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Scootaloo always thougreat that Rainbow Dash was the coolest pony in Equestria. That she was so tough that she would never cry,
That she would never have cracks in her armour.
Rainbow Dash is her big sister, her role model.
But big girls cry when their hearts are breaking.

Cover art by: Electronic Flair

1. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/310459/then-again
2. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/311459/help

Chapters (1)

When Rarity finds out her shower no longer works,
and that the spa is down for maintenance,
she goes out to get clean elsewhere.
It doesn't go well...

Author's Shower SHOWER SHOWER!: Title and concept based off one of my favorite episodes of my favorite show.
I'm...uh, pretty sure you can guess which show I'm talking about...
Also, this takes place before Twilight's tree house was blown to pieces...too soon?

Chapters (1)

After the Crystal Empire Luna can't fall asleep. Celestia wants to help but leaves for an emergency. In a rush she apoints Twilight to take care of her. However Twilight and Luna discover that they want something far more than friendship.

Chapters (1)

Celebrating the day after being elected mayor of Ponyville, Diamond Tiara is slightly taken aback by a request a depressed Apple Bloom asks of her. A set in the future kinda fic.

Chapters (4)

When one of Twilight's spells backfires while Celestia is visiting Ponyville she gets stuck as a filly and is forced to live amongst the ponies in Ponyville whilst her faithful student attempts to restore her to her proper age. Surprise pairing inside.

Chapters (4)

Sort of Sequel to: The CMC Tried To 100% Super Mario Sunshine

Scootaloo is tasked with an test in her maths class in three days. With Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle saying that they wasn't going to help her this time. A boy known as Spike goes to help her so the young girl doesn't get the week of test and homework.

Edited by OmniWriter

Chapters (2)

Nobody knows who Scootaloo's parents are, then again nobody even bothers to ask her. However Applebloom and Sweetie Belle follow her home for a sleepover and find out. How will they keep this out of school? what would happen if the school fillies knew? that's what Scootaloo fears the most...

Chapters (2)

There once was a story about the beautiful dark alicorn who moved the moon. In the tranquil countryside, a young boy listened to the story, looked at the stars, and imagined. He grew up and fell in love with the ruler of the night … and she loved him, too.

It was perfect, except for one nagging doubt in the back of the quiet boy's head: she was a character from a children's story.

Winner of the Writeoff Association's "Written In The Stars" competition! ** Featured on Equestria Daily ** Featured by The Royal Guard (twice! :twilightblush:)

Rated ★★★★★ by Louder Yay! "This is, perhaps, a Lucky Dreams story for grown-ups. ... Plenty of magic and friendship here, but also sadness and loss ... a clear classic."

Highly Recommended by Present Perfect! "An excellently written story about an emotional encounter between the titular characters … yet a good bit more than that. If you like reading, you will like reading this."

Recommended by Titanium Dragon! "This story had an excellent style to it, a sort of fairy-tale-like quality … really, this is a work of original fiction which pokes at MLP in only the barest of ways. But that doesn't mean it isn't relevant to your interests."

Art: Assembled by me. Luna vector by azur-wing.

Chapters (1)

WARNING: Incomprehensibly cute fillies driving recklessly

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, due to a teleportation spell by Twilight gone awry, pop up inside another world. Their surroundings are somewhat strange, though. Why were they in a metal carriage?

What's more is that it can move, after some tinkering from the mischievous fillies, and they decide to go for a ride. After all, it's not like something like this happens every day. Cutie Mark Crusader UFO drivers! Yay! Disastrous and somewhat hilarious catastrophes ensue.

(A one-shot that I wrote while bored. Hope it entertains! I guess you could call it a thank you for my 150 followers. Also, I spy with my little eye numerous references! Can you spot them all? If you can, then the Great Potato dubs you to be best human.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight is bored, sitting alone in her castle, and contemplating what to do with her day, when Pinkie shows up with a surprise.

Chapters (1)