• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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(The sequel to this story is Where Nopony Has Gone Before.)

This is a Star Trek: The Next Generation / My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover fic (though it's mostly just a FiM fic since none of the Star Trek: TNG cast except for Q show up, though a few are briefly mentioned). The frame story is set immediately after the TNG season 3 episode "Deja Q." The story being told to Q2 (who is simply called "Q" rather than "Q2" in the fic itself) by Q is about Q's existence as Discord from his first arrival thousands of years before the events depicted in the play in "Hearth's Warming Eve" up to the end of "The Return of Harmony."

The three main characters are Q/Discord, Celestia, and Luna, and there is much star-crossed shipping between Discord and Celestia. The main 6 from the show only appear near the end and don't play that big of a role outside of a partial retelling of "The Return of Harmony" from Q/Discord's point of view.

Celestia's parents are based upon fanart that can be found on DeviantArt ("Little Princesses" by SpyrotheFox, the original creator of them, and "just keep flapping" by egophiliac), though their names are ones I came up with myself.

Chapters (8)

Wishing she rather be in a prison of stone herself, Celestia grieves hourly about how her life as gone amiss. One Luna that casually pranks her is enough as is, but triple the matter and you have a bride for any Draconequus. Dealing with both the silliness of Luna's youth and present, the Goddess is distracted to Nightmare's plot to overthrow her. As fast as her faithful student can work, Twilight Sparkle is in search for a way to reverse the spell, the only question is: can Celestia hold out long enough?
A/N: In all fairness, I had this thing sitting in my box for a while now. Any criticism? I need work on sentence structure and flow, if you don't mind pointing it out. The emotions and characters would be nice as well!
Image belongs to 90Sigma on dA.

Chapters (3)

The Elements of Harmony are defeated and Nightmare Moon stands on Equestria's throne as their new Queen. Is Equestria doomed to suffer through night time eternal or will they be... perfectly fine? Twilight finds her new job as slave or "personal assistant" to her new ruler to be a bit maddening. But is this evil sarcastic queen really as bad as she originally believed? And just how many others are diabolical enough to cash in on the change in staff? Can Nightmare truly run a peaceful Equestria? Let me just answer all these questions right here in the description...

Chapters (7)

The elements of harmony aren't strong enough to destroy Nightmare Moon, Nightmare wins. She takes the mane 6 captive for her own pleasure and to use them as her servants. Will they adjust to their new life or will they fight against the so-called tyrant? Maybe looks can be deceiving?

What can you expect: Love, adventure, war, plots, traitors, assassinations and more.
I love it when villains win.

Inspiration from these two stories: After That Fateful Night by Peppy Greyskull and Nightmares Don't Last Forever by BB

Also: I'm Dutch, not English. If you leave a dislike then I want to know why. You don't like the story, the grammar isn't good, anything, tell me.

Image used with permission.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Lethe

Ten years ago, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash spent two days embroiled in the murky waters of the Lethe, an Equestrian river that stole their minds. Those two days have shaped their lives, both professionally and romantically.

Ten years ago, Luna disappeared, leaving Equestria across its southern border. Not in a thousand years had anypony considered such an act, and the motivations of the Lunar Princess remain a mystery to the public, as well as her continued absence.

But now, as Twilight turns her considerable talents to perfecting the art of Coromancy, a new enemy arises. One unbound by the rules of society everypony so unthinkingly follows, a common morality that, to him, is nothing more than a restriction.

With a troubled azure mare named Trixie in tow, he hatches a plot that will shake Equestria to its very foundations, and question the nature of reality their society is built upon. Just what did Luna find out there, beyond the Veil?

// Exists alongside Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere
// Thanks to Dr Strangelove and Mister Morden for their services in improving my writing.

Chapters (62)

The Elements of Harmony were unleashed against Nightmare Moon in a climactic clash, as was predicted a thousand years ago. With Nightmare banished and Princess Luna restored, life in Equestria is fairytale perfect. But just what was the relationship between Luna and Nightmare Moon? Was it as simple as the old books portray, or was there something deeper going on?

When Luna joins her sister in Canterlot Castle truths will need to be revealed, and the shadows of history rolled back. Sisterly harmony will be at stake, and trust will be tested in the aftermath of the return of the mare in the moon.

My first fic. If it ain't obvious as you read along, I am not a pro caliber writer, although I do try for proper grammar, spelling and the like. I will add chapters as work/life/free time permits me.

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle has to take on her family name and face full pony consequences when her brother's place is being attacked by ALIENS and MONSTERS.

Chapters (3)

Trixie is given the entrance exam for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns at the same time as Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom unlocks not only Twilight's own hidden potential, but Trixie's as well. Both Trixie and Twilight Sparkle are taken on as Celestia's personal students. From there they become the best of friends, an inseparable pair.

However they soon learn that time views even the closest friends as nothing more than playthings for its own amusement.

Image belongs to lavosvsbahamut on Deviant Art

Chapters (1)

Applebloom comes across a wish granting leprechaun on the farm. Wishing for her cutie mark, she becomes a leprechaun herself. Soon, the rest of Ponyville is aware of her new found power and everyone wants a wish for themselves.

Chapters (1)

The real Nightmare Moon has returned during Nightmare Night, and she plans to get revenge on Twilight Sparkle. However, she hasn't been aware of any events past her demise. Or the secret feelings a certain mare has that she's hated for over two years.

Chapters (1)