• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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An Earth Pony Filly loves to go around and help others with her inventions. One day one of the Elements of Harmony discovers her talent and decides to get a bit too nosy. But the little filly Saving Grace has nothing to hide, right?

This is a story of self discovery, but it is also something a tad different.

Editor: skultech
Credit for Story Art Goes To: Playful Foxe (Previously known as Kyro King)

Note: This has nothing to do with religion, it is just a name.

Chapters (11)

Celestia leaves to deal with a foreign crisis, giving her sister a chance to rule alone and become more attached to the modern world. She calls on Twilight Sparkle to advise Luna, hoping her student will be able to draw Luna out of her shell. With two major threats to Equestria already defeated in the past year, it seems like the perfect time to let Luna gain some confidence and experience in the modern world. After all, what are the chances of a third disaster occurring?

Now comes with complimentary tropes.

Chapters (8)

Diamond Tiara is the perfect little girl. Pretty, sweet, kind, caring...

At least, that's what the adults think about her.

In reality, Diamond Tiara is none of those things. She is conniving, abusive, temperamental... and that's on a good day.

When a magical being of evil promises Diamond that her wildest dream will come true, all of Ponyville is in danger.

Kind of.

Chapters (2)

Raven of the Teen Titans has long been a closet pegasister. She was introduced to Friendship is Magic by Beast Boy and Starfire and - although she is loathe to admit it - she enjoyed it. She especially identified with the character of Twilight Sparkle. What with Twilight's enjoyment of reading, talent in magic, and unexpected but life changing friendships, it felt like Raven's own life mirrored and sugarcoated onto a world of pastel colored ponies. Even Twilight's friends reminded Raven of her own to a certain extent.
When she wakes up one morning in Twilight Sparkle's body with no idea how this happened or how to fix it, she begins to think she identified with her a little too well.
Now trapped in the plot of the series from the beginning, she has to find away to fix this, find out what happened to the real Twilight, and at the same time save all of Equestria. At least she has some friends to help, right?


Crossover idea inspired by the fact that these two characters share the same voice actor, Tara Strong. Originally, it was just an idea I played with for fun, but I have a serious - and frightening - plot for it. Dark for later chapters.

Chapters (26)

Obsession. That's a funny little word. It can mean oh so many things to oh so many ponies. They tell me that I've got an obsession. And you know what? They're right. With what, you ask? Why, that's simple: the Elements of Harmony. I have watched and stalked after them my whole life, only now do they take form.
My Whole life has been one long quest, one long lust, after the Elements. But is it not the powers of Harmony nor the mares themselves that I crave, no. I desire their antithesis: Gloom, Penury, Faithlessness, Facility, and Spite. I shall assign them to the ponies who best represent these forces. Why do this? Simple really. Because I must and because I can. Yet of these two forces the second in the greater; I do this because I choose to.
And in the end history will remember me as a hero.


Chapters (10)

Twilight despises chocolate milk. She hates it. Defiles it. She throws it on the ground, and spits in its puddle of calcium goodness. Chocolate milk has haunted her since her childhood, and Twilight vows to never drink it at all. She can't stand it! However... somepony in the Ponyville community dares to bring this sweet treat before her, and the innocent peace offering doesn't end very well. This is the tragic event that takes place on a summer afternoon in Ponyville.

Author Notes:
~ Pictures are done by GrapeParfait (His Photobucket page.)
~ Inspired by Twilight spilling chocolate milk.
~ [Tragic] because a dairy product was the unfortunate victim.
~ A story to celebrate the first day I registered on this site. :twilightsmile:
Unfortunately, I couldn't finish this in time for April 25th. :pinkiesad2:
Still hope you can enjoy it.:derpytongue2:

Chapters (2)

Bruce Lee didn't die. He just went to a land of magical ponies. Then he solved all their problems.

Chapters (2)

A not so standard human-in-Equestria story including but not limited to: democracy, tequila, and robots.

Things escalate from there.

TV Tropes page

Now translated into Korean

Chapters (222)

The world's going to end in one week. It's been doing that for a while now.

Someone in Equestria's broken the world. They've taken time along with it, trapping everything into a single, indefinitely repeating week. Only the elements' bearers move forwards in time, but they've got problems of their own. For each cycle drains their talents from them, each conversation twists old friends into enemies, and not a single one of them knows how to save the world. Some of them have even stopped trying.

And then Twilight finds a way. All that's left to do is gather everyone back together.

Story arcs written about an apocalypse cycling in perpetuity and the effect it has on Equestria. Not as dark as it tries to be.

Additional: Story formatted to look its best in Font Serif, Size Normal, Colour Medium-Dark, Paragraph Spacings 1.2; this as the banner image; no interactive pony, Snow Default, css color #8c8691, Background Pattern Stars and Background Image Night Town . Reading otherwise will expose you towards rogue spacings, silly typography and a severe lack of Luna.

Featured on EQD for crimes against humanity.

Chapters (3)

For some inexplicable reason, Sollux Captor from the Homestuck Universe winds up magically bound to Rarity's back and incapable of coming off. Now it's up to Rarity's friends to find a way to separate the two and get Sollux back home, before they do something that they might regret. Like, say, becoming close friends.

Chapters (3)