• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012

Avatar of Shadow

Hello! What to say? Ive never been good at these. Well for starters, I'm new to the world of fan-fiction and I'm an avid reader. Mmmhmm that's all I can think of for now ha ha.

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Total Words: 33,316,108
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When Spitfire finds herself grounded on the team injured list just before a show in Manehatten, she prepares for her life to crumble around her. The experience leads her to come across Rainbow Dash, temporarily managing the Manehatten weather teams. The two fliers will discover that sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest ones.

The Sequel: Feathers of Blue and Gold is out now!
Review in progress by Inky J
Video Review by Goomba Brony!
Video review by the wonderful ChaoticSeven!
Edited by the wonderful Taxus, Sorren, and Sojourner.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (43)

Over the course of a thousand years of monotonous rule, Celestia no longer understands how to connect to ponies, and doesn't bother. But when Twilight Sparkle makes her bombastic appearance, the Princess cannot help be interested.

Featured on Equestria Daily, December 29, 2011

Chapters (4)

Every month, Octavia plays privately for Princess Luna as she paints the night sky. Each time, Octavia feels that familiar feeling, one she's rarely ever felt before. Now she has decided that it is time to announce these feelings. However, she has a secret, one she has kept for longer than she can remember. But surely the Princess of the Night would be able to understand her own creation, right?

Artwork by Johanpok
Dramatic Reading of All the Stars in the Sky

Chapters (1)

On a trip to visit Twilight's parents in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity find themselves in an unusual situation. Can they straighten everything out before they have to return to Ponyville?

Chapters (6)

Returning home from a busy day, an unexpected sight leads one mare to realize what it truly takes to be a friend, and what it really means to be “genuine”.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle may believe in Pinkie Pie's myriad abilities, but when an opportunity to study them from a perspective she never thought possible arises, how can she resist the chance at the understanding she's always truly wanted? More importantly, can Ponyville survive the trade-off necessary for this opportunity?

Chapters (5)

She never expected to see a golden chariot flying over Ponyville. She never expected just how much her life would change. She never expected Twilight Sparkle … and Twilight Sparkle most certainly never expected Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (7)

At first, Chrysalis loathed him; the dumb-as-a-brick woodspony who goes by the name of Evergreen. But through circumstance, he is her only savior. And slowly, she comes to love the simple pony and his way of life. But her life as a changeling keeps holding her back. Will there be a happily ever after for them? Or are they doomed for failure?

*Comments contain massive spoilers!*

Check out the Sequel, Antecedent! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/25117/Antecedent

Cover art by Ink-Flow!

Edited version helped along by Fernin and Burraku_Pansa.

Chapters (16)

Dismayed after her loss to Chrysalis, Celestia departs the royal wedding reception early, retreating to her royal chambers to console herself with a bottle of wine. Concerned for her sister, Luna soon follows to check up on her...

(Rated Teen for tipsy princesses, and thanks to Junglepony for the cover art!)

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night! Rainbow Dash's favourite time of the year.

Well, it would be if she wasn't cooped up amongst the upper-class of Canterlot.

Taking matters into her own hooves, Rainbow Dash breaks out an old costume and goes to show the Canterlot elite what a real nightmare night is like.
Little does she know somepony else already has the same idea...

Chapters (1)