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Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. In fact, he tried his very best to save it.

And now he's supposed to take the blame? Not this time! Until Twilight starts to fully appreciate his worth, Spike goes on strike!

He will not falter! He will not give in! He will stand his ground!
...if at the end of it all there is still some ground left to stand on.

Chapters (6)

I don’t question the “life” bar floating over my head, or my “EXP” gauge, or the little phantasmal boxes that appear whenever I look at an “equippable” object that show its “statistics.” It’s normal for small messages to appear in the sky every now and then, such as [System update in 2 hours.] My kind worships the Developers, higher beings that direct, create, and control everything we see. It’s all normal. This is how things have always been, since I was born. My father, my grandfather, my ancestors have all accepted and coped with these elements.

So why does everything feel so... fake?

My name is Twilight_Sparkle, and I know there’s something wrong here.

Co-Written by GaruuSpike and Chaotic Dreams.

(EDIT: This story is cancelled forever because someone sabotaged all of our attempts to write. You know who you are, and so do I, and I hope you're happy for killing it.)

Chapters (2)

Female dragons lay the eggs, and the males take over from there. So when Spike finds a dead male dragon with an egg, instincts kick in. There's no way he's going to let the hatchling die. However, the unhatched egg brings some questions into light. Who is Spike? How was Twilight able to hatch him? Where did Spike come from and where is his father? The answers to these question, along with raising a baby dragon, may cost Spike everything.

(Original dragon creator by wyndbain. DeviantART of wyndbain)

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to My New Life In Equestria

Matthew Williams, a man who lived a somewhat normal existance, was thrust into an unexpected adventure, that ended in him having not only a new home, but a new life, as well. Happily married with the farmpony Applejack, life was once again retaining a sense of normality (as normal as a human with a pony wife can get). However, things spiral out of control, when Applejack found out that, against all odds, she is pregnant, much to the shock and surprise of everypony. Now, the couple must prepare for the coming birth, which will test not only their relationship, but their sanity as well.

NOTE: Reading of the original story is required.

Chapters (17)

The Red team and Blue team get some new help, but when a failed teleport sends the new guys, along with Tucker from Blue team and Donut from Red team to a different reality things don’t exactly end well for them. Or do does it?

Side note: This is not exactly a serious project.
This is some what based off season 4 - 5.
Rated T for Teen, Cause you know. Bad language.

Chapters (15)

Two Saints.... The Gaming Boss and The Crazy Britt or more commonly known as Alpha and Excite.
Both of which were riding in one car when they got in to a argument.
And ended up taking a wrong turn in Steelport.
Now they find them self's trapped in Equestria how will they handle things now? Be peaceful and do nothing?
Oh like that's going to happen.

Hilarity ensues.

Just a small note; This is not supposed to be taken seriously under any manner.
Rated T for Teen because Exploding ponies and bad language.

Chapters (2)

This is the sequel of A New world, I recommend reading that story before you start with this one, but if you don't want to then here's a short summary.

-The mane 6 arrive on Earth.
-Jack takes care of them.
-Rainbow and Jack get into a relationship.
-They need to return to Equestria, Jack can't go with them.
-Rainbow doesn't want to leave.
-Celestia turns Jack in a pony and he can go with them to Equestria.

Now that Jack has arrived in Equestria, it is time for him to adjust to Equestria and to live happily, but this is disturbed by a new threat from Earth. Can Jack defend his friends and fight against his used-to-be species or will Equestria be destroyed by the human threat.

Also: I'm Dutch, not English. If you leave a dislike then I want to know why. You don't like the story, the grammar isn't good, anything, tell me.

Couldn't find a proper image for this story.

Chapters (7)

Don't read. It's my worst story with many mistakes, of that I'm sure. Turn around now and never come back. If you do enter this story, then be warned. Your eyes will melt and you'll be blind for the rest of your days. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Twilight found a transportation spell in a book while she was cleaning her libary.
Little did she know that her spell would fail and now she, her friends and Spike are trapped on Earth.
but they don't need to worry because they are in the good hands of Jack, the human.

My editor: MrWhatnow (thank you MrWhatnow.)

Note: please point me to some grammar mistakes I made because English isn't my native language, Dutch is.
Also would you be so kind enough to see if I didn't make some mistaks with the comma's. Thanks.

Chapters (8)

We all know that happy, somewhat silly mare, Derpy. We always see her when she's smiling and in a good mood, but what if that was just a mask to cover up her true feelings? What if the ponies turn against her due to her clumsiness and cross-eyedness? Will they push her to the brink of suicide or will her loyal friends help her with her life? What kind of impact will this have on her children: Dinky and Sparkler? This is story about Derpy's depression.

It's not that sad, but it does have a kind of depressing feeling.

Image: Derpy Hooves by HereticOfDune

Chapters (4)

That's right, the Joker, otherwise known as the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, and the White Duke of Death, is now in Equestria. Will this unpredictable, murderous psychopath learn the true magic of friendship and abandon his old malicious ways? Or will his arrival kick off an unstoppable crime spree to shape Equestria into his own image? Like I said, the Joker is unpredictable.

Special thanks to my awesome prereaders X19, LDSocrates and The Alpha, who are the best of the best! Read their stuff or just thank them for reading my unedited monstrosity before I release it to you guys!

Now on TV Tropes because of the greatness that is Shadow Sora94. Give him some thanks!

Chapters (14)