• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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What started as a normal friendly visit ends up taking two ponies on a trip down memory lane that leads them both to realize their friendship began even before Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find she's undergone some changes. She shortly discovers she wasn't the only one. (New cover art by Jamey4 on deviantart http://jamey4.deviantart.com/)

Warning, this work of fiction contains multiple fourth wall breaks, massive silliness, and more than a trace amount of alicorns.
The author may or may not have snapped at times in the writing of this work, and it shows. Bring a towel, you may get wet.

Chapters (37)

Twilight's curiosity pushes her to go where no bookworm has gone before: on dates. Dates with lots of unfamiliar (and not so unfamiliar) mares. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

A parody of dating websites in general, named after eHarmony.

Chapters (10)

From the smallest of mistakes can butterfly the greatest of disasters. Even reality itself is not safe, for even the very Laws of Creation themselves are being thrown to the wind. Now, two worlds connected by the fundamental Laws of Creation begin to collide, bringing two antitheses together in a maelstrom of biblical proportions. And when that happens, nothing will matter but a glitch in the system, the very same ghost in the machine that brought these two worlds together. Only six brave mares can possibly stem the tide of ruin and face the very Laws of Creation themselves.

Chapters (9)

There's no place like Donut Joe's diner to unwind after a long, hard day. Good company, great coffee, and the best dang cucumber omelette in Equestria. After the week Celestia's had, she could really, really use a place to get away from it all.

Here, the regulars all know her as Sunny Skies, the unassuming workaholic mare who hasn't taken a day off in... ever. Well, today's her lucky day. Sunny's about to have one apocalyptically long holiday.

Luna's become delirious with a fever, Discord's fled the castle in terror, there's a living moon locked in Celestia's dining room, and something is very, very wrong with Equestria's sugar.

Put on a pot of coffee, folks. We've got an all-nighter on our hooves.

Holy horseapples, Sugarfree has AMAZING FANART NOW! Cover art by the wonderful StyxLady.
Crazy huge thanks to Luminary, Brawny and Eakin for pre-reading and editing this horrid thing.

Chapters (15)

Revised as of 06/06/2013
Felix Jackson died saving a little girl from a train. Fortunately, it wasn't his time to go and Death was just about to send him back. But Felix pulls a fast one and tricks Death into sending him to Equestria. And Death is none to pleased about this. It's tough enough to avoid death on earth; but when you're the only human in a world of miniature technicolor ponies, hiding becomes all but impossible.

Revision editing done by HoovesMcCoy, AuthorGenesis, and Anonymous

Pre-reading done by Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, and munomana.

Chapters (8)

"One day, I swear to you, I will stand in the ashes of the Elements of Harmony themselves and proclaim a new world." -Starswirl the Bearded.

This is the story of Princess Celestia: her origin, the battles she fought, her betrayals, her adventures, the friends she made along the way, her one great love, and her ultimate destiny.

Now on Equestria Daily!

[Thanks to _Medicshy for his faithful editing and input. And to Heliostorm as of chapter 13.]

[Cover image by tamponandtwilaloop on deviantart, used by permission.]

Warning: updates irregularly lately.

Chapters (14)

I am eternal, and death is my steadfast companion. The passing of each generation of my little ponies weighs on me; every one of them is a fleeting, irreplaceable treasure, a snowflake dancing 'round a fire. I want to save all of them; I have the ability to save a few. I have saved none.

Chapters (1)

[Complete] Celestia awakens to see an empty world, white sandstone stretching the horizon. She wanders the world as she builds it from her imagination, filling it with life, but as time passes, the world that she created begins to seem like little more than a lucid dream, conjured from the dust.

Chapters (16)

This is a tale of ponies. And explosions. And The Doctor, who goes on an Equestrian adventure with his worthless companion, Mister Spock. Oh, and something about Star Destroyers and Chainsaw-lightsaber hybrids, also.

Expect randomness. And death. With hyper-realistic blood. Do NOT expect "compelling" or "realistic" characters. They don't exist.

Chapters (10)