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Spike has been feeling depressed that he may lose Rarity since he is a dragon and that he'll lose her and his friends as he outlives them all. Desperate to find a way to win Rarity's heart, Spike finds a shopkeeper who has a surprise that ends up changing his life. He finds a potion that turns the dragon into a pony and now has a chance with his princess. As Spike takes on flying lessons from Rainbow Dash, swoons Rarity, and adjusts to his new life it all seems okay. He couldn't be anymore wrong and it has come with a great price. He and his friends are in the sight of an old flame who has come for revenge and is especially interested in Rarity. Now Spike must gather the courage to go forward and save his friends and his love.

This story is Sparity fic (My OTP Deal with it) and is a WIP on this site, and on DeviantART. I try to get the chapters out as soon as I can, so my updates my be random. This is gore in this story, but that happens a little down the road, so for now this'll be marked teen. As I reach the gore part, it'll most likely change to mature ratings.

I don't own any of these characters or Friendship is Magic. It is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. OC ponies belong to me.

Cover art image done by asluc96 on DeviantART and used with permission

Chapters (16)

Most pegasi enjoy simple lives in peaceful towns. Happy families, many friends, and the bliss of soaring freely through open skies.

What if one pegasus filly was robbed of her home? Her family? Her own wings?

Join Roseluck in her final moments as a pegasus, before her life in Ponyville, while she recollects key moments of her life with her old friend Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (3)

The tyrannical Shadow Stallion oppresses Equestria, coating the land in a thick layer of clouds, tightly controlling the population. Three children, the unicorns Celestia and Luna, along with a Draconequus, Discord, must live up to their fate. They must find the Elements of Harmony and take up their rightful place as Equestrias new gods and saviors.

Adventure and Friendshipping mix, intended to be a possible prequel to the show. Featured on EqD since January 09, 2012. Six Stars.

Chapters (79)

==Originally written spring 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
GLaDOS is free of Chell, free to continue testing, when she discovers a portal gun Wheatley tried to repair with duct tape. When the portal gun catastrophically fails, the enrichment center, GLaDOS, and Chell are literally dropped in the middle of Equestria. The mute test subject soon finds the world of ponies far more welcoming than the human world. But GLaDOS sees possibilities. Let the testing begin... for science.

Chapters (10)

==== Originally Written: Fall 2011 ==== EDQ Link ====
After a party to welcome the season of Nightmare Night, the library becomes the target of strange activity. Minor annoyances prelude greater events, and soon Twilight and Spike each take action to handle the situation in their own way. All the while, questions hang in the air. What lingers amongst the shelves? What watches from the corners? What stands just behind you only to disappear when you turn to look?

What is in the library, and what does it want?

Chapters (3)

To save her sister and her faithful student, Celestia herself must travel into the ancient tunnels beneath the ruined castle in the Everfree Forest. She, and the guards who accompany her, must face the dark, twisting corridors. Still, what was Luna and Twilight's purpose at the old castle? Why were they unable to return of their own accord?

And what watches Celestia from beyond the light's edge?

Chapters (6)

Haunted by memories of her past, The Great and Powerful Trixie returns to the scene of her greatest defeat. Will she find a new path in life, or will the past make that impossible?

A Twilight Sparkle / Trixie story, originally published in April of 2011. It is presented here untouched, without being updated to match canon.

Chapters (4)

A one shot story which depicts a lost and broken Trixie finding her true self and true friendship in the most unexpected of places. Set directly after the happenings of the "Boast Busters" episode.

Inspired by Zonra and Sunegem, their fan art spoke to me in a way like none other! Please check them out on DA.

Chapters (1)

Have Spike take the C.M.C.'s on a tour of Canterlot so that they don't interrupt Braeburn's ceremony? It was such a simple solution, but even the best laid plans can go awry. Now, Luna and Applejack must contend with some unfinished business from the princess's past as Twilight deals with the fears and concerns of two little fillies... and two little dragons.

Chapters (4)

Dismayed after her loss to Chrysalis, Celestia departs the royal wedding reception early, retreating to her royal chambers to console herself with a bottle of wine. Concerned for her sister, Luna soon follows to check up on her...

(Rated Teen for tipsy princesses, and thanks to Junglepony for the cover art!)

Chapters (1)