• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012

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Hello! What to say? Ive never been good at these. Well for starters, I'm new to the world of fan-fiction and I'm an avid reader. Mmmhmm that's all I can think of for now ha ha.

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This story is a sequel to Tears in the Snow

It's been three days since Twilight found out she is pregnant. How will the Element of Magic confront dealing with her fiancé, the rigors of motherhood, and way too many hormones? With magic, and lots of bizarre food cravings.

Cover art by fuzzetch of DeviantArt

Chapters (16)

Kuno, a young changeling, is left weak, bloodied, and bruised after the events of the Canterlot wedding. She is soon discovered by Warden, a Royal Guard. But for some reason, Warden shows her mercy. Instead of taking her into the custody of the Royal Guard, he becomes both her captor and her savior. But over time, Kuno will come to ask herself the hardest question she has ever pondered: Can a changeling feel love?

Chapters (16)

Sequel to "Breaking Chaos". Pinkie Pie has been having dreams, dreams that make her wish that Discord was still with her. Six months ago, she had to give him up. Now, with Gummy in tow and three certain fillies also following her, Pinkie releases Discord and they start to think they're home free! Until a sinister character plots to ruin their would-be happy life together.

Chapters (12)

After having a conversation with Princess Celestia, Twilight finds out the Princess has never had a special somepony. When the news reaches Rarity's ears, she decides to help by brewing a Love Potion.

Unfortunately, for Rarity, Celestia drank the potion with her sister, Luna.

Chapters (2)

Silence. The golden rule is silence. Silence, and obediance.

For years, you have trained as a royal guard. Now, thanks to the fortuitous return of Shining Armour, your old-time friend and Captain, you are promoted to guarding Celestia personally. What follows, though, is the discovery of a personal side to the Sun Princess that you could never have imagined, not even in your most vivid dreams.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Tears in the Snow

Storm Blitz is displaced from his home in Cloudspire after his special talent causes several pegasi to become severely crippled. His adoptive father, the renowned politician Proud Skies, sends him to live with his grandfather in a gated off community for retired Wonderbolts. When his grandfather suddenly passes away, he goes to the only remaining relative he has, his earth pony birth father in Ponyville.

A collaboration effort between myself and OminousBrony.

Picture by askheroichamburger of DeviantArt

Chapters (25)

During Rainbow Dash's first interaction with her friends' Pony Pet Play-Date, she was determined to get herself a pet. However, the way she went about getting one didn't sit well with one particular pony. Having had enough of the Pegasus and her lack of compassion, Twilight Sparkle makes both a brave and stupid challenge that leaves Dash and the rest of her friends wondering if she had gone insane. However, Twilight was determined to teach Dash a lesson, even if it meant getting humiliated. What fate had in store for the unicorn and Pegasus was not what anypony had expected, especially Twilight and Rainbow themselves.

Chapters (6)

You are an ex-Wonderbolt. You are about twenty-four years old. The only reason you left the famous flying group is because you couldn't handle the attention you got, everywhere you went. You like to just have a small group to hang out with, and that's that. The fame of the Wonderbolts overloaded your senses, seeing as you were always getting attention, no matter where you went. So you have moved to Ponyville, where the Wonderbolts aren't as worshipped. But, what if there is one mare who does? What will happen? Why is she so willing to get close if she just met you? Are tacos better than burritos? Will I ever answer that last question? Read on!

--Just FYI this takes place about three months after FlutterYou. It isn't compulsory to read FlutterYou, but it might help. Like with FlutterYou, make sure to tear me apart for the stuff that isn't good. I can take it. I hate stuff being sugarcoated. If something is sh*t, don't hesitate to tell me so.--

Chapters (7)

Magic is supposed to be controlled, released when the caster wants it to be and in the form dictated by the spell. To Twilight's glee, she succeeds in creating a spell to see a short distance into the future after many hours of research. The test doesn't exactly go as planned, but it works just in time to save a stallion's life. As she tries to reach out to a pony who she finds has nearly given up on life, she finds to her surprise, wonder, and concern that not all facets of magic are explainable, nor the workings of the heart - especially one that has been broken.

First story in my series. Currently undergoing a massive edit, as there were a lot of errors. Chapters 1-16 completed on the edit thus far. The endings are slightly un-canon, and that will be fixed by the edit, but until I get that up, take comfort in the fact that the shift has no bearing on the rest in the series, which currently follows the alternate path. Chapters 21-24 will likely be edited the most, as they were, admittedly, kind of rushed.

Oh, on a side note, I wrote this whole thing releasing a chapter a day as a personal challenge. Not my best piece, but the one that started them all. Ending one is blatant gary stu, I'll say it now. Art by askheroichamburger of DeviantArt

Chapters (25)

Spitfire has only met Rainbow Dash a few times, but something about this lightning-fast pegasus has stayed on Spitfire's mind. Was it the fact that Rainbow Dash saved her life? Was it her steadfast determination to realize her dream of being in the Wonderbolts? Either way, Spitfire's going to find out, and all it takes is the Wonderbolts' next off weekend...

Chapters (5)