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[Second person fiction between you and Luna]This story is a more realistic take on a pony X royal sister fiction in the sense of how it would actually happen. After a spell cast by Princess Celestia goes awry.....you, a simple brony, have been sent directly to Equestria. No, no instant cutie marks or instant shipping is in this fiction. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. However, if you don't like human in Equestria stories OR steamy scenes, then stay away from this fiction. Simple as that.

Chapters (3)

This is an idea that wouldn't leave my head, inspired by Fairy Slayer's "Mommy Nearest," Aldea Donder's "Alicorn," SoundofRainfall's "Play" and RainbowDoubleDash's "Lunaverse"

Alternate Universe: Instead of Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia made Rainbow Dash her personal student instead! Follow her through the events of the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration. A reimagining of "Friendship is Magic"

Chapters (35)

Twilight Sparkle awakens in Canterlot, to her confusion, and finds no means of contacting her friends back in Ponyville. Perplexed, she seeks out the Princess for advice, but finds herself finding more questions than answers. What starts as a simple issue of waking up in the wrong bed becomes...

Chapters (20)

What should one do when they find their current knowledge lacking? After the changeling attack, Twilight has to answer that question and for her the solution is simple enough. But her chosen path may yet turn out to be her downfall. Will the cost of knowledge be too high? Or will she be victorious in her journey into the paths of darker magic? One way or another Twilight will find it out as she learns under her new teacher. There is however one thing everypony close to Twilight should remember, that history likes to repeat itself...


A/N: Tags will probably be added as the story progresses. Updates may be irregular. Flames will be ignored, constructive criticism is welcomed. Now the image: background by me (and it shows), NMM recolor by DoctorXFizzle.

Chapters (14)

I was the Element of Magic. I was the saviour of Equestria. Now i am something more.

For millennia, magic in Equestria has been a force for good. Unicorns and Alicorns have used their spells for the prosperity of ponykind, and the Element of Magic has saved the land countless times, or so i thought.
I saw secrets of magic that far exceed the experience of any Alicorn. I have trifled with powers that transcend the Elements of Harmony themselves.
I have seen it all, and i have learned to control it from a master i though lost for the ages.

I walked the Road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The History Of The Human War

First state visit to The Human Refuge's home, Luna Aeternal is happening. What will happen? Twilight Sparkle accompanies Princess Luna as she visits the human colony on the moon. What kind of place is the mysterious human home? What will she find there? And will they survive the visit without restarting the most devastating war in the history of Equesteria?

Sort of sequel to The History of Human War. Originally planned to just add this to that fic, but it kept growing until I had to split it into two parts and then it kept growing until it started to be longer than other "After The War" chapters combined. So now it is its own story. Enjoy.

Chapters (9)

A collection of stories that follow Soarin's life as he finds love and learns the true meaning of family and parenting.
These stories take place in the same universe as'Parenthood'

Unexpected Love: As a Wonderbolt, Soarin' could have any mare he wants, but he doesn't want just any mare. He wants a special mare. Twilight has never been interested in romance, and as she tells herself: 'The future of Equestria doesn't depend on me falling in love.' That all changes when she meets a certain Wonderbolt.

Love and Family: It has been months into Soarin' and Twilight's relationship, and everyday Soarin' finds himself loving her more and more, but dating a Wonderbolt has a cost. It means missed dates and late dinners, and now Soarin' can't help but feel that his absence is slowly breaking Twilight's heart. Will he be able to show Twilight his undying love for her and will he be able to convince Twilight's father to trust him?

To be a Parent: Soarin' had been married to Twilight for almost a year now. He is now living in the Library with Twilight and he hasn't been happier. Until one day they find out that there is going be an addition to the family and they were going to be a parents. Leaving Twilight wondering if she is ready to be a mother and if Soarin' is ready to be a father. With the help and their friends and family, a library of books, and the knowledge that they love their foals they start the journey of parenting.

What Makes a Parent: What does it mean to be a Mother? A father? Is it simply raising a foal or something more? Is loving a foal enough to be a good parent? Soarin' and Twilight ask themselves these questions. When Soarin' is confronted by his past; is he ready face it? And can he forgive, or are there offences that are unforgivable?

Cover Art by: Twilove

Chapters (28)

Twilight is trapped, and Chrysalis is to blame. But where, how, and most importantly... why? Twilight's not even sure she'll survive, and without her friends to help her, she has to face the Queen alone. What will she do? What can she do? Only time will tell.
(Made and uploaded cover art. It's hideous, but it'll do for now.)
(Leave a like, comment and let me know what you like and what you don't, be social and enjoy the story if it's your type of story)

Chapters (10)

For most foals, a magical surge results in a couple hours of frantic searching. For Twilight Sparkle, a magical surge vaporised an entire Canterlot block and killed hundreds. Having spent the last ten years as a fugitive running from the law, she is tired of her life and all she desires is for the nightmare to end. With one last night before she turns herself in, she spends it with her one and only friend - Trixie.

Proof-read and editted by Sabre and Some Person (Thanks!)

Chapters (1)

I've spent the majority of my life tilling the desolate land in which I live. Every day, I wake up to move useless rocks from one location to another. This is an archaic line of work that my family has clung to for generations. It is a dull, grey existence.

Today, I have woken up in a strange room, lying in a bed that isn't mine. I'm surrounded by five mares whom I've never seen in my life. They claim to be my friends, and expect me to bring joy to the hearts of everypony.

Joy? I don't think I've ever experienced this for myself, so how am I supposed to thrust it upon others?

My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, and I'm not sure what to make of this situation.

Chapters (11)