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When Big Mac is three weeks late for their anniversary, all Rainbow Dash knows is that he'd better have a good reason.

This was written for KarmaDash's MacDash challenge, option #1

Chapters (5)

When bad things happen, we feel pain. After celebrating the victory his adoptive mother and her friends had over Lord Tirek, Joshua returns to where the ruins of the Golden Oaks Library remains. Seeing it reminds him of a dream he had during his first days in Equestria. He asks why it happened. Thankfully, the answer, help, and comfort comes to him.

Cover art from the My Little Pony Wiki

Chapters (1)

It’s been two weeks since Princess Twilight Sparkle got her wings. She's already learned the basics of flying, so what more does she need to know? Her studies with the princess have to take priority over everything else, so why should she need to keep practicing flying? Rainbow Dash doesn’t seem to agree with that, and in order to prove to Twilight that flying is more than just ‘flapping your wings’, she’s going to show her just how important it really is.

Cowrote with Moonlit Sparkle. Edited by Deputy Duck and Lunatone. Loosely based on Disney's A Whole new World song from Aladdin. Idea for the story came from an old conversation with Krazy Stargazer a few months ago.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Touch, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Sight

This is the order the five senses develop in for foals as they rest, cradled in the warm safety of a mother’s womb. But for one, her womb was a thorn bush in the dark of night. For one, the safety and warmth that should have carried her into the world was replaced with pain and cold.

These are Nyx's first hours.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Hearth's Warming is a time for friends and family to come together, celebrate harmony, and welcome the new year. Nyx is looking forward to just this as she rides the train to Canterlot with Spike and Twilight. She's going to meet her extended family for the first time and wants nothing more than to make a good impression. Yet, the sheen of the holidays can't hide the trouble caused by meddling grandparents, relentless reporters, and a paranoid uncle.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Side-story to Past Sins - Spike almost lost Twilight to a hangmare's noose, but now Twilight is safe and Nyx is a filly again. Normal life is returning. Still, Spike can't ignore the fact that Nyx just isn't the same as he remembers her. Her temper is more volatile, and, when she gets angry, all he can see is the rage-driven Nightmare Moon of legend.

And thus Spike has to wonder: Is Nyx truly reformed, or is she one bad tantrum away from calling herself Nightmare Moon again?

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo wasn't quite sure what she expected when she found a letter from her "secret admirer" asking to meet her after school, but it wasn't an invitation to the school dance. Nor was it spending Hearts and Hooves Day with Silver Spoon.

Prereading and editing by Formerly Committed, Jondor, and Timaeus.

Special thanks to bats and Formerly Committed for giving me the prompt this came from.

Art originally by Cuppae

Chapters (2)

Equestria is the homeland of ponies, surely one of the most powerful kinds that have ever existed. Ponies have control over the weather, magic, the sun, the moon and so much more. They have developed an unspoken pride for their kind that gave them overweening self-esteem. It brought them to completely ignore the other kinds of the world for centuries.
As the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle wants to renew with the other kingdoms of the known world. Thus she embarks herself into diplomatic visits. Accompanied by Applejack and a young airship captain, she is planning to visit numerous locations such as Griffonstone, the bat ponies’ caverns, Yakyakistan, the Minos Empire and much more in order to meet the chiefs.
But she wasn’t expecting to fall in love with her friend Applejack. Between diplomatic visits and her own feeling, she has to be a diplomat. A heart diplomat.

Note: I am currently in search of an editor for this story, if you are interested in, don't hesitate to contact me.

Chapters (3)

In a world where Rainbow Dash witnessed an epic magical duel as a filly, the day before the Summer Sun Celebration was supposed to be just a boring delivery. It turned out Ponyville had something more in store for Rainbow Dash than she would ever have guessed.


Marked 'Complete' but I'm not sure yet if I want to do anything more with this. The story should work reasonably well as a one-off chapter, but if I decide there's more to be written, I'll probably come back to it.

Chapters (1)