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In the middle of the night, Princess Cadence and her husband are woken by the news that a Changeling drone has been captured. The creature is alone and unaggressive, showing no wish to attack or change shape. Its fate is decided without much difficulty--as an obvious reject of the Swarm and a threat to Cadence's people, it must be destroyed.
But this is no ordinary drone. It can speak, and appears to be separate from the hive mind of the Swarm. It claims to have been sent as an ambassador--Chrysalis, queen of the Changelings, wants to forge an alliance with Cadence's kingdom.
But why now? Why send this strangely intelligent drone? And how will Cadence's people react to learning that their rulers are harboring a Changeling?

WARNING: Contains an OC, much headcanon speculation, and possibly violence/gore further in.

(Image courtesy of the talented Hero, my good friend and artist.)

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to Equestria's Crazies

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

It has been over two hundred years since Discord, the god of chaos, and Nightmare Moon - or Pleasant Dreams as she's now known as - bringer of eternal night, were released from their prisons. Surprisingly, everything went better than expected; they have become successful co-rulers of Equestria. But that's not the shocking part. Twelve years ago, they had a child; Lucid Dream, a Draconequus filly with the powers of a god at her disposal. She'll be driving everybody up the walls, though she'll have to be careful; her aunt Princess Celestia has eyes everywhere and her teacher knows all the tricks of the trade. But Dream has many friends, and whether or not her parents want her to, she's going to she's going to be stirring up quite a bit of chaos.

Because sometimes Equestria is just crazy.


Chapters (13)

What do you do when your taken from your home and dropped into a new world? What do you do when you only know bits and pieces of this new world? and what do you do when you have a tender life to look out for while you adjust to this new world? These are the questions Andy must answer after he has been pulled into Equestria.

Chapters (11)

After an unknown accident Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves sharing the same body! Now they must struggle to hold themselves together as their world is turned upside down. How long can two ponies exist in a single mind? It’s a race against time as they search for answers before it’s too late. When all is said and done, you’ll never look at Twilight Dash the same way again.

Chapters (15)

Colgate hosts a slumber party to show off her new Pony Haystation console, but the only ponies who show up are Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. Being a scientist, Twilight decides to get close and personal with the one of the contollers, and ultimately gets herself in a bind (quite literally), while Pinkie feeds everypony with some suspicious sweets, making sure that this night will be special for Twilight and Colgate.

PS. I would like to thank Mr. Tangent for his funny little picture that gave me the fic's idea in the first place!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Oldnew Luna

Twilight and Luna have now been living together for two years. Luna regains her powers over the night sky and the pair must move to Canterlot for Luna to once more take up her duties.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle is called to Canterlot Castle where something has happened to Princess Luna that has reverted her to a weakened state, she has to live with Twilight whilst she recuperates her magic.

Chapters (22)

A scientist seeks growth and despises stagnation. Five years in Ponyville has been long enough, and Twilight Sparkle is searching for an out. She jumps on the opportunity to travel under Princess Luna's personal tutelage. Things invariably go wrong.

Chapters (1)

Orphaned from birth, with only the memories of a soft touch and gentle voice to remember her by, Twilight yearns for her mother. What pony wouldn't want to know why they were abandoned, why they were left to be found by the Princess of the Sun herself.

That was nearly two decades ago though. Twilight was older now, and hopefully wiser. She is happy with her two best friends, Cadance and Shining Armor. They are like family to her, the brother and sister she never could have. Though dreams still haunt the young mare, dreams of lullabies and tender kisses, she has moved on.

The personal servant to the Princess of Helios, the land of the Sun, Twilight enjoyed both rank, and knowledge. But it also means that when Princess Luna comes to visit her old friend, Twilight is given the task of tending her. The Princess has come in search of marriage, at the behest of her ruling Council. They demand an heir to ward off the potentially catastrophic attacks of the neighboring dragons.

Soon, Twilight will be tested and tried. She will be given the a choice between the life she has known, and the duty she is sworn to. But never, not once, will she forget.

For who can stop loving their mother.

Chapters (23)

On secret assignment from Princess Celestia herself, Twilight investigates a powerful magical artifact for clues to the mystery of Luna's transformation in the evil Nightmare Moon. Incautious use of the artifact sends Twilight hurtling back in time. Can Twilight discover what caused Luna's transformation? And will she ever make it home again?

Kickass cover art used with permission from Bitz.

Chapters (11)