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Chrysalis has been driven home as her father and mother are removed from the throne of Noraak Thu'm, and must flee to Equestria to remain safe. There though she meets Cadence, a beautiful girl who she falls in love with, and has conquered her heart. This is the story of the love that develops between Chrysalis and Cadence, and Chrysalis's rise to power as queen of the Changelings.

Totally Cadence/Chrysalis shipping, and definently Alternate Universe. Also it is very much human!

Cover-art by magisapphire on deviantart

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Elements of the heart

Years have passed since the Heartless Incident and again peace has reigned throughout Equestria, though when Discords statue disappears from the Canterlot garden the Princess' begin to panic and call upon the help of their friends to stop this danger born anew. Though with the Elements turning into stone, how will they fight against Discord? New holders of the Elements must be found, a new battle for peace has begun.

Chapters (15)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

Everypony has one 'Longest Night', a night that just never seems to end, whether they want it to end or not. For Celestia, her Longest Night began on the first night she had to raise her sister's moon.

Heartbroken and filled with despair that she may never see her sister again, Celestia makes a wish upon a falling star to see her sister one more time. Little did she realise that the stars listen.

A one-shot story of two sisters, and one Faithful Student.

Side-quel: Myths and Birthrights

Partially inspired by Ponyphonics amazing song 'Lullaby for a Princess'.
Cover art used with permission by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen.
Special thanks to Honey Mead and Iroh for helping iron out some details.

Chapters (1)

Everypony is invited to the celestial sisters' grand Christmas Eve party, where Luna's encounter with a mistletoe and a sudden lavender mare causes quite a few risen eyebrows.

Chapters (3)

The next Nightmare Night is approaching fast, and this time Luna's going to come to scare everypony as Nightmare Moon the first time intentionally. A few days before she leaves for Ponyville though, she discovers the friendship reports Twilight has been sending to Celestia. Interested in these, she reads them and realizes she has a crush on Twilight Sparkle.

How will she react to this revelation, and will Twilight return those feelings?

Cover image is by RyuRedwings. Editing done by Destinae Spring on chapters 1 and 2.

Chapters (17)

Growing up under Princess Celestia's wings has caused Twilight's respect and admiration for the ruling alicorn to grow into much more than that, but will Twilight ever have the courage to admit her feelings and overcome the obstacles they may face, or will she keep her feelings suppressed forever. Behind the scenes at the Grand Galloping Gala, she may just find out.

A/N: The second part I ended up adding to the ending in order to cannonize the fic more. Also, I know the opening is different from cannon, I'm aware of that, but it helps adhere to my story more. There is also a slight reference to Aurora's fimfic: Bechdel's Law, with their permission of course. This fic, however, is clop-free.

If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my other works!

Please be gentle, this is my first time ever attempting to write a fanfic and I'm here because I love the MLP community. Remeber, BLT: Bronies Love and Tolerate!(terrible)

Obligatory Disclaimer:
I own neither the cover image nor My Little Ponies (obviously).

Chapters (2)

The Princess of the Night has called Twilight Sparkle to Canterlot, but what for?

Coverart by : fatalerror328

A/N: Just a short one-shot I wrote while trying to brute-force my way through writer's block while working on CfE chapter 4. The TwiLuna romance in CfE is going off a low slower than I originally intended, so I decided to publish this to reward your patience.

Chapters (2)

Over the course of a thousand years of monotonous rule, Celestia no longer understands how to connect to ponies, and doesn't bother. But when Twilight Sparkle makes her bombastic appearance, the Princess cannot help be interested.

Featured on Equestria Daily, December 29, 2011

Chapters (4)

Twilight's twenty-first birthday is coming up and the girls celebrate in Canterlot's vibrant bars and clubs, Luna is invited too, although she is not entirely familiar with such activities. Alcohol fuelled adventures abound!

Chapters (7)