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In the year 2745, humanity's grasp of the sciences has advanced to an almost unfathomable level. Sub-space matter transfer technology grants almost instant access to countless worlds across thousands of light years. These advanced machines are not without their limits. The vast energies which constantly course through them put immense strain on their inner workings, and it is your job as a highly trained maintenance tech to fix what breaks. On your way to a typical repair job things take a turn for the decidedly weird, and you suddenly find yourself thrown into a world both familiar and alien. Will you ever learn the cause of your displacement, or will you be forever subject to the whims of this strange new world?

One thing does become quickly apparent. The citizens of your new home are frightened to learn of your species' carnivorous ancestry, the signs of which are made painfully obvious with every toothy grin. What's a pony to do when these ancient surges of primal fear sow a quickly growing seed of carnal need? A tumultuous avalanche of the deliciously devious awaits.

Chapters (9)

This is the story of a common brony, who gets somehow teleported to Equestria, after taking a dump. Sounds strange? Why not give it a read?

YES it is a heavily overused concept and a self-insert, but does that make it a bad story? I don't think so...surprising turns of events included...

Announcement: It has begun. The sequel is on:

Chapters (15)

Who would have thought a pony and a changeling could have children together. I certainly wouldn't have. This is Shining Armor, and I'm in a weird situation. Chrysalis has shown up to my home and dropped a kid off stating that it was our son.

What will Cadance think? How am I going to raise a changeling child? Why does Chrysalis keep coming into my life, and why am I finding it harder to keep her away? Hopefully answers can be found with as little problems as possible. Oh who the Tartarus am I kidding, my seed is a changeling! There's bound to be a problem along the way.

Story inspired by Bakki's excellent fanart.

Cover done by Droll3. Thanks Droll3, and go check his work out

Chapters (7)

There is a changeling living in Equestria, under the disguise as a pegasus pony named Stellar Shift, and trying to make a new life after the last failed conquest.
He moves to a small town known as Ponyville, hoping that nobody will pry into his very, very special talent.
On the first day he meets six ponies that he remembers all too well from the past. Will they discover his true identity and shun him? Or will he be able to hide his unique abilities?

I don't own Mlp, Hasbro does.
Can't sue me now.

Chapters (7)

It's bathtime for some of the young characters, and who else but you gets to wash them? Each filly and colt has a different personality, though, and some of them REALLY hate baths!

Cover by ~strabArybrick on deviantart

Because of the CT limit, I used the "other" tag. But keep in mind that there will be many ponies here.

Chapters (23)

Two hundred years have passed since the discovery of the purveyor and the events set in motion by Celestia's endeavor to save her own world. Now, the purveyor has returned from the void and their world will change, for the better... or for the worse.

This is the sequel to The Watcher, it is advised to read it before reading this.

A big thanks to Lord Destrustor for editing. Go check out his work, his stories are definitely worth your attention!

Chapters (25)

You're a random human on Earth trying to get some sleep, but these blasted ponies keep appearing in your room. You don't know where they come from, or how they got here, but they insist on sleeping with you in a non sexual manner.

Have you ever wanted to get cuddled by a pony? How about against your will? No? Yes? Either way you are getting cuddled whether you like it or not.

Warning: Adorable cuddling may or may not be suitable for younger readers.
Warning: I can't select all the ponies, but yes all ponies(and other species) are capable of cuddling you. No you're not safe.

Edited by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/technicscratch

Chapters (5)

Pinkamena Diane Pie; Pinkie Pie remembered the name. Haunting her past and family name, she's always wanted a normal life as a filly. Now in Ponyville, she's got it all. And she does not want anything to ruin it.

But when Nightmare Moon comes back, she's forced to confess and face the truth. And who would have known that she wasn't alone...

If you have a better picture for this story (or you made one) I'd be happy to see it! If it really applies to the story's plot then I'll put it as the picture! :) Thanks!

EDIT: Proofreading by Mudkippower1!

Chapters (13)

The humans called me murderer. Freak. Monster.

My people called me warrior. Heir. Hero.

Them? The ponies? Her?

Friend. Family. Lover.

It's been a long time since anyone ever called me that, and it's even stranger with "love". But can they know me truly? Can I trust them with the truth? And more importantly… can I protect them from the truth?

…from myself?

Thanks to Panzertank for the cover art!

Chapters (61)

Spike has been rejected by Rarity after helping her for a very important client and a fashion show. He disappears shortly afterwards, leaving Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the gang saddened by his absence.

It has been three years since that incident, and the girls have gotten past the sadness, but still get together to remember the purple dragon every year. On this day, a new pony comes to Ponyville, and although he knows nothing of what his life was like, helps the group have more fun and fills part of the hole left in their hearts from Spike.

Idea for the fashion show goes to LordPlagus777's story Heart of Scales.

Chapters (10)