselves lost in time. Now Derpy must contend with not only monsters and maniacs, but the future and past versions of her husband!

Chapters (4)

A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.

Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.

Chapters (23)

After a fun day at Twilight's with Applejack, Rainbow learns something has terrible has happened, who's going to be the one that can keep her spirits up? Will it lead to something she wasn't expecting?

Dramatic reading by GoombaBrony

Chapters (6)

This is a sequel to my story Spread Your Wings and Fly. If you have not read that yet, you will not understand this story so i recommend you read that first.

This is about Rainbow Dash Getting her wings back and learning where she belongs.

Chapters (1)

(Author's note: This is not a shipfic. I wish they'd put tags on the main page.)

After a tragic magical accident, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie have lost two of their friends, but gained a new one.

Chapters (7)

It's just a normal, boring, cloudy day in the town of Ponyville. AJ is hanging out with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy is at the spa with Rarity, and Pinkie, once again, is annoying Twilight Sparkle. But when their Elements are put to the test, something extremely unexpected happens that could change Equestria forever. No, I didn't make make the cover art. Nianara or deviantart did! Go check it out!

Chapters (2)

While enjoying the night sky,Twilight Sparkle discovers a friend in need. What does this entail for her friend and herself? Could this reveal a side of herself she's never explored and strange feeling arising? Only time will tell.

Chapters (10)

Macintosh, accused of crimes he didn't commit, must evade capture by the Royal Guards and try to save his missing sister.

Chapters (5)

With Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gone over the Summer with their sisters, how will Scootaloo cope? As Scootaloo finishes the latest meeting of the official Rainbow Dash Fan Club, she gets a visit from Rainbow Dash, who is unfortunately late to the party. After a short talk, and a confession from Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash decides to train Scootaloo herself. Scootaloo's adventures over the Summer are filled with surprise, disappointment, entertainment, and more!

***Author's Notes:

Holy jeeze... I made the first chapter a /bit/ more depressing than I wanted it to be.

Oh well. :scootangel:

Also, taking critiques. That is, if ya'll wanna critique it.

...AND BLARGHLESHNARGLE. Forgot to put in Apple Bloom's accent. :U
..oh well. Slightly un-canon dialogue is fine... right?


BLEARGH. Didn't mean for the third chapter to be so short... Oh well. All's good for now. The rest of the chapters will make up for it, when I finish/publish them.


And w00t. Chapter four! :D
I feel like I did horribru with this one!

Me: I'm sorry, Asian father, I get right next time! D:
Asian Dad: No, son, you bring dishonor to your famiry! Now you go back to piano before attempting writing again! Fright of the bumbre bee, backwards, now! D:<
Me: Yes, Asian father. Dx


Chapter five. Short.
Gonna edit it and make it longer; Wanted to give you all content though.
Still alive. Just... problems here at home. Nothin' to worry about; I'm strong. I can handle it. :D


Chapter six is up, and sorry it took a bit. I made it a bit longer to make up for it, though. owo''

Chapters (6)