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My name is Sea Swirl and I love swimming in the Ocean. That hardly tells you anything about a pony, though. My name is Sea Swirl and my Mother is a thief and a murderer. Maybe. Maybe that tells you too much.

Maybe a pony would say that has nothing to do with me whatever, sins of the mother, so to speak, but she's turned up after all these years, alive and well in Ponyville. My quest to find her and hold her to account is waylaid as she adds high treason to the list and leads me, as a bit of a tag along to the Element Bearers, on a desperate chase deep into the heart of Eagleland.

Airships, griffons, murder, scheming and magic. An unreliable narrator and often neurotic, Sea Swirl is toyed with by her mother whose motivations are her own secret. Is everything she ever knew a lie or is she likewise a killer as her mother insists?

Chapters (18)

Magic is a common sight in Equestria and for some it's a way of life. At the darkest depths, an ancient secret of this arcane art lies hidden away from the world. Few possess the rare ability to summon this mysterious power and even fewer are able to control it. A lone mare will discover her great and powerful ability to break the boundaries of her magic and learn the secrets of true magic under the guidance of a strange unicorn who is keeping more than a few secrets. What wonders and dangers lie beyond the veil of the ageless magic steeped in mystique and darkness?
Constructive criticism, thoughts, or any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by my good friend, Shumiry

Chapters (29)

Some say reality and the physical world are tied into a series of strings. That space and time are woven into an unbreachable fabric, a thick sheet that separates an unthinkable amount of worlds and realities. None of this is true, yet at the same time, it is. With a little influence and the right amount of force and energy, holes can be created, passages through which one may slip through. This isn't the only way, however. There are other ways. Naturally occurring tears and rifts that fit perfectly in the order of the universe.

The Battle of the Western Coast has been over for years now .Treaties have been signed and alliances formed, but the land has fallen into a restless peace. Trouble brews in Equestria. While most of the Lotkin tribes have settled on land granted to them by The Royal Sisters, renegade bands still roam the land, driven by some unknown force.

A fighting legend, a leader and the founder of Equestria's elite Royal Special Tasks Group has disappeared without a trace. His legacy is carried on by those he trusted most, running and expanding the unit he started, but can they continue without the experience and guidance he provided?

Another may have arrived to help. A man on a continuous search for his lost brother-in-arms stumbles onto the path his friend had previously walked, quite by accident. With luck, he may find what he was looking for.

This is a sequel to the first. If you don't read the first, you wont understand half of it.

OC Iron Defense created by: Shawn820

OC Howitzer created by: Cyber

OC Swift Paws created by: Danish Adonis

OC Blackjack created by: Reignbow

OC Redflare created by: Radical Prescott

OC Cray inspired from an idea by: It911

OC Kai Silverblade created by: Gale Force

Chapters (52)

Discord is beaten, but it's the scars you can't see that take the longest to heal. Let us begin. The mane six, along with all of Ponyville, has to deal with the emotional damage done by Discord's day of chaos. One by one the heroes (and every other pony in Ponyville) must look into themselves and find the strength to face the flaws in their hearts that Discord exploited and become stronger for it.

Laughter, tears, smiles, actions, adventure, frights, darkness and light and heart-warmings ALL await you!

The Audio adaption Is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GqJMx6kYyU&list=PLABD0AEFCD46D56DA&feature=plcp
ORIGINAL fan-art, ORIGINAL fan-music and VOICE ACTORS galore await!

I promise this will be one ride that will not disappoint.

First up is Fluttershy and for her there are no loose ends what so ever. . . . Or are there? Saying anything more would be spoilers!

Recursive fanart and fan stories are here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361 Many are rubber stamped by me as optional canon stories that reveal some of other sides of these stories.

Tropes page found here. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries

Chapters (10)

Personal Pros Of Poor Ponies Possessing Possible Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Brought On By Discord The Deity of Chaos' Mind Games Forcing Them To See the Flip Side Of Their Element Or Appealing To Their Worse Nature Or Outright Cheating With One.

First up, is being the most honest pony in Ponyville worth it if it costs you your friends?

Second up, you're a clown and you know it and parties are where you shine. But why should the joke be on you? Why should you suffer just for their amusement?

Third up, and yep it's Rarity! Being generous to others is good and all, but what about me? But I worked for what I have!

Forth in the Discord Pony Series. Fluttershy. You don't surrender to your demons, you know you're not perfect, you know your friends are there for you . . . so why do you have to lose anyway?

And now we've come to the fifth. Rainbow Dash. As loyal as pony could be. Her loyalties are impossible to break! But fun science fact! Nothing is unbreakable when struck against itself.

