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This story is a sequel to Upheaval: Breaking Point

Following the events of Breaking Point, Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover that Equestria's demise may not come from an enemy invasion, but from within. The Barrier Lands and the Heartland begin the slow and uneasy process of reuniting into a single Equestria, but this long-delayed joining is already in danger at its conception.

With Celestia's power in her grasp and her agents by her side, the wheels of Black Rose's plans for Equestria's future continue to turn. However, her brazen gamble has done more than just bring down a centuries-old barrier. Ancient powers begin to stir: the remnants of a dark period in Equestria's history, the immortal inhabitants of Celestia's homeworld, and a rising tide of darkness coming ever closer.

Chapters (61)

Equestria is a land of magic and harmony, a peaceful realm ruled by immortal and benevolent monarchs. At what cost is this possible?

Following the discovery of a strange and powerful device, Twilight Sparkle is whisked away to the edges of a land she thought she knew so well. Here, surrounded by ponies whose very existences have been kept secret, she must contend with vicious enemies, hostile allies, and the truth.

Chapters 1-16 edited by KiltedKey

Chapters (48)

It's been five years since Spike last saw Twilight Sparkle, or any of his old friends for that matter. He's since joined the Royal Guard, and was placed into the Investigation Bureau, and moved on from his childhood. Or so he thought. He picks up a lead one day to a string of recent murders linked to a new and upcoming gang, comprised of people he long thought gone. Spike finds an unexpected ally, one that he used to be quite close to. With their help, perhaps they can stop this gang once and for all.

120% Co-written with We'll_Never_Know. I take only half the credit for the story, as for we both worked together, and put in an equal amount of effort to write this.

Image made by Junker-kun.

Chapters (2)

In an Equestria where Discord never was, and the Pony Princesses never came to power, a young Twilight Sparkle loses her family in a crowd during the Summer Sun Celebration. Little does she know that her very existence is about to set a series of events into motion that will take her far beyond the borders of Equestria itself—and change the fates of both her nation and her life, forever.

Chapters (5)

Everybody has wondered what it would be like to go somewhere else, to just leave all of their problems behind and make a new life for themselves somewhere else. Nobody ever stops to think ‘Hey? What if I actually did go somewhere new and I missed this place more?’ No, nobody ever says that, because we are sure that our fantasy worlds are the bees’ knees and we would never want to return. Let me tell you, that is not always the case. Let’s rewind and take it from the top, shall we?

Chapters (24)

[[On HIATUS temporarily awaiting completion of another story, then a partial re-write]]
To save Humanity, would you be willing to bring about its end?
To preserve lives, is it viable to alter them so deeply?

See how it all began;
The Bureaus, the PER, the HLF...

This is not your granddaddy's Conversion Bureau.
Welcome to a TCB world where Equestrians aren’t high-hoofed moralists, but merely a species offering us friendship and an escape in time of need.

A world where humanity isn’t entirely a race of misanthropic proto-apes bent on ruining the planet, but a proud species, with a history of successes and failures both, who’s luck simply ran out.

A world where we haven’t completely given up on our other options.
Where the PER become more aggressive, more well equipped, and more well led.
Where the HLF rise to the cusp of gaining access to WMDs.

Where, one day, Ponies won’t be the only option.

But for now, they are the Threshold of a new era.

This is the prequel to Option Gamma.
It explores the inception of my take on the TCB universe.
(Option Gamma may be read before this (which will result in some very mild partial spoilers), or after. Either should be enjoyable. I hope.)

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle is called away to tend to Luna when she falls ill. As Luna grows sicker and Twilight more determined to help the younger princess, she begins to uncover dark secrets about the elements, the alicorns, and her own past.

Chapters (9)

A diplomatic crisis arises between Equestria and the small, poor kingdom of Tarandroland, ancestral home of the reindeer. Celestia and Luna agree that it is time Luna takes a more active hand in foreign relations again, and Luna brings Twilight with her as someone she actually trusts and can talk to. But the mission turns out to be much more than political discussions - if scheming unicorn courtiers, unfriendly surly reindeer, bloodthirsty pirates, ancient sorcery and dangerous monsters weren't enough, our heroines must deal with something old - older than Luna. And is Luna really ready for diplomatic action, will Twilight learn to use a fan properly, and exactly how wrong are Spike's superhero comics about reindeer mythology?

Now has a TV tropes page

Chapters (56)

Magic is a peculiar force. It lives in and through everypony, but none more so than Twilight Sparkle, the famous element of magic. In her mission to ascertain the true nature of magic and its most basic origins, she accidentally finds herself in a new plane of existence where light and dark are neither the same nor different. The world of twilight opens up to her, unleashing her true power and self. But in the process a shadow creeps forth, threatening to forever eclipse the land that is Equestria. What does it truly mean to be A Twilight Princess?

Cover Image by me.
-Hopefully it's not that bad. I don't usually do digital art. I'm much more fond of the pencil like my profile pic.

Chapters (6)

After receiving a letter from Princess Celestia, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity venture out to Canterlot and trigger a series of events as they discover their true lineage, and uncover centuries worth of untold secrets.

Chapters (2)