• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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Deemed a traitor by the God Empress Celestia, Twilight Sparkle must now flee for her life to escape her inevitable execution. In hot pursuit by Celestia's minions, Twilight discovers a cave where an ancient creature has been kept prisoner for over a millennium.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash usually had her head in the clouds, but she always thought she knew up from down. When an incredible revelation sends her life into a tailspin, she finds herself at the mercy of emotions she never thought she had, faced with hard questions and impossible choices.

Life is full of changes, but none of them are quite as disturbing as having a horn pop out of your skull…

Original Lauren Faust canon; non-alicorn Twilight, non-alicorn Cadance, no ascension. Diverges from the cartoon after season 3, with nods to later continuity wherever possible. Contains mature themes.

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna are transported into a strange alternate Equestria, the Land of Always Summer, where the day lasts forever and a terrible queen rules with an iron hoof.

Feel free to check out or add to the story's TV Tropes page.

Chapters (19)

Every colt grows curious sooner or later about that one question: "Where do babies come from?" Simple question, simple answer. Though when your parent figures aren't the ones to take simple simply... And when your mom is a being that feeds off the core element of "where babies come from", the talks may go differently.

A companion piece to Know Your Mare.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis and Discord tell Pip the story of Easter and what it all truly means... And how it all goes back to how the white mare is trying to keep the changeling down. But, what do you expect from these two?

A companion piece to "Know your Mare" and "The Birds and the Changelings".

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash finds herself lost in a new and unfamiliar village, she reaches out to a certain lavender-hued stranger for help. But to Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash is no stranger; at least until she notice her strange new voice, a lack of wings, and a fondness of the word ‘darling’. Intrigued by the uncanny looks to one of her best friends, she decides to lend the newcomer a helping hoof, but things go from weird to weirder when Pinkie Pie happily announces that she too has met her lookalike. Twilight Sparkle and her friends take it upon themselves to find out the truth behind this mystery: who are these doppelgangers? Could there really be another Ponyville out there? And what does it all have to do with Discord’s lost legacy?

Cover art by AireDaleDogz (http://airedaledogz.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (25)

When a Necromancer is hurled into the place between places then escapes to another world at the cost of his life it is not the end. Being a Necromancer he returns to life with ease, but is skirting the edges of consciousness, and unable to truly wake as a mysterious figure uses magic to put him on the back of a horse to carry him away into the night.

To make matters worse the phylactery he used to save his own life recreated him as a member of the dominant race with... some errors. His injuries are still present and he's now in a much smaller body with his magic drained to nothingness.

So now he's horribly injured, held captive by an unknown force, in an unfamiliar body, in an unfamiliar world and completely exhausted. He's had worse days. He just can't think of any off the top of his head. So familiar territory then, nothing to worry about.

(Thank you again Tulip for the amazing piece of artwork.)

On Hiatus due to Life. Sorry.

Chapters (24)

There was a question... and Spike wanted the answer. The curiosity of it was gnawing at his little dragon brain like gerbils in a vat of candy corn. In desperation, he turns to Cadence for help, and she's more than happy to assist.

After all, it's just a simple question. What's the worst that could happen?

(Takes place prior to Season 1. Rated for scattered innuendo.)

Chapters (1)

When facing Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon was given a choice: redemption or revenge. What if she had chosen the latter? A grim fate awaits Equestria, but in a time of greater strife and conflict, Discord's return is accelerated. While he expected to bring chaos, he did not anticipate that he would end the Longest Night and bring hope and joy back to the land.

Discord struggles to reconcile his nature with his desire for admiration. While Twilight's friends strive to carve a new life in the ever-shifting Equestria, she searches for Celestia, the only one who can bring harmony back to her lands. But Nightmare Moon also seeks her sister in a desperate attempt to find her place in the world. New dangers lurk in the wild and more threaten to fall over Equestria. Nightmare Moon's decision broke the balance of the world. Will Equestria ever turn to peace, or will the spiral of chaos and destruction be the end of everything?

(An alternate history, this story takes the universe established by the canon and explores one possible outcome if Princess Luna had not been redeemed.)

Comments contain huge spoilers. Walk softly.

Special thanks to my pre-readers, MmmandarinOrange and DarkmatterButterflies for keeping my head on, taking the journey of the story, and making it so much better than it would have been if I wrote it alone.

Chapters (38)

After traveling Equestria and finding no place she belongs Trixie returns to the one place that felt different; Ponyville. She has chosen to swallow a little (just a little) bit of her pride in order to ask the only pony to ever have impressed her for help. She wants Twilight Sparkle to become her teacher in magic...and in the ways of friendship. She hopes to improve herself, but she keeps having these second thoughts...

This story is told while alternating viewpoints between Trixie and Twilight Sparkle. The ~~~~ symbolizes a perspective change.

This story was originally inspired by the song Second Chances by Aviators. This musician is amazing, I highly recommend checking him out at http://www.youtube.com/user/SoundOfTheAviators
The cover image was drawn by the talented Crenair. Be sure to check out his gallery!
The OC Silver Lining belongs to Player 3, a big thank you for his use.

Also big news! The Mike is adapting this story into a visual novel! The beta can be found at http://www.mediafire.com/?5ntkcdtsn1m33ot or at his deviantart http://thebiancoangelo.deviantart.com/#/d5dql86

This has not been forgotten. Update coming soon!

Chapters (7)