Favourites 532 stories
  • Favourites 532 stories - 0 unread chapters
    Created by potdl
    - October, 2014
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I came to them with a good heart.

And they broken it by what I look like and called me a monster.

so I'll give them one and make them regret that day.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Accidental Harmony

Several months after moving to Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia are planning their upcoming wedding. With help from friends like Lyra and Bon-Bon, what could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (7)

Octavia Philharmonica is a desperate mare. Her involvement in the ill-fated "pony pokey" at the prestigious Grand Galloping Gala has left her blacklisted among the elite of Canterlot who form her clientele. Faced with the possibility of being evicted from her apartment for inability to pay rent she decides to take a temporary job at a local nightclub. Of course, she's never set hoof in a club before and has no idea what she's getting involved in . . .

Chapters (20)

A young man makes a life-changing bargain with the queen of the windigoes. He will receive the power he needs to save his family, but in return, he will have to leave his home and become the windigo prince.

But when a falling out between him and his new mother results in his banishment from the snowy wastelands of the windigoes, the young man, now dubbed IceHeart, will need to embrace the idea of friendship if he is to be accepted into a new society.

Note: For this story, there is a human country on Equis

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now Twilight and Sparkle are sisters from another time. Twilight is hailed as the potentially greatest light magician of all time, and already has a reputation as a hero by the time she goes to Ponyville. This isn't her story, not primarily.

Sparkle is an orphan - her dark magic killed her parents. She lives with her brother in Canterlot's industrial sector because they can't afford anything better. She can't leave either. She's a natural dark mage; while Sparkle won't go mad like Sombra, her reputation is hardly any better. Worse, the law doesn't see her as a good pony.

The fact that the dead don't stay dead around her, or that Thorn - Spike's double - is an undead, soul-eating abomination, are other matters altogether.

(Also has some Slice-of-Life, but fimfiction tags won't let me put it with Adventure.)

Has an ask blog to go with it: Ask Sparkle and Thorn.
Also has a TvTropes page: Split Second Tropes.

Featured on EQD.

Cover art by Swirling Line.

Chapters (51)

This story is a sequel to World of Ponies: The Rise of Change.

Three years have passed since Castus and his humans fled from Canterlot. In that time, they have grown and learned; living at peace in a wide open plain. But forces begin to move, that now push Equestria and the Humans into a war in which both sides are not fully prepared to face.

Awsome Cover Art is thanks to Sipioc and KickassKing. Thank you dudes, you guys are awesome. I'm honored that my story has inspired fan art :)

Chapters (30)

Batman has defeated many foes in his life. The Joker, Two Face, The Riddler, Poison Ivy...just to name a few. However, no matter how hard he tries, there was one foe he could never defeat...Time.

Finally beaten, he admits defeat, ready to give up...

But a tiny white unicorn might have something to say about that. A single word that gives him hope. A legacy. A way for Batman to conquer time itself, even if Bruce Wayne cannot.

That word...is "Father".
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to The Unity Pact 2: Shaking Foundations

Between Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 of The Unity Pact 2: Shaking Foundations, Chris Vacca becomes Princess Luna's first pupil and Luna becomes Chris's first tutor. This side story is meant to expound on that event and the sessions which follow as Chris and Luna lean more about each other's worlds, each other, and themselves.

This is the place to post any and all questions you may have regarding magic and how it works in Equestria (at least according to the world of The Unity Pact).

Chapters (8)

A surprise storm shatters reality for several hundred young college students. Follow the actions of the members of a small, but dedicated group of people as they strive, compromise, and sacrifice in the name of survival and hopefully, a nonviolence truce with those whose nation they have entered.

DISCLAIMER: many of the events depicted herein may cause some anger and confusion. Rest assured that all wrongs WILL be righted eventually. If something does not make sense, feel free to P.M. the author. He will almost always respond.

There are some similarities between this story and the exquisite works that partly inspired this story: A Voice Among The Strangers by Tystarr and also Misunderstandings by The Rogue Wolf. )

Rated Teen for foul language, racial slurs, violence, blood, sexual words and descriptions of sexual organs (but no sexual situations or sexual contact), as well as physical and mental anguish. This is not for children.

Pic is from the Discovery Channel series Survival Of The Fittest.

Chapters (41)

When Equestria accidentally opened a portal to another world, they discovered a new species: humans. Their arrival changed the world. For the Equestrian Ponies, it heralded a great cultural and technological jump needed from their stagnating way of life. For the Gryphons, however, they represented something baser: an opportunity to increase food stock and finally have a 'friendlier' predator species to ally themselves with.

For Gilda, one of the the humans was Ancestor-sent, a soul she would protect for bringing much joy to her life. And when a chain of events force her to accompany her human to Equestria, she recalls the circumstances of their meeting, the trials they pass through, the friendship forged through fire, and love born out of understanding under the harsh skies of the Kingdom.

This is her story.

"You are mine!"

~ Grizelda Behertz

Story set in The Gentlemanverse.

The Equestrian Critics Society gave this story the initial score of 8.5/10. (Full Review)

A one-shot story of the history of the Gryphon Kingdom can be found here.

OtterMatt's WRITE Review. Score: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile:

Added to Canterlot's Finest

Chapters (21)