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It is three months after the Royal Wedding, and normalcy has returned to Equestria... for the most part. Pinkie is the same old Pinkie, Rainbow Dash is still addicted to the Wonderbolts, Rarity is still trying to learn Prench... but for Twilight, things are not the same. Ever since the Wedding, she's noticed an almost unnoticeable distance from her friends and from Celestia. This alone would be enough to bother her, but to make matters worse, she has been tormented by a dream that she cannot remember and physically cannot rest for fear of.

The tension is building, and something is bound to snap. If you've felt death and loneliness... what would you do to keep your loved ones from suffering the same fate?

Hello, this is your author speaking.
I know you're anxious to get to reading the story with the cryptic description would just like to point out a couple things before you get reading.

First of all, this is my first MLP fanfic, and it is set as an AU beginning just after the S2 finale, so I would appreciate constructive criticism. Not flaming or silent downvotes; give me criticism!
Secondly, it is important to understand that the AU tag seen above possesses two meanings. Not only is it an AU in the literal sense as it utilizes my own expansive worldcanon (dubbed Nidus) but in addition to that, it is an AU in that it does not accept the events of season three as canon. This is due to it chronologically beginning only 3 months after season two. The events of season three may appear, but they will likely be warped.
Lastly, I need to point out that I will probably be editing the tags and characters as this story goes. This being my first story, I'll need time to get a handle on the nuances of the submission system.
Thirdly, Please tell me if any of the fonts I use in the story go wrong. There are bound to be a few errors even with my prereading, so if you find them do say something.
Finally, I'd like to thank RoseyTail for her permission to use this marvelous image as my cover.

Thank you, and enjoy the story of Dark Horizons.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia writes a report to her teacher on what she has learned about mortality.

On EQD Sept. 7, 2012.
Hungarian translation by Shidotoku
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.

Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.

Chapters (23)

This is a direct side-story spinoff to "A Twist in the Tail".

Edge used to be human. She used to be a man. Then one day, she was foolish enough to break into a Conversion Bureau to steal some Potion. Believing it all to be a plot to 'scoop out the brains of humans', he downs it. She wakes up as a pegasus pony with an audience with the princesses...

For her crimes, she is sentenced to community service.

This won't end well ;)

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Ambassador's Son

Lord Sapphire lays dead and Tacksworn is in ruins, but Chiphoof Irontail has come home to his adoptive father, Sharptooth the dragon. Amidst the destruction and chaos, the community and the circles of friendship within must rise again to face an uncertain future. The young scion of the Diamond Expanse Clan must now face his greatest threat as the forces of war build to a crescendo. With his friends by his side, together they will uncover forbidden mysteries and face off against ancient powers that have lain dormant for centuries.

Chapters (27)

I'm not proud of this fic by any means, it was my first, and by far my least favorite. Go ahead and hate it, I have to partially agree with you.

A chronicle of the precursing events and the ultimate conflict which left the world in the hooves of ponies. The first story of many which will revolve around this conflict, The War of the Fallen Race details one man's struggle to survive in a world fighting against him and his race.

Chapters (37)

The Doctor has had a good, long run through time and space with Ditzy Doo. But it is that time again for him to regenerate bodies. But this time, it seems... different...
What would happen if The Doctor regenerated... as a mare?

Chapters (4)

When a deep state of depression hits him, Drew realizes that his only option is put an end to his own life, but what happens if a certain blue Alicorn doesn't want him to die?

Follow Drew in his journey into a completely new world, a world of hope, joy and pastel ponies!

A.N. yes, I know, this is another "human in Equestria" story...

Chapters (6)

The Nightmare. They thought they'd destroyed her with their little 'ray of harmony'.
They were delusional if they believed that.
She'd never be truly defeated - only delayed until she found her next victim. Luna had been weak, despite her title of princess. But now she'd found someone much better for the job.

Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (9)

I'm Griffin, not much else to it. I've been bullied most of my life, which left me bitter and sarcastic. I'm a closet brony. What? You think I'm just gonna go out and tell a world that hates me that I watch a cartoon intended for little girls? I don't feel like giving the punks at school any more ammo. That's when cosmic powers decide I need to take a trip to my favorite fantasy land. But all is not sunshine and rainbows and it certainly won't be after I'm done with it. Equestria from the point of view of an extremely pissed off teenager, with a twist. Rust, the author of 'The Ballad of Echo the Diamond dog' is awesomesauce enough to have a cross over between our stories. Carnelian is a boss when it comes to art. Part of the 'Chess Game of the Gods'.

Violence, gratuitous swearing, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (101)