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(Takes place before Crusaders Of The Lost Mark)

The CMC have plotted a lot of ways to get their cutie mark, but failed in every attempt. Desperate to find their cutie mark, they decide to help out around Ponyville, trying each deed to see if they can earn their special talent.

Chapters (1)

We all have secrets. Some secrets are meant to be hidden, and the ones meant to be hidden which are tried so hard to protect become told, otherwise the other pony might go, insane? Scootaloo has a secret. Rainbow Dash has killed many ponies. What would be her other friends reactions if they actually found out? Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash are the only ones who know the Secret behind the rainbows. But when Scootaloo can't keep the secret with Dash anymore, and she tells somepony, will Dash be able to explain herself?

Chapters (8)

(First story in my series 'The Elements of Harmony') When Rainbow Dash gets a personal letter from Spitfire saying she's been recruited as a cadet, she's happier than Pinkie Pie hyped up on sugar. But when her number one fan ends up in critical condition at Ponyville Central Hospital can Dashie finally follow her dreams, or will she lose it forever and live up to her title?

Chapters (9)

A nightmare night special based on Spike: Discord thinks is time for his retirement, but he needs to name a replacement first. Spike knows very well the Mane 6, specially certain Alicorn Princess. Who’s best to make their lives impossible?

You can find the original in spanish HERE

Also a serialized sequel HERE

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has always been brash and a bit head strong, but this has never hurt anyone she cares for. That is, until it happens to somepony she promised to be like a sister to. Now, faced with the reality, will Rainbow Dash come to terms with the fact that she isn't exactly a good role model? Or will she attempt to change her ways and be better, for those she cares about? Only time will tell.

Chapters (2)

Zordan's sacrifice was thought to have wipeout all evil in the universe. Unfortunately, though Divatox was turned good, a fail safe she created when she was evil brings an exact clone of her to life along with her other evil minions. The evil Divatox creates a portal to a new dimension in order to continue her evil campaign.

Dimitria figures out where Divatox Is going and along with Alpha 5, travels to this new dimension called Equestria and call upon six children to become the new Turbo Rangers.

These six children must now defend their hometown of Ponyville as well all of Equestria from Divatox's evil forces.

Spike as the Red Turbo Ranger
Rumble as the Blue Turbo Ranger
Button Mash as the Green Turbo Ranger
Sweetie Belle as the Pink Turbo Ranger
Applebloom as the Yellow Turbo Ranger
Scootaloo as the Orange Turbo Ranger
Later, Dinky Doo as the Purple Turbo Ranger
There will be original characters in this story but I can't put the tag in because I can only put in five character tags.

Power Rangers Turbo is a copyright of Bandai.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is fed up with Rainbow, who is back from the Wonderbolts. She can't even place her hoof on it, but she's ticked. Rainbow won't help enough. She's alone in the orchard, and Celestia alone knows where Rainbow is. There's a whole list of reasons, really, and Applejack is just sick of counting them. And so she goes searching.

Chapters (1)

This is my first FlutterSpike fanfic, so I hope I can do it well.

Spike attempts to buy a perfect gift to Rarity, so he can tell his feelings for him one more time. Fluttershy may have a crush on Spike since the day they bump each other once. So she couldn't help it but to confess her feelings to Spike so she may have a chance of having a cute dragon like Spike. But the big problem is that, she's extremely nervous that she might predict that something is going to happen. Will she confess her feelings to Spike, before it's too late?

Well, we'll find out in the story.

Cover art by: http://spikeshipping.deviantart.com/art/Such-A-Sweet-Dragon-415172602

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is ill when Rarity leaves her home for a week to check her shop in Appleloosa. The third day there, Twilight sends her an urgent letter, telling her Sweetie Belle had passed out while at Sugarcube Corner. Rarity races back to Ponyville to find that Sweetie has a serious condition, one the two sisters will have to work through together.

Chapters (5)

After a mysterious circumstance brings Twilight Sparkle into the real world she's discovered by a lonely closet Brony. He gives her a place to stay until she can find a way home. Twilight begins to discover she has feelings for this human. Feelings she's never felt before. Part of her doesn't want to leave his side but she knows deep down that it must happen and there's no way around it.

Chapters (11)