We are the sixth and it's . . . TRIXIE?! You've had something precious your whole life. But you never noticed it, appreciated, or even realized how much it was a part of you until it was gone.

And now we've to Twilight Sparkle. Nothing more to say now. Read for yourself.

And we've come to the epilogue. Tell me what you think and what you feel, because I feel this piece is meant to speak for itself.

The Dramatic Reading version for the entire first season with original fan-music is found here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClMeWbsJ7wQ&list=PLB51B70AAB7E85A69&feature=plcp

Recursive fan-works found here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361

THIS IS NOT THE END! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Chapters (8)

Part 1 of the Shadow Trilogy

As Twilight Sparkle enters her third year amongst her friends in Ponyville, she finds herself plagued with strange dreams of an unknown power whispering dark secrets to her. The voices speak of Power, of the strength to protect what she holds most dear, of the great knowledge she could attain, such that no force could ever threaten her lands, or her friends, ever again.

Though she shrinks from this voice, the lure of greater knowledge, of magical power far beyond what she currently knows is enticing and alluring to her, eating away at her resolve even as the lack of rest begins to wear her physical defenses down.

What is this voice, and what does it plan for the most faithful student in Equestria?

Note: Events diverge from canon following the events of "Games Ponies Play"

Part 2 - The Twilight Fall
Part 3 - The Twilight War
Links removed in compliance with Fimfiction policies

Chapters (16)

Generous Rarity and Honest Applejack are both in a loving, but secret relationship for the past two years with the intent of keeping it a secret for as long as they see fit. Twilight Sparkle meanwhile is head over hoofs for one of the two, causing seeds of lust to be planted in her and once they sprout bad things will happen to good ponies both relevant and irrelevant.

Special Thanks to Panzertank for the amazing cover.

Chapters (93)

And there came a day unlike any other-
When champions found themselves in Equestria united against a common threat.
On that day, they became heroes.
The invincible viking, Dovahkiin.
"What's a viking?" asked the dragonborn, turning to look at the the other champions.
Soma Cruz, Prince of Darkness.
"Hey, no- Just his incarnation/split soul/potential something or other," said Soma, arms thrown out to the side in a shrug. Even he was not sure what to call his situation.
The Dan, angriest hero there is.
"I have a last name you know- And who is talking anyway?" Dan had each of hands resting over both hips to look around.
Nathan Drake, fortune hunter and historian extraordinaire.
"I still don't know who Daring Do is supposed to be," Nate questioned with a raised eyebrow.
And Phoenix Wright, the first Avenger.
"That's copyright infringement! But we do need a team name..." Phoenix rubbed his chin in thought.
Humans, Assemble!
"You are not helping Pinkie Pie!"

(Interlude II is a mini guide if you want info and pics on the humans appearing in this story... So far.)
(Hey, don't be afraid to leave comments.)

Chapters (104)

The emotionless Twilight Tragedy has served Master Discord for a thousand years along with her fellow Elements of Chaos, handing out death to those who defy him. But, who was this one filly, who LAUGHED in the face of Master's chaos? Twilight Tragedy doesn't understand, she wants to know.
THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL! This story SHALL have a happy ending!!!
Meanwhile, Shining Armor wakes up on the day of his promotion to captain of the royal guard, the day that Twilight is to be sent to Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration. Everything is normal. Everything is fine. Nothing confusing or otherworldly going on at all, nope, none. *Liarjack face*. Why does it take a second for ponies who remember who he is?

Cover art by Mystery Ezekude. http://mysteryezekude.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Dark-World-Shining-Armor-Cover-324097810

The Audio adaption Is here:
ORIGINAL fan-art, ORIGINAL fan-music and VOICE ACTORS galore await!


Recursive fanart and fan stories are here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361 Many are rubber stamped by me as optional canon stories that reveal some of other sides of these stories.
Tropes page found here. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries
Fan Labor Pages here http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_Zero:_Discorded_Ponies and here. http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_One:_Reharmonization

Also can be considered Season Zero Point Five.

Chapters (92)

In Equestria's far future, one thousand and five years after the return, a dysfunctional group of argumentative ponies must quest to defeat the most dangerous enemy of Equestria to ever live; the malevolent Lord Second, one of the only known members of the race of elder gods known as the humans, and the ancient cult who worships him, the Brotherhood of Man.

An over-the-top surrealist comedy, with slight serious elements. Expect a steady decline into insanity.

Cancelled, due to reasons of severe cranial trauma

Now with audio reading and prequel story, Shades of Grey, by Draven Eclipse.

Chapters (40)