• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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A thousand years is quite the generation gap, so Princess Luna decides she has to get with the times. However, this isn't quite as easy as she thinks it will be...

Chapters (21)

I know many of you out there have read a lot of this Video Game crossovers Fanfics in this crazy technicolor world called Equestria. This is just another one of them. 'least this one has me as his hot and brave protagonist .

So one minute I was resting in the bed of my motel room and next I wake up in the middle of a forest and turned into a pony or some weird thing like that. Henry would laugh a lot if he saw me like this. Anyhoo, I managed to meet the rulers of this place and MAN they look GOOD! No idea why I'm feeling that way for a pony/horse thing but anyway.

They saw my totally cool style and awesomeness at fighting, so they got me a job. The gig: Hunt and capture the top ten most dangerous criminals of Equestria. Sounds easy, doesn't it?

How's that? Short and simple enough for ya? It's gonna be a long, hard road. But who knows? Could be Awesome. Could be dangerous. Could totally suck. Whadaya say, bro? Join me. Let's see how far we can take this.

I'm Travis Touchdown and No More Ponies: Equestrian Struggle starts now!!

Chapters (2)

After a terrible fire nearly claims the lives of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rainbow Dash has to seriously consider what it takes to be a sister when she has to face the prospect of disciplining the newly-adopted Scootaloo.

Nopony ever said that being a good big sister was gonna be easy.

Big props to Isseus and ShootingStar159 for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (3)

A series of vignettes exploring various pony ships. Because shipping is magic.

Current: "Beginning a New Chapter" (TwiPie).

Synopsis: Pinkie Pie was not a pony who overlooked things. Sometimes Pinkie got a little too excited or a little too distracted by balloons or music or high-intensity explosives, but she didn't forget things. She didn't overlook things.

Chapters (24)

Waking up in an alternate universe in which you are a supervillain can be hard.

Finding out your friends are rebels trying to kill or overthrow you isn't very easy to deal with either.

But trying to solve the situation? That's a real horn cracker.

Chapters (7)

A few months after the events of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Applejack decides to officially integrate the others into her family with an Apple tradition: a long night of cider drinking.

The next morning Applejack wakes up...in Twilight's bed...with a gold band on her hoof...and a legally binding document on the bedside table...

Cover art by ThePristineEye

Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Check out the live reading!

And check out About Last Night: A Deleted Scene, by EquesTRON.

Chapters (22)

When Twilight is attacked and nearly killed by a madpony claiming to be her brother, she, the Princesses, and the rest of the Elements of Harmony find themselves saddled with a shellshocked soldier who would like nothing less than to end her life. While they help him adjust to normal life, he makes his story known - and what he claims causes them no end of worry.

Chapters (58)

When Twilight unveils a secret she's carried for half a lifetime, Luna and Celestia debate how best to respond.

Sometimes there is no right or easy answer.

Chapters (2)

When Twilight sees Pinkie Pie standing alone one night in the midst of a terrible storm, she decides to let her stay for the next couple of days. Little does she know how much her life will change in the nights to come.

Every choice we make denies ten thousand possibilities.

Cover Art by Relaxn

Special thanks to my editors!


Chapters (6)

“You are hereby invited to the wedding of her royal majesty Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

Strange, as far as Twilight Sparkle was aware, Celestia didn't even have a special somepony let alone a fiancè. Well here's the good news: She doesn't have a special somepony. Bad News: Chrysalis isn't a pony.

What happened between the Goddess of the Sun and the Conduit of the Swarm-mind? Is it just another plot to take over Canterlot, or might there be more under the carapace of the queen than anybody expected? Well, we'll never find out if nobody stops her and Twilight from killing each other first...

Click the little source thingie under the cover image cause Karzahnii is an awesome guy.

Also special thanks to Wise Cracker, and MrJoshy, who always endure me pestering them with my story. :P

Chapters (20)