• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012

Avatar of Shadow

Hello! What to say? Ive never been good at these. Well for starters, I'm new to the world of fan-fiction and I'm an avid reader. Mmmhmm that's all I can think of for now ha ha.

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You're a letter-sorting unicorn who works at the same post office as Ditzy Doo. Sure, you're both good buddies, but a small part of you wonders if you could be something more. One day, Ditzy gives you a gift...

Chapters (6)

Sundude and Moonbro are the most close of all brothers, but their life has some wicked sick surprises in store for them. Luckily, they are chill dudes and know how to handle the situation when things get sketch.

Chapters (11)

A strange dream leads Twilight Sparkle to embark on a quest to find the mysterious moonflowers - and perhaps also her heart's deepest desires.

Illustration by the awesome famosity

Chapters (1)

[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Applejack]

With a history of theft and deception behind you, you make the best for yourself through possessions belonging to others. Or, rather, the possessions that once belonged to others. With no need for a steady line of work, you keep yourself afloat through your occupation as a master thief.

But when a heist goes awry, you're left at the mercy of a simple apple farmer...

Author's Note: Alrighty! Here's a new one!

Uh...I really don't know what to say here. Compared to Rejuvenate, I planned this one out WAY more, so hopefully you won't find it as sloppy.

Won't be incredibly saucy. At the most, I'm predicting this one to be about the [Tender] rating.

Enjoy, folks!

Artwork by Graffston of dA.

Chapters (15)

After the War of the Ring and the return of peace to Middle-earth, Gandalf the White departs for Equestria to visit two old friends of his; specifically, a certain pair of alicorn sisters.

Yet he does not foresee that Equestria, like ponykind, has changed with the years since his previous visit, and so he is quite unprepared for what lies ahead. Can the Wizard endure the trials that this new journey will bring? Surely, but only if he makes a few more friends along the way.

Six more, to be exact.

Written with a heavily Tolkien-influenced style, which has been sampled by:


Countless thanks for your help, guys!

(Originally posted on 8/21/12 on FIMfiction. This is written by an author that has only seen the films and has yet to finish the books, so there may be slight discrepancies.)

Chapters (4)

This is the story of a young pegasus stallion, or you specifically. After the passing of your mother, and your ever increasing distant father, your brother has never felt safe in the cloud home. Afraid of heights and normal life in Cloudsdale, you decide to abandon your former life to start a new one on the ground, in a town called Ponyville. While there you find a cute mare that runs the local post office who goes by the name of Ditzy Doo.

Chapters (15)

Twilight Sparkle starts to develop strange and alarming symptoms after learning that Rainbow Dash helped her earn her cutie mark.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle decides to get farming lessons from Ponyville's premier farmers...Big Macintosh Apple. Apple Bloom sees this as an opportunity to set up the two single ponies. But she'll need Twilight's number one assistant, Spike, to help as well. Twilight could never imagine somepony as handsome as Big Macintosh being interested in some egghead unicorn. While Big Macintosh can't imagine someone as well read and beautiful as Twilight Sparkle being interested in a simple farm colt. But drama from Twilight's past may keep her from risking everything on true happiness.

This isn't the first fan fiction I've started working on, but it is the first I've chosen to post on here. I know TwiMac fiction has been done many times, and many of the elements here will be recognized in other people's stories. But I love the idea of these two being together. It's the whole opposites attract angle. Sure the most popular is FlutterMac, but to me the problem with that is both are so soft spoken I can't see their relationship being all that interesting. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but to me these two are the ideal shipping. I hope you enjoy ^_^

Chapters (12)

After Rarity falls for a new prince, Spike is infuriated for wasting five years of his life trying to please her. So Twilight, being the good friend she is, decides to calm him down as much as she can. However, she may have been a little too nice to him, because later that night Spike begins to have romantic dreams about her. At first they horrify him, but eventually he begins to like them. Then he finally begins to understand why he keeps having these dreams; he's beginning to fall in love with his best friend, but will she return his affection or leave him out in the cold like Rarity?

[Image is made by jenasu on Deviantart.]

Chapters (8)

Rainbow finally takes a chance with Twilight and her dreams come true as a result. But, enduring everything that happens in any relationship, both good and bad, can they create something truly permanent? Will their relationship weather the trials and tribulations or will it crash and burn all around them?

This is my first serious attempt at writing so all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Big thanks to Fox-Sama for his help prereading/editing and also giving me the confidence to go through and post this in the first place. Go check out his story too.
Big shout out to shadowsreached as well for being an awesome prereader/editor.
Thanks goes to MajorWheat and Hellpony for choosing to help me out. I appreciate it guys.

Cover art used with permission and made by NyuuChanDiannePie on DeviantArt. Go check him out, he does AMAZING Twidash art.

Characters property of Hasbro. I own nothing.

Chapters (4)