• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012

Avatar of Shadow

Hello! What to say? Ive never been good at these. Well for starters, I'm new to the world of fan-fiction and I'm an avid reader. Mmmhmm that's all I can think of for now ha ha.

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"Derpy..." He knew he needed to say something, but, well...Words had never really been Thunderlane's strong suit. Taking a quick moment to think on what would be the right thing, he hunched down next to her, resting his cheek on his own forelegs as he peered at her. "I'm glad you're not part a my family."

Her muffled sob was a very clear indication that that was decidedly not what she wanted to hear.


This is a much longer follow up to How Sweet It Is. It will definitely make more sense if you read that first!

Chapters (22)

Twilight Sparkle thinks that Cheerilee would provide a very interesting partner... to talk to... about literature. Nothing else. Right?

Chapters (20)

Luna does her best to catch up on the events of the past thousand years and ends up reading even more than Twilight.

One day, an ancient tome slips into her pile of reading material and she reads it eagerly. What she finds there may very well be the discovery of the millennium: The location of the last refuge of the humans.

With the help of Twilight and her friends, the Lunar Princess sets out on an archaeological expedition to find the very last human on the planet of Equus.

And they found one, but why is he forged in a full body armor and claims to not being a human... Well he's not one anymore.

Chapters (4)

Some Canterlot entertainers aren't just musicians... and some ponies fall in love with them anyways.

When one of Equestria's most popular cellists appears at Twilight's birthday party, it's just another gig for Octavia, but a shock for Twilight and the rest of the party-goers. She arrives, wishes Twilight a happy birthday, wows them with her beautiful music, wows them with her musical beauty, and doesn't leave until after everypony else has left. So when a few ponies suggest that this 'entertainer' might be more than just a musician... some eyebrows are raised, but nothing more. Twilight is beyond reproach, after all, and Octavia can earn her living however she wants. When she sticks around Ponyville, however, it becomes a slightly different story - Twilight is romantically-naive, after all, and Octavia is... most certainly not.

The romance of Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's protege, and Octavia van Clef, Canterlot's most famous entertainer.

Rated 'Teen'. Per FimFiction's rating guidelines, this story contains some 'more adult themes', but has no 'graphically adult content'. Rated primarily for sexually suggestive material, but also (in later chapters) alcohol use and adult language.

Chapters (11)

There's been another sighting of the mysterious Mare Do Well...but this time, all of Rainbow Dash's friends plead ignorance, insisting that they've put aside their costumes for good. Rainbow Dash is determined to uncover the masked mare's true identity before she's humiliated yet again, but this time around, the vigilante seems especially interested in her as well. Will Rainbow Dash be able to solve the mystery before the culprit takes the hoax too far? Or is she in danger of losing not only her mind, but her heart?

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (22)

Caramel can't seem to do anything right. When he finds he has a crush on a certain purple unicorn, this proves doubly true.

Story now coming out Bi-weekly thanks to Sanctus, more soon!

Chapters (12)

Big Macintosh had a perfectly good reason for taking Twilight's doll; he wanted to use it to finally start a conversation with her. But Applejack's having none of it, Rarity's getting the wrong idea about everything, and the Cutie Mark Crusader Matchmakers are about to really throw a spanner in the works! A comedy of errors launching a full fleet of ships.

Chapters (7)

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. But mine, the story of my life, is far from interesting. My hobbies, my work, my cutie mark, all are dull. Flowers and poems ruled my life, until I fell in love.

My name is Roseluck, and this is the only story I have worth telling.

Chapters (7)

“The stars are out and shining,/But all I really want to know,/Oh, won't you show me the way./I want you to show me the way.” –Peter Frampton, ‘Show Me The Way’

Sequel: "Vanilla Twilight"

Big Macintosh is dragged to a party where he feels out of place. It seems, however, that there is a pony there to keep him company. It seems to be the start of a great friendship between the red stallion and the purple unicorn.

Image created by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.

Chapters (4)

The Sequel to 'Faith and Doubt'.

It's been two months since the changeling attack and Shining's almost-wedding and much has changed. Twilight Sparkle is now an alicorn and has left Equestria to master her new powers. The sixth element of harmony, the corrupt abstract Doubt, has been reborn in his original form: Faith. He, along with Spike, have gone with Twilight as she sought to heal after the betrayal by her friends and family.

But Twilight's return to Ponyville will not be a happy one; in her absence her friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have been turned into alicorns themselves and the embodiments of their elements. They have seized power and now rule Equestria with iron hooves, using banned magic to turn their friends and family into zealots that obey their every command.

To save Equestria, Twilight will have to do the unthinkable: form a rebellion and declare war on her friends. But will she be willing to make the tough decisions... even if it means choosing between friendship and freedom?

Everything is bad in large doses.

Thank you to all that got this story featured!

The TVTropes page for Faith and Doubt/The Abundance can be found here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/FaithAndDoubt

Cover by the wonderful FerGarcia220!

Chapters (51)